Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 390 400 [The final big winner]

Chapter 390 400 [The final big winner]

The lords of Fenghuo opera?
Zha Dongchen is also a person who has read books, so of course he understands the allusion of the Zhou Dynasty. King You of Zhou smiled for the Bomei people, and he did not hesitate to play with the princes, and finally ruined the country.

But what does Song Zhichao mean now?
Zha Dongchen looked at Song Zhichao coldly, wanting to see what tricks he was playing.

Cha Yongxiao was so overwhelmed by everything in front of him, he didn't expect Song Zhichao to do such a trick to him, and he didn't expect his father Zha Dongchen to be so tolerant, until now he revealed the truth of the matter, Pity myself, I have always regarded this Eva next to me as a well-matched and beloved person, but I didn't expect that she was a counterfeit, let alone a chess piece that Song Zhichao placed beside him.

Zha Yongxiao has always been a super confident person. Even if he is cheated by Song Zhichao again and again, he can still cheer up and fight against Song Zhichao again, just like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. Still from a family background, he is better than Song Zhichao.The main reason why I suffered repeated setbacks was that I underestimated the enemy and was too careless.

This excuse is very good, at least it makes Cha Yongxiao keep regaining his confidence.

But this time——
Only then did Cha Yongxiao fully understand that compared to Song Zhichao, he was an idiot, and he was being manipulated by others without knowing it.

What hit him even more was that Song Zhichao didn't seem to like him from the very beginning, because Song Zhichao's real opponent was not him at all, but his father Zha Dongchen.

Don't talk about the various feelings in Zha Yongxiao's heart, just talk about his father Zha Dongchen, at this time he said to Song Zhichao with a sneer: "What are you doing, the princes, today I will wait to see what tricks you can pull off!"

Song Zhichao didn't say a word, just took the torch and waved it at the window a few times.

Pavlov also found it funny, what is this guy doing in this snowy day?Are you acting?
Everyone looked at Song Zhichao as if they were watching a monkey show, watching him wave the torch, reflecting the light among the buildings.

But soon, the smiles on these people's faces froze, and Zha Dongchen and Pavlov couldn't laugh anymore, because they heard voices in their ears, it was the noise of a large group of people going upstairs the sound of.

Who will come on such a cold day?

Did I hear it wrong?
Zha Dongchen pricked up his ears, trying to hear more clearly.

Pavlov plucked his ears vigorously with his fingers, wondering if he heard it wrong just now.

Boom boom boom!
clap clap clap!
Ping Pong Pong!

There are all kinds of voices.

Soon, the flames shot up into the sky, and before Pavlov and his group could react, they saw a large group of people rushing in with guns and nuclear bombs.

"Don't move! Raise your hands!" someone shouted in Russian.

After all, Pavlov came out to mess around, and he wanted to resist, but he was pointed at the forehead with a gun, and then said in a crisp voice: "Are you the legendary underground tsar of Moscow, Pavlov?"

"You, who are you?" Pavlov carefully turned his head to look.

It was a beautiful Russian female police officer pointing a gun at his forehead, looking at him with a pair of blue eyes and smiling.

"You are..." Pavlov seemed to have guessed something.

"That's right, I'm the real Eva!" the female police officer laughed. "As an officer of the Moscow Police Department, I've always wanted to meet you, you know, Mr. Pavlov?"

Pavlov laughed dryly: "You want to meet me, how can I bear it!" He had heard that this female police officer, Eva, was cruel and merciless, and she was a famous iron lady in the Soviet police circle. , even went to Siberia.

And Pavlov knew more clearly that since the "Iron Lady" female police officer took office, she has been tracking her whereabouts, because she is the biggest leader of the Moscow underworld, and her goal is to arrest herself.

For this reason, Pavlov was so worried that he didn't dare to cover the sky with his hands in Moscow.

As for the last time, Song Zhichao deliberately found a fake Eva and asked Pavlov to cooperate with Cha Yongxiao in a play. Of course Pavlov knew whether this Eva was real or not, so when Cha Dongchen came In the Soviet Union, Pavlov, who has always been greedy, gave this secret to Zha Dongchen as a "small gift".

Zha Dongchen has always wanted to plot against Song Zhichao, and when he heard the news, he began to think about it. Besides, for Zha Dongchen, poaching Song Zhichao's corner and getting someone to stab him in the back is absolutely cool. .Since then, Pavlov has formally formed an alliance with Zha Dongchen, completely betrayed Song Zhichao, and prepared to stab Song Zhichao in the back according to Zha Dongchen's plan.

But now, Pavlov suddenly realized that it seemed that he was the one who was stabbed from beginning to end.

Song Zhichao had already plotted against him from the very beginning, did he really want to form an alliance with him and make him an agent in the Far East?Shit!Song Zhichao knew exactly who Pavlov was, and he knew even more clearly that the Moscow police are trying their best to arrest Pavlov. For such a time bomb, Song Zhichao calculated that it would be better for him to blow up such a time bomb than to be bombed by him in the future. Detonate him directly.

So after Song Zhichao got acquainted with the three big bosses of Soviet aviation, Angelev, Bozhnev, and Andrew in Hong Kong, he discussed with them, connected with Eva and the Eva family, and quickly passed some In the past "special gift", the two sides became good friends.

In other words, Song Zhichao regarded Pavlov as a big gift from the very beginning, and he was going to give it to Eva, to be precise, to the Moscow police, so as to gain real approval from Moscow.Poor Pavlov still regarded himself as a green onion, and wanted to stab Song Zhichao in turn, but he didn't expect that Song Zhichao had already stabbed him N.

At this time, Song Zhichao, as the leader of the "Knife Slot Sect", approached Eva very politely, nodded at her, and gestured.

Eva put away the pistol pointed at Pavlov's forehead.

Song Zhichao said to Pavlov: "Forgive me, dear friend, I didn't expect you to be such a person, and you didn't expect me to be such a person, did you?"

Pavlov: "..." His mouth was cracked, but he couldn't speak.

Song Zhichao smiled slightly, then patted Pavlov on the shoulder and said, "Go to the prison and stay there. If you behave well, you may come out early! Oh, by the way, take this bottle of counterfeit medicine and go in." Prisons don’t have so many medicines—that’s why, don’t take regret medicine when you do something!” After speaking, Song Zhichao stuffed the cold medicine in his hand into Pavlov’s arms, patted him again, and said no more. bother.

Behind, Pavlov looked embarrassed.

At this time, Song Zhichao walked towards Zha Dongchen again.

At this time, Cha Dongchen hadn't recovered from the shock just now, but his precious son Cha Yongxiao was already ashamed.

Seeing Song Zhichao approaching, Zha Dongchen was excited, and immediately forced a smile on his face, and said to Song Zhichao: "Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding! I just wanted to scare you, we are all Hong Kong people. How can people embarrass their own people!"

"I'm sorry..." Song Zhichao said with a smile, "You are from Hong Kong, but I am from the Mainland; and, I really respect the old and love the young..." After finishing speaking, he slapped him across the face.

With a slap, it hit Zha Dongchen in the face.

Burning pain.

Cha Dongchen was stunned.

Who is he?
What kind of person is he?
As the helm of the top ten families in Hong Kong, Zha Dongchen is a superior existence.

But it was such an existence, but at this moment, Song Zhichao slapped him dizzy.

Then I saw Song Zhichao approaching him, and said with a smile: "I like to respect the old and love the young very much, but there is an exception for people like you—for the old fox, the word I like most is—hit!"

Zha Dongchen covered his face: "..."

I want to cry without tears.

(End of this chapter)

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