Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 441 452 [Every Hidden Mind]

Chapter 441 452 [Every Hidden Mind]

After all, Boss Huo is an old Jianghu. Although he was surprised by Song Zhichao's city, he quickly recovered.

Mr. Huo said with a smile: "Chaozi, I'm surprised. How did you know about the domestic bid for the 2000 Olympic Games?"

Song Zhichao was taken aback, only then did he realize that the domestic bid to host the Olympics was announced in June, so he had preconceived ideas, and now it's only February, so he just said it outright, how can he explain it?

Song Zhichao rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "This is easy to explain... The Asian Games have only been successfully held in China. Of course, it is necessary to take advantage of the victory to host the Olympics --- what's more, many newspapers and magazines now have written that the country must be a hero. From now on, sports is the first choice, hosting the Olympics will show our country's prestige!"

Upon hearing this, Mr. Huo glanced at the newspaper he put on the coffee table and smiled, "Is your deduction accurate?"

Song Zhichao: "Since it's an inference, it's certainly not [-]% correct."

Brother Huo nodded, "It's good that you know. But you guessed it right. Now the domestic bid for the 2000 Olympic Games is very loud, so there is a shortage of capital investment."

Song Zhichao smiled slightly: "In my opinion, the bid to host the 2000 Olympics is unnecessary. I am here to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but they think that we have had enough limelight, and the right to host the Olympics should be handed over to others—— Instead of spending manpower and material resources to apply, it is better to recharge your batteries and try your best to bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.”

Song Zhichao said these words from the perspective of the future. After all, in the previous life, our great motherland only succeeded in bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games.As for the bid in 2000, it was simply a painful lesson, which cost a lot of manpower and material resources, but ended in failure.

After hearing Song Zhichao's words, Mr. Huo picked up his teacup and took a sip of some of the last tea, and the servant who had been waiting beside him rushed forward to help pour the tea.

Boss Huo squinted at Song Zhichao from the corner of his eyes and said, "Although what you said makes sense, there is one question you don't understand..."

Song Zhichao: "..."

"Do you know what a big country is?" Big Brother Huo asked.

Song Zhichao: "..." Many thoughts turned in my mind, and I felt that such an answer seemed wrong.

"The so-called big country is glorious even if it loses—compared with failure, what is more admirable is the daring to bid and dare to compete with those superpowers!" Mr. Huo said firmly, "Although there are tens of millions of people, I will go! The spirit of a great country is the soul of a great country!"

"Perhaps in your opinion, bidding for the Olympic Games is a waste of money, but do you know how glorious and proud it is for a superpower to successfully bid for the Olympic Games—Japan, South Korea, and small countries have successfully hosted the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games, but our great country with a history of 5000 years in China, can only hold a small Asian Games. If we dare not even challenge the Olympic Games, dare not fight for it, dare not bid for it, then what are we Chinese people doing? To face the world?"

What big brother Huo said left Song Zhichao speechless.

For Song Zhichao, from the perspective of someone who has experienced it, he has the golden finger of predicting the future, so he believes that bidding for the 2000 Olympic Games is a waste of money and people.But he forgot that our great nation has always been crossing the river by feeling the stones—we will not be opportunistic, we will only take one step at a time, and slowly develop towards a big country.

That's right, in our previous life, we failed to bid for the 2000 Olympic Games, and we were ridiculed by many countries, such as Japan, who said we were "overreaching", and South Korea, who said we were "daydreaming"... In the eyes of these small countries, the lion of China should always be asleep and never rise.

But history tells us that although our great motherland failed in the bid to host the 2000 Olympic Games, we learned lessons and refined the bidding process, which laid a solid foundation for the successful bid for the 2008 BJ Olympic Games.

This is the limitation of Song Zhichao’s thinking. As a person who has experienced it, he knows the trajectory of historical discovery, so he believes that our country does not need to bid for the failed 2000 Olympic Games, but he has forgotten that failure is the mother of success. It is precisely because of the 2000 Olympic Games The Olympic application failed, which led to the successful bid for the 2008 BJ Olympic Games.

The world is so big, every drink and peck has its own number.

Song Zhichao understood everything when he thought of this, so he said to Mr. Huo: "Maybe I didn't think enough, I apologize to you here--I have always supported my motherland's bid to host the Olympics, and I hope his bid will be successful. Yes Yes, I am willing to donate to your sports fund in the name of the General Chinese Chamber of Commerce, with only one purpose, to look up to the motherland, hope that the motherland will grow, and realize our century-old dream of strengthening the country."

If Mr. Huo still had opinions on Song Zhichao before, then at this moment, after hearing what Song Zhichao said, Mr. Huo couldn't help but look at Song Zhichao with admiration. After all, this era is young and promising like Song Zhichao, but very Patriotic young people are rare.

Who is Song Zhichao? Looking at Boss Huo's expression at this time, he knew that he had won the favor of the other party, so he continued to say: "Also, Mr. Huo, actually there is a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Brother Huo smiled slightly, and turned the teacup in his hand, "You can say whatever you want, and you have nothing to do with me..."

Song Zhichao said with a smile: "It's actually very simple. Since you are always willing to propose me to be a member of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, then there must be a purpose, and it is definitely not just to appreciate me? So I dare to ask, do you always like me?" Me what?"

Big Brother Huo laughed when he heard the words, then pointed at Song Zhichao and said, "To tell you the truth—I've taken a fancy to you for being rich!"

Song Zhichao: "..."

Big brother Huo continued: "You have made more than 200 billion yuan in stocks this time, isn't that considered rich? It is estimated that many banks will blow up your phone calls during this time, and those who want to ask you to help invest Yes, there must be more and more!"

"So what about you, Brother Huo, what do you like about me?"

"Didn't I tell you that I think you're rich?" Huo didn't hide anymore, put down his teacup, looked at Song Zhichao with burning eyes and said, "I'll only tell you about this—uh, I Planning to invest in Nansha in the Mainland, are you interested in cooperating?"

Song Zhichao: "..."

It was no longer a simple surprise, but a look of astonishment.

You know, in the previous life, the Nansha Economic and Technological Development Zone was a key investment area that the Huo family had spared no expense for many years.Mr. Huo has a long-term investment vision. As early as the reform and opening up, he extended his tentacles into the mainland, from Guangzhou White Swan Hotel to China Hot Spring Hotel, from roads to bridges, from sports funds to welfare funds for the disabled, from Jinan University to British East Swimming Pool... But even in the total investment of more than 50 billion yuan in the mainland, his investment in Nansha is unrivaled. Until his death, the total investment in the 10 years exceeded 25 billion yuan.If so much money is spent, the iron tree can bloom

Mr. Huo's intention is to build Nansha into the "Pudong" of Guangzhou, or "Little Hong Kong" --- Nansha, which was barren in the early years, will become a 7.1-kilometer-long golden coastline in the future, where Tianhou Palace, Puzhou Garden, Nansha Grand Hotel, Chinese General Chamber of Commerce Building, World Trade Center Building, Dongfa Wharf, Nansha Passenger Port, Humen Ferry Wharf, Nansha Yacht Club, etc. Huo's large property, "can be called the veritable 'land king' of Nansha".

Such a big investment, which is almost a family monopoly, how can Mr. Huo take advantage of himself?
Even if Song Zhichao could figure it out, knowing the past and the future, he was still a little confused at this moment. He didn't understand whether Mr. Huo's words were deliberately probing, or did he really hope that he would join in the investment?

(End of this chapter)

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