Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 361 372 [Tiger Eats People]

Chapter 361 372 [Tiger Eats People]

Hong Kong Mid-Levels, Cha's mansion ---
The originally spacious and luxurious hall was now full of people. To be precise, it was full of high-level personnel from Cha's chain catering company.

That's right, at this time, as the big boss of the Cha Group, Cha Dongchen was in a hurry to have a meeting with his subordinates.

Zha Dongchen is a willful person who doesn't like being restrained, and what he dislikes the most is going to the company's conference room for meetings.Therefore, every time an important event is encountered, or a large-scale regular meeting is held every year, Zha Dongchen will invite the company's top management personnel to work in the villa where he lives.

Of course, as the big boss, Zha Dongchen is still a president who knows how to buy people's hearts, how to manage people, and how to control people. After every meeting like this, he will let people prepare a rich meal in his garden. There are a lot of buffets, fine wines, coffee, beauties, and delicious food.The euphemistic name is --- reward the hero!

Today is the annual year-end meeting of the Cha Group—to be precise, there are still two months before the end of the year, but Cha Dongchen is already preparing for the company to make a year-end summary and a deployment plan for the coming year.

In Zha Dongchen's view, any business must be purposeful, planned, and one step ahead, so as to win in the brutal competition.

At this time, there were a total of 28 high-level executives of the Cha Group sitting in the hall, and Zha Dongchen called them "28 Stars of the Cha Group".

In many public occasions, Zha Dongchen likes to tell people that Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu defeated Wang Mang and founded the Eastern Han Dynasty, relying on his 28 stars, then he runs Zha's enterprise, sweeping Hong Kong and even Southeast Asia, relying on These are the 28 capable generals under him.

At this time, Zha Dongchen was like a king, leaning on the large sofa alone, wearing glasses, looking at the company information in his hand.

Next to him, 28 people surrounded him, all focused on making reports, or listening to Zha Dongchen's speech.

A bald senior executive is the personnel director of the Cha Group Catering Company, and concurrently serves as the chairman of the labor union. He is mainly responsible for the daily complaints of employees. The company increases the subsidy when working overtime.

"Workers are outraged and are demanding a 30.00% increase in overtime pay."

Before the bald executive could finish speaking, Zha Dongchen threw out the documents in his hand with a slap, smashed them directly on the bald man's face, and said angrily, "What do you do?"

"What?" The bald man shivered in fright.

"I asked what your job is?"

"I am the personnel director and the chairman of the labor union."

"Chairman of the trade union? I think you are stupid!" Zha Dongchen said angrily, "Who pays you? Those workers in the union, or I, Zha Dongchen?"

"It's you, Mr. Cha."

"That's right!" Zha Dongchen sneered, "Since you know that I am the one who pays you, you still help those workers deal with me?"

"I didn't, I..."

"Still saying no?" Zha Dongchen was furious, "Each worker asked for a 30.00% increase in subsidy... How many workers are there under my banner? Tens of thousands of them! So how much will my loss be? Even if each worker gives 100 more Yuan, I will lose millions!"

The bald man dared not speak.

"Why, keep silent, ashamed? You're eating shit!" Zha Dongchen scolded, "I made you the chairman of the trade union, not just for free. You have to help me solve the problem, understand?"

"I understand, Mr. Cha."

"Don't just talk about it, and then let those workers embarrass me with demonstrations, you know what to do!"


"What is this!" Zha Dongchen stared at the bald man with cold eyes, "Go back and tell those workers to get out if they don't want to do it. We don't need people like this in Cha's company! Also, before they get out, Let them settle the company's loan, they buy a house loan, see a doctor loan, aren't they all borrowed by me?"

Bald head: "..." I really want to say that the money you borrowed is worse than loan sharks, and many workers have not paid it back for most of their lives.

"So, let them all be more sensible, stay with me honestly, and don't make any more troubles——if you annoy me, I will let these poor families go to the streets!" Zha Dongchen ordered in a domineering tone .

The bald man was silent like a cicada, not daring to make a sound.

Others looked at the bald man and gloated.


When the meeting was halfway through--
As the heir of Cha's enterprise, Cha Yongxiao came back from the outside in a hurry.

Seeing so many people gathering in the hall for a meeting, Cha Yongxiao greeted everyone, then walked up to his father Zha Dongchen, possessed himself, and whispered something to him.

Zha Dongchen was obviously stunned for a moment, and then said to everyone present: "Wait a minute, I'll come as soon as I go."

After speaking, Zha Dongchen got up, and accompanied by Zha Yongxiao, went into his study.

In the study——
"What you said is true. That Song Zhichao really borrowed [-] million from Standard Chartered Bank?"

"It's absolutely true, that old guy Fu Yunheng made the guarantee for him, otherwise, with him as a boy from mainland China, how could Standard Chartered Bank give him a loan!" Cha Yongxiao said with an unhappy face.

"Also, I also found out that this time Song Zhichao's loan of [-] million is obviously against us. Last time we robbed his goods and cut off his business with the Lin family. This time he wants to make a big splash to make Wanda trade bigger. Be strong, so that we can't even get a needle in!"

Zha Dongchen didn't speak, but mused, and walked to the window.

Cha Yongxiao was in a hurry, and chased after his father Zha Dongchen, and continued: "Dad, we can't wait any longer! We must act immediately. While that Song Zhichao is still standing firm, we will completely put the Far East Trade Take the piece of fat!"

Cha Dongchen turned around, snorted coldly, stared at his son and asked, "You will say, do you know how much money we need to raise to take this piece of fat?"

Cha Yongxiao: "..."

"Now Song Zhichao wants to fight us with a loan of [-] million. If we want to win against him, we must have more than double his funds. Calculated, at least one billion!" Zha Dongchen said coldly Calculation Road. "Of course, in terms of our net worth, a billion is really nothing, but our money is basically in circulation, and there is still a lot of risk in raising the money in the shortest possible time. Do you understand this?"

Cha Yongxiao: "Then we can also get a loan from a big bank!"

"Loan? You idiot! So much money for the bank to earn interest? Do you think it's so easy for me to make money?" Cha Dongchen sneered, "Don't forget, as my son, remember clearly, no matter what the Cha family gets Sometimes, you can’t get a loan from the bank!”

In fact, this is also the most different place between Zha Dongchen and other rich people.

The Cha Group also has very close cooperative relations with other banks, but it has rarely or even never borrowed money from banks.

Cha Yongxiao licked his lips, "I know, banks are all white-eyed wolves who eat people and don't spit out their bones. As long as they get a loan, they will urge you to pay back the loan, and if you don't pay, they will tear you up."

"It's good for you to live."

"What should I do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Where will our billion be raised?"

Zha Dongchen sneered, "Money needs to be raised, but I'm still waiting for news."

"what news?"

Zha Dongchen glanced coldly at his precious son, at this moment, the phone in his study suddenly rang.

Cha Dongchen didn't speak, Cha Yongxiao took the initiative to answer the phone, and then looked at his father with a strange face.

Zha Dongchen walked over, took the receiver from Zha Yongxiao, listened to a few words on the phone, and then hung up the phone with a snap.

"It's okay now, one billion, I will raise it!" Zha Dongchen said.

Cha Yongxiao: "It turns out that Dad, you have never believed in Eva."

"Of course! To be honest, if you weren't my own son, I wouldn't even believe you. One billion, how many women can I play with, and how many sons like you can I have! Remember, a man must be ruthless, Big things can only happen if the six relatives don’t recognize her!" Zha Dongchen taught his son, "Speaking of which, this time I sent people to the Soviet Union to check her details, just to confirm whether this deal can be done!"

"What about now?"

"Now? Now I've confirmed that Eva is indeed the daughter of the Soviet red family. Her father, General Zhineyev, is well-known in the country, so her details are easy to find out." Cha Dongchen said, "You She is my son, she is the daughter of General Zhineyev, and you are a perfect match—Quack, give me something to eat, it’s best to get her, then our Cha family will be able to make a name for themselves in the Soviet Union. Hong Kong is calling the wind and calling the rain!" Zha Dongchen said a little excitedly.

Zha Yongxiao nodded, "I will remember what you said. To be a man, you have to disown your relatives and be ruthless—as long as I defeat that damn street boy Song Zhichao this time, I will lead the Cha family to prosperity!"

Zha Dongchen smiled, "You're a bit wrong, you are no longer worthy to fight that Song Zhichao, this time his opponent is me, Zha Dongchen!"

The old guy's eyes were full, like a tiger eating someone.

(End of this chapter)

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