Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 429 440 [Is it a ghost or a god]

Chapter 429 440 [Is it a ghost or a god]

In a luxury hotel near Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong——
"Ah!" With a loud cry, Cha Yongxiao woke up from the nightmare.

There was cold sweat on his forehead, his face was pale, and he was out of breath.

"What's the matter with you?" Next to him, a naked starlet got out of the warm silk quilt, and asked Cha Yong filial piety with sleepy eyes.

Cha Yongxiao glanced at her, wiped the cold sweat off his head, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I had a nightmare."

"Hehe!" The female star laughed, "Young Master Cha, who is not afraid of anything, will also have nightmares, and he looks so frightened."

When Zha Yongxiao heard this, he immediately changed his face, and directly pulled the little star out of the bed, then threw it to the clothes and said, "Get out!"

The little star was naked, hugging his clothes, not understanding what was going on, he just made a joke, and was driven away?Anyway, I am also a small star of the [-]th line, how can I be chased away like a dog?
"Hehe, if you say go, I'll go. What do you think of me?" the female star said furiously.

Cha Yongxiao didn't talk nonsense, he directly took out his wallet from under the pillow, took out a wad of money, and threw it on the female star's face, splashing, the banknotes scattered all over the floor, "Is this enough?"

The female star pouted her ass, picked up the money, looked at it, and sneered: "Just this little money, do you want to send this old lady away?"

Cha Yongxiao didn't care either, he made 38 million in stock trading yesterday, so he directly took out the watch he took off, threw it to the little star and said, "This earl is worth [-], get out!"

The little star was frightened, looked at the wristwatch worth 38 yuan, quickly put it in his pocket, and then said to Cha Yongxiao with a smile: "Young Master Cha, I was joking with you just now --- buckle me when you have time, I I'm here anytime!" After saying that, he hurriedly began to put on his clothes.

Ignore this [-]th-line star who is greedy for money in front of you - he picked this up in Lan Kwai Fong last night, as long as he is willing to pay, he can have sex with you.

Cha Yongxiao took out a cigarette and a lighter, lit it, and leaned against the head of the bed to smoke.

The starlet deliberately showed off her beautiful figure. When wearing clothes, her RU waves rippled, her TUN quivered, and she posed in many provocative poses.

It's a pity that Cha Yongxiao's mind was not on her at all at this time.

Last night, because he made money in stock trading, Cha Yongxiao graciously invited Luo Yonghui and Yang Shoucheng to have fun in Lan Kwai Fong.

It cost a lot, but for Zha Yongxiao, compared with the money he earned, this amount of money can only be regarded as a drizzle.

Thinking that I made a full [-] million, and I don't know how much the stock has risen now, will I make a full [-] million, a billion, or even a billion?
Taking a deep puff of the cigarette and spitting it out, Cha Yongxiao's heart became hot, and he didn't care too much. He said to the dressed little star, "Turn on the TV!"

The little star curled her lips, wondering what is so good about TV, is it better than her figure just now?
But after receiving so much money from others, the little star is still very professional, so he walked over to help Cha Yongxiao turn on the TV.

"Tune to the economic channel!" Cha Yongxiao ordered while biting a cigarette.

Like a room maid, the little star took the remote control and tuned the TV.

Soon, the TV station was tuned to the economic channel.

Smoking a cigarette, squinting his eyes, leaning against the head of the bed and staring at the TV screen——
On the TV, there happened to be a news broadcast.

A stylishly dressed female announcer sat in front of the stage and began to broadcast: "Major international news——According to the latest news, the Republic of the Soviet Union..."

Then the screen is full of——
"The Soviet Union collapsed!"

"The Soviet Union collapsed!"

"The Soviet Union collapsed!"

Cha Yongxiao: "..." He stared blankly at the TV screen.

The cigarette burned his hand.

Throwing the cigarette away suddenly, Cha Yongxiao woke up from the shock.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? How can a country as big as the Soviet Union say that it is gone?" Cha Yongxiao murmured in despair.

Then he moved and began to dress, but couldn't even fit his trousers because he had been hit too hard.

After finally getting dressed, he immediately called Luo Yonghui and Yang Shoucheng, two "partners".

"Hello, is that Ah Hui? Have you read the news? The Soviet Union has disintegrated!" Cha Yongxiao felt that his voice was trembling.

Over there, Luo Yonghui seemed to have also been severely hit, and he said weakly: "I read it! It was also reported in the newspaper."

"Then my money..."

"It's gone, it's gone!" Luo Yonghui said.

"How could this be? I have invested more than a billion yuan!"

"I also invested [-] to [-] million yuan, and Lao Yang, he too--this time he lost all!" Luo Yonghui said with tears.

Cha Yongxiao slapped the phone, and the phone fell to the ground.

Face as grey.


Hong Kong, Luo Yonghui's home.

Yang Shoucheng was disheveled, sitting on the sofa in the living room with a bitter face, constantly rubbing his face with his hands, and muttering: "What should I do, what should I do?"

Luo Yonghui also looked haggard, his eyes were dull, and he was pacing and gnashing his teeth at the moment, saying in his mouth: "We lost, we really lost this time!"

"It's all you, you should have stopped when you won!" Yang Shoucheng complained.

"Losing money, everyone doesn't want to!" Luo Yonghui excused himself, "Besides, you asked to invest with me at the beginning, and I didn't force you!"

Yang Shoucheng was speechless.

"Then what should we do now?"

"Of course it's to reduce the loss." Luo Yonghui sighed, "We all borrow money from the bank for stock trading. If we don't pay the money when it's due, we will die!"

Luo Yonghui was right about this.

Rich people like them generally invest their funds in companies and rarely have sufficient cash. Therefore, when investing in stocks, they also borrow from banks under various names.

It’s okay to win the stock market, and then just pay back the principal with interest, but if the stock market loses, they have to raise enough cash to repay the loan, so their “time lag” stock market method is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will fall into it.

"How to do it, who will help us now? Looking for Liu? He doesn't have that much cash!" Yang Shoucheng said with a bitter face.

"You don't need to look for him, there is someone who may be able to help us." Luo Yonghui said bitterly.

"Who is it?" Yang Shoucheng asked.

"Robertson." Luo Yonghui spat out a name with difficulty.

Yang Shoucheng: "..." He didn't speak.

In fact, Robertson, the boss of HSBC Bank, also met not long ago—to be precise, they met at a friendship salon held by the financial industry.

At that time, Luo Yonghui and Yang Shoucheng were talking with some financial people and business leaders. The ghost Robertson came over and said that he was the head of HSBC Bank and wanted to get to know them.

The head of the bank is actually the person in charge of the investment department. Such people mainly ask for acquaintance. Luo Yonghui and Yang Shoucheng were flattered on the spot. After a few days of acquaintance, Robertson encouraged them to encourage Zha Yongxiao to mortgage Zha's equity, saying that they would give Zha's equity after the event. They benefit.In any case, they could be regarded as helping Robertson. This time they were in trouble, so it shouldn't be a problem to ask Robertson to help.

"Now we have to go to Luo Bachen—we can't go to Song Zhichao." Yang Shoucheng said helplessly.

Luo Yonghui also had a bitter look on his face.

Yes, if they lose, then the final big winner may be Song Zhichao.

I heard people say that Song Zhichao invested more than two billion yuan in this time. According to the futures index that is still plummeting, Song Zhichao will be able to earn at least 200 billion yuan in the future by shorting the Soviet Union. number!

Thinking of this, Luo Yonghui felt that he had lost all strength.

People are more mad than people.

And is Song Zhichao a ghost or a god?


Hong Kong, stock exchange --
Crying, shouting, many people knelt on the ground and wept bitterly.

Most of the traders in vests were sitting on their seats with dull eyes. Yesterday they were joyful and powerful, and they were all in a daze at the moment.

Those big customers who won money yesterday, but didn't make a move in time, and fell to the sky this morning, squatted on the ground and cried with their heads in their arms, regardless of their image.



"It's dead now!"


The ground was strewn with stocks that looked like waste paper, and the entire stock market was filled with mourning.


In contrast, in the VIP hall headed by Ouyang Jing, there was a sea of ​​cheers.

For them, this is simply a miracle of counterattack.

Originally, they were going to rush to the street yesterday, and there was no chance of a comeback when they were shorting the Soviet Union.

Yes, how could such a big Soviet Union not save itself, and how could their economy decline to the end?
But a miracle is a miracle.

The Soviet Union announced today—disintegration!
A miracle happened, and their investment strategy counterattacked.

The original idea of ​​putting them to death and then reviving them really worked.

In fact, even Ouyang Jing himself could hardly believe it when he received the news today.

Although Ouyang Jing believed in Song Zhichao, he also thought that his investment strategy this time was really too bold.

No, it's not bold, but it's too heaven-defying.

Even if Ouyang Jing searched the entire investment history of Hong Kong, London, and Wall Street in the United States for such an investment strategy, he did not find a single case.

What made Ouyang Jing even more strange was that Song Zhichao was so calm and confident about this investment strategy from the beginning to the end, as if he had already controlled everything and knew that the Soviet Union was about to disintegrate.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Jing felt chills on his back, and even his hairs stood on end.

Unable to bear the horror in his heart, Ouyang Jing shook his head violently, and said to himself: "How is it possible, unless Mr. Song is a ghost, otherwise how could he predict everything."

But for some reason, Song Zhichao's calm, confident, and controlling appearance during the entire investment process once again appeared in Ouyang Jing's mind, and such strange thoughts kept popping up——Song Zhichao is not a human being, but a ghost!

(End of this chapter)

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