Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 294 303 [Good Power]

Chapter 294 303 [Good Power]

The appearance of Huang Jun instantly heated up the atmosphere at the scene. You must know that Huang Jun is not a good man or a faithful woman.Since he is nicknamed "Ax Jun" and "Jian Donghu Zhonghu", we know how hot his temper is.

At this moment, Huang Jun had the scars caused by Jin Jiu not long ago on his face, squinting his eyes, smoking a cigarette, and staring at Brother Tyrannosaurus in front of him with a half-smile.

Brother Tyrannosaurus couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Although his Tyrannosaurus was the leader of Hesheng and Wanchai, to be honest, his strength was a lot inferior to Huang Jun, especially Huang Jun is still a famous lunatic, and he likes to take an ax the most. Cutting off people's palms, he doesn't want to have no arms around pretty girls.

But in front of the beauties around him, he can't lose the limelight, otherwise he won't be able to play around in the future.

Immediately, Tyrannosaurus raised his voice and said, "I thought who it was, it turned out to be Ax Jun who watched the scene—why, I heard that you took a team to find something not long ago, but in the end you were single-handedly KO'd by a continental guy , By the way, it’s even disfigured...he made the scar on your face, right? It looks cool, do you want me to call you Scar Jun from now on?"

Listening to the sarcasm and ridicule of Brother Tyrannosaurus, in the past, he would have been violent with Axe Jun, but today, the big brother has important things to do, and no one can spoil the atmosphere. Brother said: "Give me some face first, I will be the host another day, and I invite you to drink!"

Seeing that the ax was handsome and soft, Brother Tyrannosaurus couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and seeing the two girls in his arms looking at him with adoring eyes, Brother Tyrannosaurus' heart felt so happy.

In order to show off his prestige, Brother Tyrannosaurus went even further and said, "What are you talking about? Let me give you face, who are you? Zhongyou, I came here to give money, but you stopped me outside. Is this kind of business?" He deliberately took out a large handful of banknotes and shook them in front of Huang Jun.

Seeing that Brother Tyrannosaurus is so ungrateful, Huang Jun's anger was forced out, and he stared at Brother Tyrannosaurus closely with fierce eyes.

Brother Tyrannosaurus was a little scared, so he boldly said: "You can leave if you want, at least you have to give me an explanation!"

"Do you want to explain?" Huang Jun smiled, very evil and cruel.

He hooked his fingers at the yellow-haired pony and said to him, "Come here!"

The yellow-haired pony came up to him, and said respectfully, "What orders does the boss have?"

With a slap, Huang Jun shook his hand and slapped him.

Huang Mao stood firmly with his hands behind his back, not moving.

clap clap clap!
Huang Jun continued to slap Huang Mao's mouth, but his eyes were fixed on Brother Tyrannosaurus.

In less than half a minute, the yellow-haired pony was already maimed, his mouth was bleeding, and his cheeks were even more swollen.

With a slap, Huang Jun continued to slap Huang Mao hard, blood splashed from Huang Mao's mouth, and splashed on Brother Tyrannosaurus' face.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!" Brother Tyrannosaurus hurriedly wiped the blood stains with his hands disgustingly.

Huang Jun sneered, and asked Brother Tyrannosaurus: "Are you satisfied now?"

Brother Tyrannosaurus' eyelids twitched, and he hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, don't hit me! I know you are saving my face, so forget it this time, let's not make an example!"

After finishing speaking, Tyrannosaurus felt that he seemed a little timid, so he asked again: "But I am very curious, like you, Ye Paris, you will not be easily booked by others, and who is the boss who booked the venue tonight?"

Seeing the Tyrannosaurus asking a question, Huang Jun's brows twitched, and he said, "If you shouldn't ask, don't ask."

The Tyrannosaurus was a little ashamed, and just about to get mad, he saw a black Mercedes-Benz car driving towards Paris at night.

Seeing this car, Huang Jun's eyes narrowed and sparkled.

Brother Tyrannosaurus immediately felt the evil spirit emanating from Axe Jun.

"Could this be the boss who booked the venue?" Brother Typhoon stood on tiptoe, raised his chin, and looked towards the Mercedes-Benz with the two beauties in his arms.


In plain sight——
The black Mercedes-Benz car stopped slowly, and then a person got out of the car. He was 1.9 meters tall and had a big shiny bald head. He didn't know how he got into the car.

When the man got out of the car, he acted as if he was number one in the world, and looked around, as if he was not afraid of anyone.

Especially when the bald man glanced at Brother Tyrannosaurus, for some reason, Brother Tyrannosaurus shivered.

"Could it be that this is the owner of the venue? A guest who wants to negotiate with Brother **?" Brother Typhoon is not an incompetent person. He has heard a lot of gossip. He knows that tonight is special. Brother ** seems to be negotiating with Brother ** People negotiate, but I didn't expect that the place I chose would be here.

The bald man glanced at Brother Tyrannosaurus, showing disdain for Brother Tyrannosaurus, but soon, the bald man's eyes fixed on Jun Ax next to Brother Tyrannosaurus.

Then, a scene that surprised Brother Tyrannosaurus appeared.

I saw the bald man arrogantly raised his middle finger at Fu Toujun, and then with a grin on the corner of his mouth, he made a knife with his hand and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Looking at the always violent Axe Jun, this guy actually... held back the humiliation from the bald man.

This time, Brother Tyrannosaurus feels like a dog-how is it possible?This Jiandong Overlord Ax Toujun who dares to pull the Governor of Hong Kong off his horse by pouring a few catties of yellow soup, who is not a bird, is not afraid of anyone, is scared!

In fact, at this time, Axe Jun——Huang Jun, felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He could see clearly that the bald man who got off the Mercedes was the guy who single-handedly defeated him last time.

Axe Jun has inquired about this bald guy named "Jin Jiu", who is Song Zhichao's bodyguard brought from Pan Yu, with rough skills and boundless strength.

Although Futou Jun and Jin Jiu only fought once, Futou Jun knew that he was playing with a small axe, while the opponent was playing with a giant axe, especially the shocking ax last time, which was still fresh in Futou Jun's memory and turned into a nightmare several times. Woke him up in the middle of the night.

Although Huang Jun has always been arrogant, being arrogant is not the same as being stupid. He clearly knows that there is a big gap between himself and this bald guy Jin Jiu, at least in terms of strength.

So Huang Jun always comforted himself, don't take revenge on this Jin Jiu easily, after all, the other party is just a mainlander rushing to the street, just like a stone in a latrine, there is no reason to go head-to-head with him.I have status and status in the Jianghu, so why should the jade break the porcelain.

But now, seeing Jin Jiu, Ax Jun knew that the way the opponent raised the giant ax had inadvertently turned into a shadow in his heart, causing him to almost collapse.

Just when Fu Toujun was holding his breath and trembling all over, he saw the door of the driver's seat of the Mercedes-Benz opened, and another fierce man who was about the height of Jin Jiu and about the same size got out of the car.

Although this man was slightly shorter than Jin Jiu, his body was thicker, and he looked like a giant bear.If you are familiar with the two evil gods around Song Zhichao, you know that this giant man is another madman from Pan Yu's side——Niu Xiong.

Brother Tyrannosaurus, who was watching not far away, couldn't help but swallowed, feeling that today was such a bad day, that he saw two peerless hunks at once.

Could it be said that mainlanders are all grown up eating catalysts, and they all look so strong?Brother Tyrannosaurus couldn't help feeling inferior. The reason why he was called Tyrannosaurus was because of his burly physique, but compared with these two mainlanders, he was a real dinosaur, and he was at most an alpaca.

Seeing Niu Xiong's appearance, Ax Jin frowned even more, at this moment a voice of gnashing teeth came from beside him: "So it's this one rushing to the street!"

Fu Toujun turned his head and saw that Li Tailong, the "King of the East", Li Yutian, the "Tiger of the East", and Chen Yaoxing, the "Tiger of Wanchai", approached at some time.

The person who spoke just now was Li Tailong who had fought against Niu Xiong.The last time Niu Xiong fought against him, Li Tailong was at a disadvantage, making him unable to hold his head up in front of his brothers.Niu Xiong smashed all kinds of tricks with one punch, which made Li Tailong feel ashamed in front of the boss.

It can be said that compared to Huang Jun's resentment at being disadvantaged by Jin Jiu, Li Tailong's mood when facing Niu Xiong is also very sour.

Looking at Brother Tyrannosaurus again, I didn't expect that the four fierce men from Xin Ngee'an's "Five Tigers and Ten Heroes" would appear at the same time, and Brother Tyrannosaurus shrank his head in fright. The little sister said in her mouth: "It's very suffocating, find a place to pee first!" and was ready to pee.

At this time, the two girls suddenly pointed at the person who got on and off the Mercedes-Benz, covered their mouths, and shouted in a nympho: "Wow, that person is so beautiful, so Weiha!"

Who is it that can turn his own idiot into a nympho?

Unable to bear it any longer, Brother Tyrannosaurus turned his head and looked——
(End of this chapter)

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