Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 385 395 [2 pot heads that are open]

Chapter 385 395 [The open Erguotou]

The night, the wind howling, the snow falling—
Volga cars drive alone on the wide avenues of Moscow.

Song Zhichao was bumped badly in the car, coupled with a bad cold, he felt very bad.Hearing the "creak" sound of the car crushing the ice and snow, his head was dizzy and he wanted to fall asleep.

At this time, the car slammed on the brakes.

Song Zhichao was tilted forward by the inertial jolt. Fortunately, he reached out quickly and supported the chair in front with his hand, so that his head was not hit on the back of the chair.

"What happened?" Song Zhichao asked.

Chekov said to him, "Martial law is in place ahead."

"What?" Song Zhichao was stunned for a moment, then looked forward, and saw not far ahead, a group of Soviet soldiers blocked the entire main road, made a herringbone frame with thick birch wood, and crossed it in the middle of the road. Vehicles are prohibited from entering.

Chekov explained next to him: "Recently, Moscow is not peaceful. People often rob shops and harass tourists, so a curfew will be imposed every night at nine o'clock."

Hearing this, Song Zhichao looked at his watch. It was exactly [-]:[-], and the barricade in front had obviously just been erected. A few Soviet soldiers beside him were still breathing into their hands.

"I'm sorry, Boss Song. According to the normal time, if I'm not late and pick up the plane earlier, I can enter Moscow before the curfew and arrive at the big hotel you booked, but now..." Chekov looked ashamed .

Song Zhichao waved his hand, meaning that he didn't care about his business, he was embarrassed when it was snowing on the road, and it was inevitable that he would get into a car accident on the road.

So Song Zhichao said to Jin Jiu: "Hurry up and fix it, go back to the hotel to rest-Ah Choo!" He took out the tissue again.

Seeing that Song Zhichao gave the order, Jin Jiu smiled, jumped out of the car, and walked towards the Soviet soldiers guarding the checkpoint.

Chekov also hurried out of the car and acted as his interpreter.

Song Zhichao was wiping his nose in the car, his head was dazed, too lazy to care about how to solve this difficult problem outside,


There are four Soviet soldiers in charge of guarding the checkpoint, two on each side.At the moment, I was rubbing my hands together, got an empty gasoline barrel, threw away the firewood, poured gasoline on it, and lit it. The firewood crackled, braving a strong fire, and the tongue of flame spewed out, illuminating the surroundings.

Seeing someone getting out of the car, and it was a tall "foreigner", the four Soviet soldiers immediately became vigilant and were about to raise their guns when Chekov jumped out of the car and said in Russian: " Excuse me, dear soldiers, we just came over from the airport..."

Seeing the soldiers relax their vigilance, Jin Jiu greeted them with a smile, and Chekhov helped with translation.During the period, the soldiers checked their passports and travel documents, but nothing seemed wrong.

After a while, Jin Jiu returned to the car, took out two bottles of "Erguotou", then turned around and walked back, directly stuffed Erguotou to the four Soviet soldiers on duty, "Thank you! It's convenient!"

The four Soviet soldiers were also veterans. When they saw Erguotou, they all smiled.Immediately accepted it, opened the gate, and said: "Long live the friendship between the Soviet Union and China!"

Jin Jiu grinned and said, "Long live the Sino-Soviet friendship!"

You know, high-strength liquor like "Erguotou" is very popular among the Soviets in the Soviet Union.In many cases, things that cannot even be done with gold can be done with Erguotou. Therefore, when Song Zhichao came to the Soviet Union, he deliberately brought some "Erguotou" with him. Very convenient.

In this way, I got back into the car, and with a super weapon like "Erguotou", the journey was unimpeded.

In contrast, some other passengers who wanted to enter the city of Moscow were very miserable. They were directly stopped outside. In the cold and heavy snow, they all had sad faces. Some of them had children with them, and the children cried a lot. Even though they begged hard, those on duty did not open the gates to let people go. From a distance, a large group of people were just submerged in the heavy snow, and they didn't know where they would spend the night tonight.


Moscow, the Grand Hotel Poseidon—
Song Zhichao is a person who doesn't like suffering very much. To be precise, he suffered too much in his previous life, so he is very repulsed by suffering. Therefore, his hobby now is to enjoy.

Whether it is a business trip or work, you should eat the best food and live in the best house. Money is not a problem, as long as you can live comfortably—isn’t making money just for enjoyment?

Therefore, when Song Zhichao came to Moscow this time, he directly booked the most famous five-star hotel here, the Poseidon Hotel.

Song Zhichao was not feeling well, and he didn't bother to eat any supper, so he went back to his guest room to rest.

Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong, led by Chekov, went to the restaurant of the hotel and ordered supper.

It's not that the Soviet Union didn't have delicious food, it mainly depends on whether you have money.

Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong took Chekhov to a small stove in the restaurant and had a delicious meal.

After eating, Chekov remembered that Song Zhichao told him to bring him some cold medicine after dinner, so he went to the department store of the big hotel to buy cold medicine.

Big hotels like Poseidon generally have their own department stores, where they buy and sell some souvenirs and some daily necessities, the most common ones are towels and condoms.Medicine is rare.

Helpless, Chekov had to go out in the heavy snow, and the Soviet Union had a curfew during this period, and many pharmacies were closed.Chekov managed to find a familiar pharmacy, and it took him a long time to knock on the door before he opened it.

Due to the current situation, domestic prices in the Soviet Union are now skyrocketing. Even though the government uses gold to lower the prices of some necessities, such as bread and milk, the prices of some special commodities, such as drinks and medicines, remain high.

Fortunately, Chekov carried the US dollars Song Zhichao gave him with him.

Now in the Soviet Union, the US dollar is more effective than gold.When Chekhov took out the US dollars, the pharmacy owner's eyes were straightened, and the resentment that Chekov was woken up disappeared immediately.

After buying cold medicine, Chekov hurriedly drove his Volga car all the way back to the Poseidon Hotel.

On the road, I kept hearing police cars roaring, flashing lights flashing on the road, and I didn't know which shop was robbed by robbers again.

In such a cold and heavy snow day, the poor Moscow policemen couldn't stop, and had to brave the heavy snow to go to the scene to investigate after receiving the call.

In fact, the police force in Moscow is not enough at all. The main reason is that there are too many robbery cases. If people want to survive and live, many poor people have no choice but to take risks; Taking advantage of the fire and looting, the capital Moscow was also disturbed.

(End of this chapter)

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