Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 433 444 [Equal emphasis on grace and power]

Chapter 433 444 [Equal emphasis on grace and power]

Song Zhichao was sitting on the tatami, wearing a black vest with an old-fashioned pocket watch on it, looking very gentlemanly.

Seeing Luo Yonghui and Yang Shoucheng looking at him, Song Zhichao smiled slightly, pinched the teacup with his fingers, and gestured to them.

Luo Yonghui and Yang Shoucheng glanced at each other before walking towards Song Zhichao.

"Please sit down." Song Zhichao pointed to the tatami.

Luo Yonghui and Yang Shoucheng knelt down in front of the tea table, their expressions a little ugly.

Robertson also sat down, and then said to Luo Yonghui and the others: "This is Mr. Song Zhichao, the boss of our Wanxin Investment Company."

"Thank you, Mr. Robertson, we know each other." Luo Yonghui said with a lowered posture.

Robertson shrugged and said, "Okay then, you guys talk slowly, I'll go out first."

Robertson left the room with Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong.

Soon there were only Song Zhichao and the three of them in the room.

"Are you surprised to see me?" Song Zhichao said, pouring tea for Luo Yonghui and Yang Shoucheng himself.

"Yes, very surprised." Luo Yonghui smiled wryly, "I didn't expect that the person we most want to see is also the person we are most afraid of seeing."

"how do I say this?"

"You know, we have lost a lot in stocks, and now we are in urgent need of capital turnover, so we hope that the boss Wanxin that Robertson talks about can help with the loan-but we didn't expect that the boss is you, you know, before we were How humiliating you, and sniping you, but you survived in the end, and became the big winner among the big winners!" Luo Yonghui said with a sigh.

Yang Shoucheng was even more ashamed and said: "Compared with you, we are inferior to you in terms of investment vision and strategy; what makes me even more ashamed is that we didn't expect you to really win and become a veritable stock god!" .”

Song Zhichao shook his head, and said with a smile: "The god of stocks is what everyone is talking about. There is no god in this world——As for the loan you need..." He glanced at the teacup that had been drunk.

Luo Yonghui hurriedly lifted the small purple sand teapot respectfully, and poured tea into the small teacup.

Finish pouring tea.

Song Zhichao picked up the teacup, tasted it slowly, put it down, and then smiled and said, "As for your loan, it's not impossible."

Glancing at the nervous Luo Yonghui, Song Zhichao said, "I can give you the one or two billion you need now, but what mortgage do you take?"

Luo Yonghui: "..."

Yang Shoucheng: "..."

Song Zhichao said with a smile: "That Zha Yongxiao mortgaged [-]% of Cha's equity for a loan of one billion yuan. How much are you willing to mortgage?"

Luo Yonghui's heart skipped a beat, "How do you know about Zha Yongxiao's mortgage equity?" After blurting out, he felt stupid. Even Robertson, a ghost, was recruited by Song Zhichao and became the person in charge of Wanxin Company. Of course Song Zhichao knew about Cha Yongxiao.

"Hehe, not only do I know about this, but I also tell you that the [-]% of the shares are in my hands now—of course, this is thanks to Robertson for giving me a great gift."

Luo Yonghui and Yang Shoucheng were shocked.

Song Zhichao got [-]% of Cha's shares?Doesn't that mean that he is already a shareholder of the Cha Group?

Just when Luo Yonghui and Yang Shoucheng were startled, Song Zhichao continued to drink tea and said, "I've always done things right and wrong. Even if you offended me before, I don't care. I do." Yes, what do you give me in exchange for one or two hundred million?"

Looking at Song Zhichao's smiling face, Luo Yonghui realized for the first time what a formidable opponent Song Zhichao was after hearing him say this.

"Ahem, in fact, we can also borrow from other banks." Luo Yonghui chose to retreat.

"A loan from the bank? Will they give you a loan? If people know that there is a problem with your capital chain, your shareholders will directly kick you out of office——everyone wants to sit in the top position, doesn't they?"

"In other words, even if the bank promises to give you a loan, review time, and approval time, can you wait? Since you use money from usury companies to speculate in stocks, you must choose the shortest repayment time. The money is not in place. How do you pay it back? Will those loan sharks let you go?" Song Zhichao said every word to his heart.

Luo Yonghui and Yang Shoucheng could only swallow their saliva.

"One or two hundred million is not much for many rich people in Hong Kong, but you have no choice but to beg for mercy and borrow from me, because first, I have money, and second, I will not let this matter Speak out, third..." Song Zhichao raised his finger, "It is also the most important point, if you are disobedient, you will only die!"

Facing Song Zhichao's almost naked threats, Luo Yonghui and Yang Shoucheng were speechless.

"What do you want us to do?" Luo Yonghui said with difficulty, his tone full of bitterness.

"Hehe, it's actually very simple. I'm also very interested in your equity -- but it's not a mortgage, but an acquisition!" Song Zhichao said.

"Impossible!" Luo Yonghui said immediately.

He knew very well that Song Zhichao was like a wolf and a tiger. If he was given the equity, he and Yang Shoucheng would be swallowed up to the bone in the future.

Yang Shoucheng said, "How much do you want?"

Song Zhichao didn't look at Luo Yonghui, but smiled at Yang Shoucheng and said, "Ten percent."

"Isn't it too much for you to buy [-]% of our Yang's company for [-] million yuan?"

Song Zhichao raised his eyebrows, "Did I tell you to give you [-] million? [-] million, [-]% of the equity!"

Yang Shoucheng remained silent. Although [-] million was not a lot, it was interesting enough. At least Song Zhichao didn't take advantage of it.

How did he know that what Song Zhichao was thinking about at this time was Yang Shoucheng's Emperor Company--Song Zhichao knew very well that in the mid-to-late 90s, Emperor Entertainment rose and signed Nicholas Tse, Joey Yung, Eason Chan, Ronald Cheng and other big-name stars successively, earning a lot of money .

Song Zhichao was not willing to let go of the opportunity for a share of the pie, and even planned to annex the Emperor in the future; but Song Zhichao knew better that Yang Shoucheng was a rare general, and if he could be recruited under his command, the score would be even greater.

As for that Luo Yonghui, in Song Zhichao's opinion, this person is talented and talented, but unfortunately, due to his success at a young age, he will be the most vulnerable to blows in the future, and he will collapse easily.Even if he is recruited under his command, he must be guarded against him in the future, lest he be too aggressive and hurt himself.

However, Song Zhichao still believes in his ability to control. Whether it is Yang Shoucheng or Luo Yonghui, for Song Zhichao, they are all his soldiers to dominate Hong Kong in the future.Facing super bosses like Huo Daxie and Li Daheng, he must slowly accumulate strength—and among the many strengths, talent is the most important part.

Luo Yonghui already understood that since Yang Shoucheng said that, he had accepted Song Zhichao's suggestion.

Luo Yonghui knew more clearly that Song Zhichao did not mortgage them, but directly purchased their equity. In the future, whether it was his Luo's enterprise or Yang Shoucheng's Yang's company, Song Zhichao's "Wanxin Financial Company" brand would be stamped on his back.

Helpless, at this time he has no choice, because if he refuses to accept, then it will be like what Song Zhichao said, there is only one dead end.

According to the cold-blooded and ruthless Song Zhichao fabricated in the recent newspapers, Luo Yonghui also absolutely believes that Song Zhichao is a ruthless hero.

Therefore, he also softened.

"Okay, Mr. Song, I promise you too -- everything will be done according to your wishes!" Luo Yonghui said.

At this time, Song Zhichao smiled happily when he saw Luo Yang and Luo Yang who bowed their heads and professed their ministers. He raised his wine glass and said to the two of them, "Come, have a drink first—we will be a family from now on!"

(End of this chapter)

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