Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 296 306 [Tit for Tat]

Chapter 296 306 [Tit for Tat]

In the Hall of Night Paris——
Song Zhichao, who was sitting in the front row watching the "pole dance" on the stage, stretched out his hand gracefully, took a sip from his glass, then put down the glass, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and knocked it on the cigarette case handsomely , Then he looked at Hua Qiang with a smile and said: "This show is very good!"

"Really? Hahaha, I also think it's very good!" Xiang Huaqiang laughed, "I tell you, it's hard to see this kind of program on your side, and it's only in Hong Kong and Paris Night. Great show!"

"Oh, is that so?" Song Zhichao smiled, "But why do I feel that this program seems familiar?"

Xiang Huaqiang was taken aback, shaking the ice cubes in the wine glass, "Director Song, I think you made a mistake, do you want me to repeat it again? In Hong Kong, this kind of program is only available in Paris Night!"

Song Zhichao stopped talking, but looked at Jin Jiu standing beside him with a smile.

Jin Jiu also laughed, "Let me interject, Mr. Xiang, this show of yours is not new at all—I don't know how many times we have performed it in Pan Yu!"

"Presumptuous, how can you speak here!"

"Who are you, dare to talk to our boss like this!"

Fu Toujun and Chen Yaoxing beside Xiang Huaqiang scolded at the same time.

Jin Jiu touched his big bald head, and then grinned at them: "Who am I? I'm just an unremarkable follower next to Mr. Song...but I know who created this pole dance!"

Xiang Huaqiang stopped the people around him, and said with a smile: "Oh, then tell me, who created this dance?" His eyes were sharp, as sharp as a knife.

But Jin Jiu didn't flinch at all, and met Xiang Huaqiang's eyes and said: "Anyway, it wasn't created by you in Ye Paris. If I remember correctly, this kind of dance was first spread in the Caesar Song and Dance Hall over there by Pan Yu. I didn't expect Now here, it has become the creation of Ye Paris, which is ridiculous, really ridiculous!" After speaking, Jin Jiu sneered twice deliberately to add fuel to the fire.

Sarcastic, thoroughly sarcastic.

In an instant, Xiang Huaqiang's expression changed, and he was about to get angry when a voice said, "Brother Ten, don't get angry. Is it worth it? The other party has no proof, just a few words, and they just made you so angry——" It's better to be careful." Xiang Huasheng, who had never spoken, sipped the fine wine and said with a smile.

Song Zhichao knew that the real opponent was coming.

Xiang Huasheng's eyes flickered, he suddenly laughed, pointed at Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong and said to Song Zhichao: "Director Song, it's so interesting! Your two followers are really interesting! Did you see that they were joking?" How nice, without changing his face, without even taking a breath, I was almost deceived by the two of them."

Facing Xiang Huaqiang's words with a gun and a stick, Song Zhichao just leaned casually on the chair, fiddled with the lighter in his hand, and said with a corner of his mouth: "Tell Boss Xiang, you know, they are not my followers, but My friend——I have always trusted my friends, they say yes, yes, they are always right!" After speaking, he gave Hua Qiang a deep look with a smile on his face.

Xiang Huaqiang sat down again, with a trace of mockery on his face: "Really? It seems that Director Song trusts people too easily. Eat recklessly, but don't talk recklessly, and sometimes you say the wrong thing, and the consequences can be very serious!" Xiang Hua Qiang deliberately leaned forward, approaching Song Zhichao in a posture of looking down, staring straight at Song Zhichao like a falcon.

Song Zhichao looked at him, but didn't speak.

Standing beside him, Jin Jiu said again: "It's easy! Just ask someone and you'll know, if I'm wrong——"

With a bang, he slapped his big hand on the table, and then rushed to the boss group and laughed: "If I'm wrong, I'll give you this bear's paw for drinking!"

"Brother Nine, you are not a bear's paw, I am!" Niu Xiong also put his hand on the table, looked at the group of big bosses and said, "Count mine too, good things come in pairs!"

The corner of Xiang Huaqiang's eyes twitched, he didn't understand why the other party was so fearless of death?Could it be that he was really wrong.

So, subconsciously, Xiang Huaqiang looked at Li Yutian. He was the one who ordered this "pole dance" and should have the most say.

However, Li Yutian's expression was flustered, and his eyes flickered a little. Xiang Huaqiang was in a hurry, and just about to speak, he heard the young man Xiang Huasheng flick the whiskey glass with his finger suddenly, attracting everyone's attention, and said with a smile: " No matter where the dance came from, whether it's Caesar or Paris Night, it's all for people to watch... just replace it if you don't like it, why bother to come first."

Jin Jiu laughed: "We're not arguing, we're just talking about the facts—could it be that here, the facts can't be told? Isn't it very democratic and free here?"

"Is your name Jin Jiu? You watch the scene in Panyu? Mark is okay. I met him many years ago, um, in Hong Kong. He came here to travel, and he has never seen the prosperity of Hong Kong. Once in the bathroom, I didn't know how to use the dryer, and made a joke..." Xiang Huasheng said lightly, but slapped Jin Jiu hard in the face.

Jin Jiu used to be with MARK, and even a character like MARK is just a bumpkin, so what kind of good guy could Jin Jiu be?

Before Jin Jiu could refute, Xiang Huasheng looked at Niu Xiong next to him, and said with a smile, "Your name is Niu Xiong? You used to be with Cheng Fafa. Cheng Fafa is known as Pan Yu's 'Toy King'. Although I I haven't seen him before, but I heard that this person is very low-class, he likes to shine shoes for others, and even his wife is willing to curry favor with others... After Cha Shao came back from Pan Yu, he praised his wife more than once for her hard work, As for what kind of kung fu, Niu Xiong, you should know better than me——”

Niu Xiong's black face was about to turn red, Xiang Huasheng's words were more ruthless than a knife.At this moment, Niu Xiong regretted dying, regretted following Cheng Dafa, a rotten person, and now even himself is rotten.

After attacking Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong with sharp words, Xiang Huasheng didn't even look at these two small characters, but looked sharply at Song Zhichao. He puffed out his cigarette and said with a smile, "As for you, Director Song—Qi Wanda, that little cheater, are you okay?" His tone was full of banter.

Who is Qi Wanda?

As long as you use a little trick in Hong Kong, you can find out.

A swindler, a swindler, and a fat man who doesn't make it into the mainstream, was chased and killed by loan sharks because of the failure of thousands of people, so he ran away to Pan Yu.

If you get involved with this kind of person, it's like stepping on dog feces on your feet, and it will be a black spot for a lifetime, which cannot be wiped off.

Who is Xiang Huasheng?It's not easy for him to check things out.

 I'm nervous, and I don't know if the new chapters will be harmonized, so hurry up and subscribe!
(End of this chapter)

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