Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 343 353 [Fire Fighting]

Chapter 343 353 [Fire Fighting]

The entrance of the lobby bar ---
Song Zhichao watched Smith and Wilson leave, then turned around with a smile and said to Ren Darong and Lin Jiahao who were sitting there: "Sorry, I kept you waiting, I just talked to Mr. Smith and the others- ——Well, they are really good people, good people will be rewarded, I hope that the cooperation with each other can be successful."

Lin Jiahao did not speak.

Ren Darong smiled for the first time and said to Song Zhichao, "Song Sheng, isn't that too much?"

Song Zhichao smiled, but said nothing.

"Bribing two British military officers in front of me, isn't it too embarrassing for you to do so?" Ren Darong said in a displeased tone.

Song Zhichao didn't answer immediately, but sat back in his seat, then looked up at Ren Darong and said, "Excuse me, who are you?"

Ren Darong: "..."

Song Zhichao: "Are you Chinese or British?"

Ren Darong: "..."

After a pause, he said, "I am Chinese."

"Very well, since you are Chinese, why worry about them British?"

Ren Darong: "..."

Then said behind his back: "I am not only Chinese, but also a policeman."

Song Zhichao: "Well, a policeman with a conscience -- but how much is your conscience worth? You think I'm doing something against discipline, but for those two British officers, Smith and Wilson, I finally Still helped them, I was a good partner to the Soviets, a good businessman to my customers..."

Picking up the coffee with his hand, Song Zhichao played with the coffee cup, "As I said before, coffee tastes bad when it's cold, and it's best to drink anything while it's hot. However, if you drink it early, it's easy to burn your mouth... Ren SIR , Did you get burned?"

Ren Darong: "..."

Beside, Lin Jiahao suddenly laughed when he heard the words, "Well said, I was right about Ren SIR, Song Sheng's eloquence is beyond words."

Ren Darong also laughed, shook his head, and said, "Yeah, what the hell am I doing with all my troubles—the Brits won't give me a penny, and they won't award me certificates."

Lin Jiahao picked up the coffee cup and said to Song Zhichao: "You have something to say, it doesn't taste good when it's cold, come on, have a cup first!"

Song Zhichao: "..."

Ren Darong also picked up the coffee and said to Song Zhichao, "From now on, you are my true friend."

Seeing Lin Jiahao's ambiguous smile and Ren Darong's sincere expression, Song Zhichao knew that he had passed the test.

Yes, he passed the test.

For a long time, Lin Jiahao and Ren Darong have been friends.

In Ren Darong's eyes, people who can become friends with him must have a certain identity and status.

No way, Hong Kong is such a society.

Capitalism, hierarchical.

Lin Jiahao is Ren Darong's friend.

Although Ren Darong is optimistic about Song Zhichao, Song Zhichao's background and foundation are really too weak.

Mainlanders, students.

Even if Ren Darong admires Song Zhichao very much, it is impossible to treat him as a person on the same front and at the same level.

It was his uncertainty about Song Zhichao, or his "contempt" that prevented Ren Darong from treating Song Zhichao as a "friend" from the very beginning, so he directly contacted the British Army in Hong Kong after the Cha Yongxiao incident. Make trouble for Song Zhichao.

It's not that Ren Darong intends to frame Song Zhichao, it's just a way for Ren Darong to protect himself wisely.

But what surprised Ren Darong was that Song Zhichao dared to directly bribe two senior British military officials in front of him, and even reached an agreement with them, changing from reselling military supplies to helping the British army sell surplus military supplies The "good partner" of inventory.

It can be said that Ren Darong was an eye-opener today. He understood what it means to be thick-skinned and not enough to eat. He also understood that the ultimate shamelessness is to be friends with the enemy, to call black for white, and for illegal things to be right. A good thing that "benefits the country and the people".

It can be said that since Song Zhichao took down two high-ranking British military officials, Ren Darong has taken Song Zhichao with admiration.

Just now, it was just a test, but Song Zhichao did not give him any face, which made him ashamed.

Yes, he is Chinese, not British.

Why bother with the British.

"Okay, since everyone is so familiar and they have explained everything clearly, don't go around in circles anymore—Sir Ren, tell me, give me some reminders, what should I do about this matter in the future?" Lin Jiahao smoothed things over.

Ren Darong said: "Although this matter is temporarily suppressed, A Chao, you and Smith have also reached a consensus, but these British guys are ungrateful, and they will inevitably regret and change their minds in the future, so the most urgent thing to do is to help our police. File here, and I will handle it as appropriate."

This discretionary treatment makes a lot of sense.

Lin Jiahao understood.

Song Zhichao also understood.

Everyone is Chinese, and Chinese people help Chinese people.

It means that Song Zhichao bought an insurance from Ren Darong. Of course, Song Zhichao also has to pay. As for how to pay, everyone has a tacit understanding.


For a moment—
Ren Darong left, leaving only Song Zhichao and Lin Jiahao.

Lin Jiahao no longer kept secrets, after all, it was just the two of them now, and directly said to Song Zhichao, "You are really brave enough to buy those two British ghosts in front of Ren SIR, what do you think? It just freaked me out!"

Song Zhichao said: "Simple, those two ghosts are also full of suspicions. If I hadn't been in front of Ren Darong, they probably wouldn't have dared to accept the two checks; on the contrary, with Ren Darong by my side, plus You are my friend, in the eyes of those two ghosts, you and Ren Darong are on the same side, and you are on the same side as me, so Ren Darong and I are also on the same side of."

"For these two very suspicious ghosts, Ren Darong is actually a handle, grabbing my weak point - they think that I and Ren SIR are in the same group, so I will follow the plan and take advantage of this, I made a deal with them directly, and looking at the result now, well, it’s not bad!”

Lin Jiahao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he stirred the coffee with a spoon, and said to Song Zhichao, "You, you, poor Ren SIR just now treated you as a friend, so you just used him as a shield, are you guilty?"

"With you here, why should I feel guilty? If you didn't call him here, could I cheat him like this?"

"What do you mean I called him here? It's clear that you caused trouble and called him here, and then he called me here—I'm the victim!"

"Okay, okay, you are a victim, I will make it up to you! Tell me, what do you want me to do?" Song Zhichao saw through Lin Jiahao's "hypocrisy" early on, and said bluntly.

Lin Jiahao: "..."

Then he said: "Actually, it's very simple. Now that you've even brought in Soviet aircraft, it seems that your so-called Wanda trading business is doing well. Hmm, can I take a stake?"

"Don't talk about it!" Song Zhichao stretched out his hand in a shut-up gesture, and directly refused, "Have you heard of killing pigs during the New Year? There is such a custom in our hometown. During the New Year, the pigs are killed, the hairs of the pigs are removed, and then the various parts are cut. Slicing and selling... Do you know that you are the customer who ran out halfway and asked for the fattest piece of meat without any effort? Tell me, is there such a good thing in this world? If so If so, please introduce me first!"

Lin Jiahao: "..." He suddenly smiled, and said to Song Zhichao, "Don't be so excited, I'm just talking casually——Actually, I still don't know what you are doing. Buying so many music colors, you actually exchanged them for Soviet ones. Airplane... Well, you can be regarded as the only big fool in Hong Kong."

Song Zhichao laughed when he heard the words, and just about to speak, he suddenly saw Jin Jiu running over from the lobby bar, and he didn't care to say hello to Lin Jiahao, the young master Lin, and whispered a few words directly in Chen Bufan's ear.

Song Zhichao's face suddenly changed when he heard this, "How is it possible? Didn't they say they will come tomorrow? Why have they arrived in Hong Kong now!"

Jin Jiu had a bitter expression on his face: "Not only have we arrived in Hong Kong, but we have also arrived at the entrance of the hotel!"

Song Zhichao: "..."

His complexion became extremely ugly.

Lin Jiahao wondered, "What is it?"

Song Zhichao didn't care much, got up, and said to Lin Jiahao: "You pay the bill first, I'll go put out the fire!"

After speaking, take Jin Jiu and leave the lobby in a hurry.

Lin Jiahao was still in a daze, not knowing what happened, so he was busy setting up the table to pay the bill, and then chased after him.

Curiosity killed the cat, he was really curious, what could make Song Zhichao, a "bitch", so flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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