Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 451 462 [The art of controlling people]

Chapter 451 462 [The art of controlling people]

For Robertson, Ouyang Jing, Qi Wanda, and others, everyone has a scale in their hearts—a scale to measure the value of their abilities.

Robertson thought highly of himself, after all, he was recruited by Song Zhichao from HSBC, the largest bank in Hong Kong.

So after Song Zhichao gave him a generous annual salary, Robertson resigned resolutely and gave up the opportunity to work in HSBC—in fact, his strength and status in HSBC had reached its peak, and it was difficult to go further. It was also the reason why he chose to assist Song Zhichao.

At this moment, Robertson took a look at the signing document in his hand, and it was different from the previous promise made by Song Zhichao, the annual salary was directly reduced by 50.00%!

How much is 50.00%?

It's half of my original salary!

Robertson felt a little unhappy in his heart. To be precise, he was angry, annoyed—I have never seen such a dishonest person. He agreed to an annual salary of 30 yuan, and the welfare package was twice as much as that of HSBC. It's good now, the salary is cut in half, and there is no such thing as cheating!
Just when Robertson was secretly annoyed and was about to yell, an additional clause caught his eyes—if he worked in Wanxin Company for three years, he could get one-thousandth of the equity profit.

"This is..." Robertson's green eyes rolled wildly.

With a bang.

Robertson took a deep breath. As a senior bank asset manager who specializes in working for others, Robertson knew very well that if he continued to stay at HSBC, he would probably not earn money for the rest of his life. 4000 million!
A huge temptation occupied Robertson's head.

He shook his head violently, trying to clear his mind, and said to himself, how can there be such a rich and good thing in this world?There must be something wrong!

So, Robertson patted his face, cleared his head, and continued to search for the "mystery" hidden in this document with his eyeballs --- he had just glanced at it in a hurry before, but he didn't look carefully. Now he took a serious look. After that, shit, another payment, an additional payment.

I saw that the appendix reads: If you want to get one-thousandth of the annual profit dividend, you must ensure that the company's profit reaches more than 20.00%, and you must guarantee to work in the company for three years including more than three years.

The meaning is very simple, you have to work in Wanxin International for three years, and the annual profit reaches more than 20.00% of the total assets, and then you can enjoy the annual dividend of one thousandth.

This is like a gamble. Like Robertson, you must have the ability to control the company and lead the company forward and develop, otherwise, you will get nothing.

Robertson took a deep breath, this Song Zhichao is too good at playing.

There are traps under the huge bait, but the traps are dug very cleverly, making you want to jump into them.

Hold back!

Must hold back!

Robertson continued to look at the terms below, and sure enough, there is more: If you are not satisfied with the above terms, you can refuse to sign the contract, and the company will perform the contract with you according to the original contract.

This means... I don't have to sign a contract, but I can still get an annual salary of 30 yuan a year and enjoy double the benefits?

Robertson frowned.

Look at the last and eye-catching sentence of the entire contract: Wanxin International reserves the right to interpret the content of the above contract. If you have any questions, please consult as soon as possible!
Nima, this is... Luo Bachen has to admire Song Zhichao, not to mention anything else, just this "deed of sale" contract, it is so meticulous that you can hardly find any mistakes.

Now the situation is very clear. For Robertson, should he continue to maintain the "conservative contract" he signed with Song Zhichao, earning an annual salary of 30 yuan a year, or sign this "professional manager" contract similar to a sell-off contract? Get an annual salary of 15 yuan a year, and work for three years, and then enjoy a thousandth of a year's tens of millions of dividends... It's tangled!

Robertson's head hurt so much that he kept beating his head with his fingers.

At this time, like him, there were other people who kept beating their heads with their hands, for example, Ouyang Jing.


Compared with Robertson, Ouyang Jing is a stock market sniper who specializes in stock speculation. To be precise, what Ouyang Jing is good at is investment.

Therefore, the contract that Song Zhichao designed for Ouyang Jing was also related to investment.To be precise, Song Zhichao gave Ouyang Jing a floating dividend method --- no basic salary, only dividends!
To make an analogy:

Ouyang Jing is responsible for investing 30.00 million yuan in projects. If the profit of this project reaches 3000%, that is, 30 million, Ouyang Jing can get 50.00; if the profit reaches 5000%, that is, 50 million, Ouyang Jing can get [-]. The bigger it is, the more he gets.

Another important point is that Ouyang Jing will bear the main responsibility if the investment loses money, and there will be a corresponding punishment system for the extent of the loss.

To put it bluntly, the contract that Song Zhichao made for Ouyang Jing is simply a floating dividend model with "distinct rewards and punishments".

Of course, it was the same as Robertson's contract, as mentioned above, if Ouyang Jing didn't dare to challenge this high salary, then he could choose the contract he signed with Song Zhichao before, and continue to be an investor with a basic salary and low dividends.

My brain hurts!

Ouyang Jing also knocked hard on his forehead.


Compared with Robertson and Ouyang Jing, professionals who are good at investment and financial management, Fu Jiajun, Liu Dehua, Zhou Xingchi, Qi Wanda, Zhu Fugui, Huang Cailun, Luo Shifu and Mao Youwang, etc., have different thoughts .

For Fu Jiajun, a wealthy young man, he never expected that one day he would receive a "deed of sale", which clearly stated that if Fu Jiajun wanted to control Phantom Entertainment, he had to be a shareholder and at the same time take responsibility for Phantom Entertainment. The important task of entertainment development, as the "professional manager" of Phantom Entertainment, formulates the future development direction and investment direction of the company.

Brackets——If Fu Jiajun is unwilling to take on this important task, he can also choose to give up, but from now on, he will no longer have the right to manage Phantom Entertainment, and will only enjoy profit dividends.

To put it bluntly, Song Zhichao used this "professional manager" contract to directly issue an ultimatum to Fu Ershao-management rights, if you don't want it?
I want a head!
You, Chao, are treacherous enough. If you want to remove my power, you should have said it earlier, and you still do this.

Of course Fu Jiajun didn't really complain about Song Zhichao, he also knew that now that the Phantom is getting stronger, he really can't treat this company as a joke anymore.It's better to let it go and let someone who really understands entertainment management and operation take care of it.

Besides, he, Second Young Master Fu, still wants to inherit the family business, so how can he care about the entertainment company?Therefore, Marco Fu immediately wrote: Give up!

Contrary to Fu Er Shao voluntarily giving up the management rights of Phantom Entertainment, Liu Dehua and Zhou Xingchi signed the contract without hesitation.

The reason is very simple. It is clearly written in the contract. After being the "professional managers" of Phantom Entertainment, they have the right to shoot the movies they like, and have the right to control the entertainment projects they want to shoot. To be precise, they are actors. Big stars, now Song Zhichao has given them the power to let them go and be directors and investors. For them, the temptation is absolutely infinite.


Like Andy Lau and Zhou Xingchi, Qi Wanda, Zhu Fugui, Huang Cailun, Luo Shifu and Mao Youwang also signed the "Deed of Sale" without hesitation.

For them, the company is not theirs, they are high-level wage earners, but now, the "professional manager" contract listed by Song Zhichao looks harsh, but it has nothing to do with their actual interests. In particular, the better one's business is, the more one earns. What's more, Song Zhichao's "equity dividend" trick can be called a nirvana, and it directly hit everyone's heart.

Of course, apart from this contract, Song Zhichao had an unusual private relationship with Qi Wanda, Zhu Fugui—especially Zhu Fugui and others, so even if they didn't sign the contract, they would not lose their fortune in the future.


Seeing a group of people holding the "deed of sale" with different expressions, Li Bingqiang, Yang Shoucheng, and Luo Yonghui, who were "spectators" and "spectators", couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

Although I don't know the specific differences in the contracts in everyone's hands, I already know from the expressions on everyone's expressions that this group of people has been eaten to death by Song Zhichao.

It can be said that they have thoroughly experienced Song Zhichao's "curse-like" driving skills.

However, the three of them immediately woke up, Song Zhichao would never invite them to watch such a "performance" for no reason, there must be some purpose in it!
Especially Luo Yonghui, since he failed in the fight with Song Zhichao, he has reflected on it and concluded that Song Zhichao never does useless work, and he never fights uncertain battles. the goal of.

So this time, what will Song Zhichao do to the three of them?

Luo Yonghui suddenly felt uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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