Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 379 389 [Assortment]

Chapter 379 389 [Assortment]

Having been in the auction house for so long, Chen Peter is not the kind of person who trusts others easily.

Therefore, after Song Zhichao said that there were [-] works in the collection to be auctioned, Peter Chen's first reaction was to ask politely: "Well, Mr. Song, you said you have works of art that you want to auction, can you let me Let me take a look first? If possible, I will help estimate the price and give you some suggestions."

Chen Peter said it very tactfully, meaning that he wants to "seeing is believing, and hearing is believing".

Song Zhichao's reaction was also straightforward, "Okay—we can talk about it after we finish drinking this cup of coffee."

Then there is suffering.

Peter Chen has always enjoyed drinking coffee, but now he feels that sitting here drinking coffee is a waste of time.

After finally waiting for Song Zhichao to drink the coffee in front of him, Peter Chen didn't care too much. Song Zhichao was supposed to pay the bill, but Peter Chen went to the bar to pay the bill enthusiastically, then turned around and asked Song Zhichao impatiently: "Mr. , can we go now?"

Song Zhichao made an inviting gesture, "It just so happens that my car is outside."

Peter Chen followed Song Zhichao out of the coffee shop, and saw a black Bentley sedan slowly approaching in the drizzle.

When they got there, the car door opened, and the bald man opened his umbrella again and came down to welcome Song Zhichao into the car.

Song Zhichao said politely, "Send Mr. Peter Chen to the car first."

Chen Peter got under the umbrella a little flattered, and then got into the car. After a while, Song Zhichao followed.

There are four people sitting in a car, but it doesn't look crowded.

In the back row of the car, Song Zhichao ordered Niu Xiong who was driving: "Go to our Wanda warehouse!"

The car started, and under Chen Peter's hopeful gaze, it broke through the rain and headed towards the New Territories of Hong Kong.


A huge warehouse stood in front of him.

As a half Hong Konger, Peter Chen never remembered that there would be such a large private warehouse in Hong Kong.

The big red iron gate was closed tightly. Under Song Zhichao's order, Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong got out of the car first. It was unknown who made the call. Immediately, the electric gate slammed, accompanied by the creaking pulleys. With a sound of rubbing, it slowly opened.

Only then did Song Zhichao get out of the car, and politely invited Mr. Chen Peter to get out of the car together.

Peter Chen got out of the car and looked around curiously, but found that this should be a relatively remote place in the New Territories, surrounded by such huge warehouses and factories, which may have been built when Hong Kong developed industry and manufacturing in the 80s and [-]s, but most of them have been abandoned now. Many factory buildings even have large demolition characters circled on them. It can be seen that this place will be demolished and rebuilt soon.

Also, Hong Kong has a lot of land and a lot of people. If this kind of land resources are not properly utilized, it will be a huge waste.

Before Peter Chen could wander around, Song Zhichao had already invited him to walk into the warehouse.

Chen Peter was not polite, and he would be at ease when he came. Although he still had doubts about Song Zhichao's identity at the moment, after his observations all the way, Song Zhichao didn't seem like the kind of person who would do evil, not to mention kidnapping himself would not do any good.

Following Song Zhichao into the large warehouse, Chen Peter discovered that there was something strange inside. It was organized into several snow storage areas in an orderly manner. After careful observation, it was clothing, canned food, and alcoholic beverages... Obviously this is a snow storage area. Grocery store.

At this time, Peter Chen suddenly seemed to remember something.


Canned food, alcohol?
Although Peter Chen is in the auction business, there has been a lot of trouble recently about the competition between the most lively Cha Group in Hong Kong and another company for the Far East trading business.

Wanda Trading Company?

At this moment, Peter Chen finally remembered who this "Song Zhichao" was.

Taking a cautious look at Song Zhichao, Peter Chen couldn't help but be amazed that he was so young.

At this moment, Song Zhichao suddenly turned around and said to him: "Mr. Chen, you will soon see my collection of artworks, and I hope they will satisfy you."

It was only then that Chen Peter realized that he and Song Zhichao had arrived in front of a large container. The container was assembled from several large containers, and an anti-theft system was ingeniously designed on the container. But Peter knows that the more nondescript the design, the more advantageous it is in terms of anti-theft, because you don't even know how this kind of container is modified.

Sure enough, Song Zhichao gave Jin Jiu a wink, and Jin Jiu walked over, turned on the anti-theft system, and entered the password, acting cautiously.

Song Zhichao said to Peter Chen who was waiting next to him: "This anti-theft system is the most advanced, with high-voltage electricity, and it can kill people if you are not careful."

Song Zhichao said it lightly, but Chen Peter knew how powerful this anti-theft system was, and he knew even more how precious the collections stored in it were.

This time it was a bang.

Immediately, the door of the heavily encrypted container was suddenly opened.

Song Zhichao gracefully made an invitation gesture to Peter Chen. Peter Chen hesitated for a moment before walking into the dark container.

As soon as Chen Peter stepped into the container, he heard a burst of light.

Immediately the entire container lit up.

Chen Peter's eyes couldn't adapt to the light in front of him for a while, so he covered his eyes with his hands and closed them slightly; when he put down his hands and opened his eyes again, he was stunned by the scene in front of him——
All kinds of antique oil paintings are hung on the surrounding walls; all kinds of gold and silver utensils are placed on temporary shelves, shining brightly; there are also large gold-plated vases as tall as a person, Russian-style antique swords, shields, and The precious documents and so on that only exist in the Russian court can be said to be dazzling and within reach...

Is that the sword of Peter the Great of Russia?
Is that the laurel wreath worn by Empress Catherine of Russia?

And that oil painting, could it be "Peter the Great's Navigating Map" created by the legendary Russian painter Surikov?
According to legend, Peter the Great, 2 meters tall, unified the Grand Duchy and moved the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg.He wants to be close to Europe, he learns to worship Europe, travels around the world, and is deeply loved by the people.He established the first fleet of the Russian Empire, and after 29 years, he finally defeated the Swedish Navy, which was in full swing at the time.This painting is the flagship of Peter the Great.

If Chen Peter was shocked by all this, then another oil painting next to "Peter the Great's Sail Map" shocked him even more, which was a "Self-Portrait" by the great Russian painter Repin.

As a veteran working in an auction house, Peter Chen knew the specific price of Repin's works very well. This painting alone was estimated to be worth several million.

"Oh, my God!" Chen Peter finally couldn't bear it anymore, and let out a long sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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