Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 351 361 [Hiding evil intentions]

Chapter 351 361 [Hiding evil intentions]

In the open-air cafe——
Three big Russian men stood tall and guarded nearby, while Pavlov and Cha Yongxiao sat together, chatting cordially.

For Zha Yongxiao, since Song Zhichao was able to "make friends" with people like Pavlov, according to his own status and family strength, he and Pavlov would definitely be able to "get along."

As it turns out, he was right.

When Pavlov knew that Cha Yongxiao was the heir of a big family in Hong Kong, and that Cha’s restaurant chain opened all over Asia, and his family’s assets reached tens of billions (Hong Kong dollars), Pavlov’s previous arrogance gradually faded away. Disappeared and started calling Cha Young Hyo "Dear Cha".

Cha Yongxiao has been tricked by Song Zhichao so many times, so now he is suspicious of everything he does. If his father Zha Dongchen insisted on asking him to come to the Soviet Union to find out the truth, according to Cha Yongxiao's temperament, he would definitely not Will come into contact with people like Pavlov.

But it feels good to touch it now.

At least in Zha Yongxiao's view, the other side has great influence in Moscow. If the Zha family really wants to open a restaurant chain here, making it like the worldwide McDonald's and KFC, they must rely on Pavlov. power.

In business, the most important thing is to make money.

To make money, you must share the benefits equally, and you can't be too greedy, especially in foreign countries. If you want to open Cha's Chinese restaurant here, you must win over people like Pavlev.

Of course, although I have some senses about the impression of Mr. Pavlov in front of me, Cha Yongxiao is also a cautious person. Besides, Pavlov was introduced by that bitch Song Zhichao. Maybe this guy has evil intentions. It's just that I didn't realize it.

Just as Cha Yongxiao was trying to judge whether the Pavlov in front of him was an enemy or a friend, and whether he could win over and cooperate with him, suddenly, the three attendants who were in charge of guarding at the side made a commotion, and one of them quickly walked towards Pavlov. Beside him, possessed and whispered something to him.

Then, seeing that Pavlov's expression became a little weird, he said to Cha Yongxiao: "Dear Cha, we had a very pleasant conversation this time, I hope we can make an appointment to meet again at a suitable time, uh, I I'm very interested in Cha's plan to launch a restaurant chain in Moscow—but I'm really sorry, I still have some things to do and I need to hurry up." After saying this, Pavlov got up, and then apologized to Cha Yongxiao He stretched out his hand, hugged him, and beckoned him to leave.

Cha Yongxiao waited until Pavlov left, still not knowing what happened.

Ah Yong was also very curious, so he leaned over and said to Zha Yongxiao: "These old men are leaving in a hurry, did something happen?"

Cha Yongxiao glared at him, "You ask me, how do I know? Ask first, don't stand here stupidly."

After hearing the order, Ah Yong was about to act when he saw a military jeep galloping towards them from the Red Square. The coffee table where Cha Yongxiao and the others were sitting was on the side of the road, and the car rushed towards them.

"Damn it!" Zha Yongxiao yelled, seeing the front of the car hit him, he quickly dodged and rolled to the ground.

Ayong over there also made a quick dodge, barely avoiding the oncoming jeep.

The jeep knocked over Zha Yongxiao's coffee table and brought down the open parasol.

With a creak, the jeep stopped.

Cha Yongxiao got up from the ground in a disheveled manner, not understanding what kind of country this is, that someone dared to drive a jeep on a rampage during the day, and almost killed himself.

Ah Yong had already rushed forward, swearing at the people in the car in Hong Kong dialect.

At this time, a gun was pointed at Ayong's head.

Ah Yong, who was still angry and yelling at him, froze instantly, raised his hand, and dared not say another word.

The man pointing at Ayong with a pistol was a man dressed as a Soviet military policeman, with beards common to Russians, with a murderous look on his face.

Seeing his confidant Ah Yong being pointed at with a gun to his head, Cha Yongxiao was frightened, so he hurriedly explained in English: "Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding! Everyone calm down, OK?"

With a bang, the door opened.

Two more Russian men in dark green military uniforms got out of the car. They also seemed to be fully armed, staring at Cha Yongxiao and A Yong like eagles.

After the two people got off, a fragrant wind blew, and a tall leather boot fell to the ground, and then a tall beauty in a military coat got out of the car. She was as gorgeous as peaches and plums, but as cold as ice.

As a man, Cha Yongxiao is precisely a rich man. He has also played with many foreign girls, all tastes, but this foreign girl in front of him made him "amazing". a handful.

Women are classified into grades just like diamonds. If Cha Yongxiao had to rate this Russian beauty in front of her, it would be a super A grade, sharper than five A's. This appearance, this figure, is top-notch. Le!

The glamorous beauty raised her dark green police cap with her hand, and then walked towards Cha Yongxiao.

"Who are you?" He said in Chinese.

Zha Yongxiao: "..." He froze for a moment.

Seeing that the beauty's face was a little sullen, she hurriedly said: "We are Hong Kong people——from Hong Kong! Maybe everyone has some misunderstanding!"

The glamorous beauty snorted coldly, "ID card, and passport!"

"Uh..." Cha Yongxiao hurriedly motioned to Ah Yong, and showed him the ID card and passport he was carrying.

For a moment—
The glamorous beauty looked at Cha Yongxiao's passport and ID card, and stared at Cha Yongxiao's face for comparison, then handed it back and said, "Who were you with just now?" The tone was full of interrogation.

Cha Yongxiao saw that the other party's tone was not friendly, so he said cautiously: "A friend from Russia."

"Friend?" The glamorous beauty glared at Cha Yongxiao, and said with a sneer, "I never imagined that Pavlov would have friends from Hong Kong!"

Cha Yongxiao: "..." Something is wrong.

"Hmm, to be precise, we actually met for the first time today." Cha Yongxiao hurriedly corrected himself.

The glamorous beauty took another look at Cha Yongxiao and asked, "Don't you know who Pavlov is?"

Cha Yongxiao: "..."

"It seems that you either really don't know, or you are lying... But it doesn't matter, our Soviet police have a very effective way to deal with those who like to lie, do you want to try it?"

Cha Yongxiao smiled and said: "Maybe, there is some misunderstanding... We are just ordinary tourists. It is the first time to come to the Soviet Union, and it is also the first time to see that Pavlov."

The glamorous beauty stopped listening to his explanation, and ordered directly: "Take them away! Invite them to taste our super Russian-style meal!"

"Misunderstanding, it's really a misunderstanding!" Cha Yongxiao begged for mercy, but was handcuffed and pushed into the jeep. At this moment, he felt like dying.

Why do you want to come to the Soviet Union?

And why do you want to see that Paplev?
Could it be that he was tricked by Song Zhichao again!


(End of this chapter)

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