Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 371 381 [Ming repair plank road, dark Chencang]

Chapter 371 381 [Ming repair plank road, dark Chencang]

Facing Ouyang Jing's discussion——
Song Zhichao listened without saying a word, but took a sip of the coffee, which was very bitter and astringent.

To be honest, Song Zhichao has never developed the habit of drinking coffee, no matter in his previous life or now.For him, the best drink is green tea.Natural, pure and varied.

"Now, Mr. Song Zhichao, I know that your purpose of coming to me is to let me make money for you. And you mentioned it before, you asked me, as a manipulator of the stock market, how can I make a steady profit? Lose, then let me tell you, there is no such thing as a guaranteed profit in this world, there is only luck! If you are lucky, you can dominate the stock market;

Ouyang Jing's straightforward remarks actually made Song Zhichao more interested in him.

Putting down the coffee in his hand, Song Zhichao looked at Ouyang Jing and said jokingly: "Since you know that I am here to ask you for help, it stands to reason that you should show yourself well and tell me how to make money and not lose money." ;or tell me, I hired you, can you help me how to make a big splash in the stock market... instead of telling me directly that stock trading is based on luck——by luck, do I still need to find you?"

Ouyang Jing's face remained unchanged: "Mr. Song, if you want to find a trader who blows water, then you are looking for the wrong person--I'm not blowing water, just telling the truth. The most important thing in financial trading is luck. And as a trader, I just analyze the data and react quickly.”

Song Zhichao tapped the coffee cup with his fingers and made a jingling sound, "Now, help me analyze what will happen to the stock market in the future?"

Ouyang Jing smiled: "Test me?"

"That's it."

Ouyang Jing touched his nose with his hand, then picked up a red fountain pen on the desk, got up, walked to the front of the "world map", and circled an area with the pen very deftly, then turned to Song Zhichao and said : "This is the place! There are risks and opportunities."

Song Zhichao saw that that area was the Far East - the Soviet Union!

"Do you think the Soviet Union is an opportunity?" Song Zhichao asked with a smile.

Ouyang Jing nodded, "Since you and the Cha family are vying for the Far East trade and selling necessities to the Soviet Union vigorously, don't you know about the current situation in the Soviet Union? Channel, everyone knows that the domestic situation is grim, and the disadvantages of heavy industry and light industry have always been valued, which has caused an extreme shortage of domestic necessities, and now the price is soaring. I heard that Mr. Song relied on this to exchange a lot of garbage for purchase The Sutu airliner of the Soviet Union..."

Song Zhichao smiled, "Looks like it's not a secret anymore."

Ouyang Jing smiled slightly, "It's hard to keep this as a city secret——the most difficult secret in the world is to make money!"

Song Zhichao nodded in approval.

"However, what makes me curious is that I heard that you had a loan of [-] million from Standard Chartered Bank. Why didn't you directly compete with Cha's for foreign trade business, and came to me to form a trading team? [-] million, you can work with Spell the surname Cha!" Ouyang Jing asked while looking at Song Zhichao with a smile.

Song Zhichao did not answer Ouyang Jing's question directly, but instead asked: "The matter of my loan should not be a big news, how did you know?"

Indeed, Song Zhichao's loan is a private matter. In the circle, only Mr. Rolando, the head of Standard Chartered Bank, and Fu Yunheng, the helm of the Fu family, knew about it, and then passed it on through Fu Yunheng, or some clerks of Standard Chartered Bank, but such a The news was only known in the wealthy circle of Hong Kong. Ouyang Jing had already been fired by Liu Luanxiong, so logically they shouldn't know about it.

Seeing Song Zhichao's question, Ouyang Jing smiled: "This is my value——you let Liu lead the way to find me, isn't it because I have special abilities?"

Song Zhichao knew that he couldn't ask, so he said, "Okay, I won't ask you why—but I'm curious, how do you know that I won't fight the Cha family head-on?"

"You are a smart man! The Cha family took one billion, and you are only five hundred million. Sun Tzu also said that if the enemy is [-], we can fight to the death; if the enemy is [-], we can fight to the death with [-]." The enemy is [-], and our side is [-]. If you can't fight, don't fight." Ouyang Jing said with a smile, "Obviously, Mr. Song is a smart person. Faced with such a situation, he will definitely fight hard with Cha and his son, so you It’s on the plank road in the open, and in the dark…”

Ouyang Jing said these words casually, as if he didn't care, just talking casually, but to Song Zhichao's ears, it was thunder and thunder.

For the first time, Song Zhichao realized that he was seen through, and he was naked, without any cover-up.

You know, whether it is Fu Yunheng or Liu Luanxiong, they still think that Song Zhichao's loan of [-] million is to fight to the death with the Cha Group and snatch the Far East Foreign Trade business, but only Song Zhichao clearly knows that Far East Foreign Trade's method of making money continues. It won't be long before the Soviet Union will exchange gold for food in order to stabilize domestic prices and stabilize people's hearts.At that time, the price of daily necessities will drop immediately, and such high-priced purchases as the Chas and his sons may not make much money.

As for Song Zhichao, since he made a fortune by exchanging rubbish for airplanes, he no longer intends to make money on necessities. The reason why he supports Wanda’s foreign trade in the Far East is mainly for electronic products and home appliances in the Mainland and Hong Kong in the future. Opening up logistics and sales channels means that in the future, Wanda will be doing the most profitable electronics and home appliance business in the Far East.

That is to say, from the very beginning, Song Zhichao never planned to do this kind of unprofitable necessities business in the future. What he wanted to do was to make the most money-making products of the era - electronics and home appliances!

washing machine!
TV set!
Even motorcycles and cars!

Therefore, Song Zhichao's loan of [-] million was not for the purpose of confronting the Cha family and his son, nor for the short-term business of necessities, but to confront the Cha family head-on; , secretly keeping Chen Cang, the purpose is to - speculate in stocks, short the Soviet Union!
counting fingers ---
Now there is only one or two months left before the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Seeing that the "Vantaa Project" led by the United States in the previous life is about to start its final plan, and at the same time short the Soviet Union's ruble and gold-you know, this time has long been unbearable. The Soviet economy was entirely supported by gold exports, and the global gold price plummeted immediately, causing heavy losses to the Soviet Union.Shorting the ruble and gold prices is undoubtedly a two-punch collapse of the Soviet economy. The wealth accumulated by the Soviet Union over the past 70 years was wiped out in an instant, the real economy collapsed, the contradictions between ethnic groups were completely intensified, and the collapse of the Soviet Union was inevitable.

For Song Zhichao, this is definitely an excellent opportunity to fish in troubled waters and make crazy money.

But time was limited, Song Zhichao couldn't form an excellent trader team in a short time to meet the challenge, so he had to rent Liu Luanxiong's stock market team; [-] million to snipe Cha Group's stock in the stock market.How did he know that Song Zhichao's ulterior motive was not to drink, but to short the Soviet Union with [-] million!

Everyone didn't see through Song Zhichao's real purpose, but Ouyang Jing, who had just met him, seemed to know everything.

Song Zhichao's heart was tumbling, but his face remained calm.

Looking at Ouyang Jing again, he was staring at him closely with a pair of eyes, as if he wanted to take in every slight change of expression on his face.

Suddenly, Song Zhichao seemed to be alert to something.

Is this Ouyang Jing just guessing?

Is he testing himself with words?
Thinking of this, Song Zhichao had a calculation in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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