Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 393 403 [Settlement after Autumn]

Chapter 393 403 [Settlement after Autumn]

The matter of Cha Dongchen and Cha Yongxiao father and son was resolved.

Looking back, Song Zhichao said to his old friend Pavlov with a smile: "Now, dear old friend, shouldn't it be time to talk about our affairs?"

From the beginning to the end, Pavlov saw clearly the situation of Song Zhichao's manipulation of Cha and his son. Hearing this, he hurriedly said with a smile: "I think our mutual friendship can still last. Yes, I made the mistake. I made a mistake, if you are willing to let Miss Eva forgive me, then I will definitely repay you with the most sincere actions."

"Your sincere actions?" Song Zhichao smiled contemptuously, staring at Pavlov: "I have already experienced your actions, stabbing a knife in the back, you know how to make friends."

"Ha, that's why I was obsessed with ghosts. God, now think about it, how could I have done that!" Pavlov exclaimed, "To me, you are a sincere and worthy person. I have made good friends. Dear Song, please don't give up on me."

"Give up on you? Originally, you and I were good friends and partners, but for me, once bitten by a snake for ten years, I am afraid of well ropes, so do you know what I will do?" Song Zhichao looked at him with strange eyes Pavlov.

Pavlov blinked, not understanding.

"I will completely burn that straw rope that scares me, so that there will be no future troubles!"

"Oh no, God! You can't do this!" Pavlov yelled, "Without me, who will be your agent in the Far East, and who can help you exchange these necessities for what you need Dollars? God, wake up, my dear old friend!"

"I'm very sober, and I've already prepared someone to replace you." Song Zhichao said coldly.

"The person who will replace me? Who is it? Who can have so much energy?" Pavlov asked with wide eyes, incredulous.

Song Zhichao clapped his hands and said, "Come out, Chekov!"

As Song Zhichao let the applause fall to the ground, the thin Chekov came out from the darkness beside him.

Pavlov stared at Chekov with wide eyes: "It's you? Chekov, do you know what you're doing?"

Chekov, who had always been like a dog without dignity in front of Pavlov, straightened his back at this time, and said to Pavlov word by word: "Yes, I know, and I am very clear about what is needed now." What I did." Chekov said very firmly, "Pavlov, you used to be my boss, no, to be precise, you used to be the boss of many people, but ask yourself, can you Think of us as your real brothers?"

Pavlov: "..."

"When you make money, you stuff it into your own pocket, and how much do you give us? So far, I have been with you for five or six years, but my child can't even afford bread now!"

"Is this how you behave as a boss? This is how you behave as a boss? When you are free, you beat and scold us, and when you have something to do, let us take the blame - who are we? Why do you do this? Attaching to you humbly?" Chekov asked,
Next to him, a group of Pavlov's subordinates all looked strange, looking at Pavlov with an indescribable look.

Pavlov understood the meaning of these eyes, it was the feeling of "betrayal".

"Now, we want to overthrow you and be ourselves." Chekov said firmly, "Moscow will go on without you. Without you, my brothers and I would have a better life!"

Facing Chekov's decisive attitude, Pavlov's face was ashen.Let him open his mouth and want to say a few words, but nothing comes out.Because he knew that what he said at this time was useless.It is still forgivable for heaven to do evil, but for self-inflicted evil, you cannot live.

"Okay, Pavlov, you don't need to say anything more—seeing that we are making friends, I will let the Moscow Police Department treat you well." Song Zhichao stood up and interrupted Pavlov and Qi Kefu and the two said, then turned to Eva and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Eva smiled and nodded, and suddenly said: "Dear Song, I know you are not feeling well, but do you have time tomorrow, my father wants to invite you to have a light meal."

Song Zhichao shrugged his shoulders handsomely and said: "Since it is the invitation of Your Excellency Yorkoff, I will definitely come! Well, I almost forgot when you said it, my body is really not feeling well—Ah Choo!"

"Giggle!" Eva laughed.


In Moscow, in the hotel room where Cha and his son were temporarily detained—
"Father, are we really going to die like this?" Cha Yongxiao walked around the room like a rambunctious little beast.

But Zha Dongchen was sitting on the sofa, wearing presbyopic glasses, flipping through the international edition of the newspaper, without saying a word.

Zha Yongxiao couldn't help it, walked over, pulled away the newspaper covering his father Zha Dongchen's face, and said, "I'm talking to you, did you hear me?"

Cha Dongchen slapped Cha Yongxiao's face so hard that it made Cha Yongxiao's face turn red.

"What's your attitude? How dare you speak to me in such a tone!" Zha Dongchen burst into flames instantly, like an angry beast.

Cha Yongxiao immediately gave in, "No, I think... we were blackmailed by that damn Song Zhichao for [-] million, I'm not reconciled!"

"You are not reconciled, can I be reconciled?" Zha Dongchen stared at his son, his eyes were bloodshot, "[-] million is a big number, I know best in my heart. But now, look at yourself. If you are not stable, how can you fight Song Zhichao?"

Cha Yongxiao stopped talking and touched his red face with his hand.He has always been afraid of his father, but just now he was so annoyed that he couldn't help but say that, and now he immediately regrets it.After all, he knows best who his father is.

"I've told you before, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. That Song Zhichao is dominating here now, we can't do anything about him, that damned Pavlov is even more difficult to protect himself, and what about you? , The most capable thing is to pick up girls, but this time I picked up a fake! If your girlfriend is really that Eva, we father and son will not be so passive now."

After saying this, Zha Dongchen walked around the tea table for a few steps with his hands behind his back, and suddenly said: "Why don't you try to contact the outside world, if you can contact Hong Kong, then we can turn passive into If you take the initiative, you won't be beaten to death by Song Zhichao!"

"How to contact?" Zha Yongxiao was stunned for a moment, and immediately ran to the landline in the guest room, picked up the phone and made a call.

It's a pity that I picked it up and put it down, and then said to my father angrily: "It was cut off."

If the telephone line is cut off, it is impossible to contact the outside world, and the telephone can only be used as a decoration.

Zha Dongchen folded his hands behind his back and sighed: "I expected it earlier, that Street Fighter Song Zhichao dared to arrange us here, of course he made all the preparations."

"Then what should we do? Why don't we bribe the people outside who are watching us, and let them contact Hong Kong for help."

"Do you speak Russian? Buy it? A chicken is as good as a duck." Although Zha Dongchen scolded his son, he knew in his heart that according to Song Zhichao's water-tight way of doing things, bribery would probably not work. The simplest way The way to deal with it is to change the surveillance personnel every other day, and there is no chance to buy you at all.

"Then what should we do? Are we really going to sit here and wait to die?" Cha Yongxiao said anxiously.

Zha Dongchen put one hand behind his back, and scraped his chin with the other.Suddenly said: "Actually, there is no way, it's just..."

"It's just that I have to wrong you, Ah Xiao!" There was a hint of coldness and viciousness in Zha Dongchen's tone.

(End of this chapter)

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