Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 317 327 [Meeting]

Chapter 317 327 [Meeting]

Looking at the door that opened suddenly, Song Zhichao couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement, because he knew that he would meet that super boss soon.

Before Song Zhichao could move his footsteps, he saw an old man with the appearance of a servant coming out of the mansion. His temples were white, but he was full of energy. He was wearing a traditional Hong Kong jacket and a pair of black cloth shoes with white soles. As soon as he saw Song Zhichao, he said, "Excuse me, is that Mr. Song?"

Song Zhichao nodded and said, "Yes, I am Song Zhichao."

The old servant smiled, showing a kind and shrewd smile, and said, "Our master invites you in." After speaking, he took the fruit basket that Song Zhichao was carrying.

Song Zhichao was not surprised that the super boss knew who he was, because there is a legend that even if the boss stays at home, he can know all the big and small accidents in Xiangjiang.You know, when Zhao Chenfeng, Li Guo, and the big guys in Hong Kong hadn't reached the pinnacle of their lives, this big guy was already the pinnacle of the pinnacles.

Taking a deep breath, Song Zhichao walked towards the mansion under the guidance of the old servant.

The decoration in the mansion is not luxurious, and the garden is not like other mansions. There is no swimming pool, exotic flowers and plants, or some small animals. On the contrary, the whole mansion is very deserted, except for a pebble-paved Beyond the winding path, there is a uniform lawn.

And the lawn is not like ordinary wealthy homes, it is often repaired and looks neat, but it is naturally planted and looks a bit messy. There are occasional trees interspersed in the lawn. It looks like it should be part of the mountain forest. It can be said that the entire mansion The courtyard is kept very "original".

Walking through the winding path, I soon came to the gate of the mansion. I saw two or three servants busy at the gate, but they were drying clothes, and picking wild vegetables and wild mushrooms.

Seeing Song Zhichao coming with the old servant, the eyes of the three servants could not help revealing a trace of strangeness. You must know that the old man in the family rarely sees visitors, and most of the people who come here to visit him are big figures from wealthy families, or the Hong Kong British government. It is rare for a senior official like Song Zhichao to be so young.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Song Zhichao smiled politely at the three servants and nodded.

Song Zhichao knew very well that there were dragons and crouching tigers hidden in this mansion, and those who could serve this big boss for decades would definitely be idlers, so they must not be treated as ordinary servants.

Song Zhichao's politeness immediately won the favor of the three servants, and they also smiled at Song Zhichao.

Next to him, the old servant who helped guide Song Zhichao saw it and remembered it, and couldn't help nodding secretly, thinking, no wonder the old man who never sees many customers made an exception to see this young man today, it really is a little different.

Entering the mansion, the scene inside is completely different from the outside. The outside is unadorned "original ecology", while the interior is magnificent and luxurious like a palace.

The entire living room is basically decorated in Western style, with various precious oil paintings hanging on the walls, and a hollow gold-rimmed crystal chandelier made in Italy above the head. Looking at the furnishings in the living room, they are all Italian leather sofa seats , and a variety of expensive household appliances, if the most dazzling thing in the whole hall, it is undoubtedly a large portrait oil painting on the wall directly opposite the hall - I saw the man in the oil painting wearing an open suit , with a thin face, high cheekbones, and falcon-like eyes, there is a majesty without anger.

It was him, Song Zhichao looked at the portrait, and his heart was surging. The whole of Hong Kong can be called the big boss among the big bosses --- Huo Yingdong!
In the summer of 1978, Huo Yingdong took his family back to their ancestral home in Panyu, Guangdong.At that time, Panyu was dilapidated.During the return home, the daughter-in-law asked the reception girl where there was a bathroom, and the receptionist brought a pot of hot water without saying a word: You can wash your hands!Everyone in the family laughed, but Huo Yingdong couldn't laugh, feeling panicked.

After returning, he immediately donated money to build a hotel in Panyu.But he feels that donations cannot fundamentally change the backwardness of a place, and his patriotic feelings make him want to return to the mainland for development.

At that time, the reform and opening up policy had just been proposed, and the precedent of foreign investment in the mainland was zero, and Huo Yingdong became the first Hong Kong and Macao businessman to invest in the mainland.

Just when Song Zhichao was in a state of excitement, the old servant next to him put down the fruit basket, turned around and saw Song Zhichao staring at the portrait in a daze, smiled knowingly, and went to prepare tea without disturbing Song Zhichao.

Soon, the tea was ready, and then the old servant signaled Song Zhichao to sit down and rest, and said that their master would come down from upstairs soon.

Song Zhichao nodded, walked over, sat on the Italian leather sofa, took a look at the tea, and smelled a strong aroma in his nostrils. It seemed to be the best Pu'er tea.

After taking a sip, the taste is really fragrant, with both bitterness and sweetness in the mouth.

Waiting for such an occasion is the most difficult time to pass. Even though Song Zhichao has experienced many things in his previous life, his mind has already become calm and calm, but he is still a little anxious at this time.

Feeling a little depressed and bored in his heart, Song Zhichao got up after drinking a few sips of tea, and wanted to take a few steps in the living room to soothe his emotions. At this moment, the sound of footsteps sounded.

Song Zhichao hurriedly followed the sound, and then saw an old man in a black suit coming down the stairs slowly.

The old man is not tall, and can even be said to be a little "slim", but Song Zhichao dare not underestimate him at all. On the contrary, as the old man walks slowly, it even gives people a false impression that it is a tall giant slowing down at you. Come slowly.

Before he reached Song Zhichao, the thin old man laughed, his voice was resounding like a bell: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Song Sheng."

Song Zhichao didn't dare to take it too seriously, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Huo, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to see me—" Then he took the fruit basket he brought and gently placed it on the table in front of the old man. Said: "I heard that you always like Thai pineapples the most - a small gift, not a respect!"

Seeing this, the old man laughed, "When I was a child, life in Hong Kong was not good, and I didn't have anything to eat; when I grew up, I liked eating this kind of fruit the most——Song Sheng, you really have a heart." After finishing speaking, he politely said Pointing to the sofa behind Song Zhichao, he said one word: "Sit."

Song Zhichao turned around and sat down without being humble, and Huo Boss also found a place slowly, and sat in front of Song Zhichao.

In this way, the historic meeting between the two is about to begin---!

(End of this chapter)

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