Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 467 479 [very upset]

Chapter 467 479 [very upset]

wry smile!

As a big brother of the Hong family, Hong Sen never expected that Song Zhichao would KO his right-hand man, even Hong Ying, his adopted son, in front of his face.

Pity this Hong Ying, Master Hong knows his skills, even among the Hongmen, he is a first-class expert, not to mention one can beat ten, even if there are more than a few, it will not be a problem, but he is such a master, but when In front of his own face, he was KO'd with the most primitive weapon --- a wine bottle.

Lord Hong felt a little dizzy.

Faced with this situation, he really didn't know what to do.

Get angry, anyway, this is your own territory, and your own territory can't even protect your own people. You still vent your anger, and you won't be laughed at if you tell it?

The only way is --- calm.

So Master Hong smiled calmly, pointed to Hong Ying who was bleeding from his forehead on the ground, and said to Song Zhichao: "Mr. Song, isn't it a little too much for you to do this?"

Song Zhichao shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "He beat my servant, and I beat him. Isn't it fair?"

Hong Sen: "..." Glancing at Jin Jiu, who had a bruised nose and swollen face behind Song Zhichao, he couldn't help but smile wryly: "You are such a good boss, you dare to do this for your subordinates."

"It's the duty of a big brother to stand up for his subordinates."

"What a duty!" Hun Sen said, "I won't bother you about this matter first, I just want to know, how did you know that sign language?"

Song Zhichao smiled and approached Hong Sen.

The people around were afraid that Song Zhichao would be unfavorable to Hong Sen—after all, Song Zhichao had a nervous breakdown just now, but he has a criminal record, so he rushed forward to stop him, but Hong Sen waved his hand at them, meaning there is no need to come up, forgive Song Zhichao I dare not do anything to myself.

Song Zhichao couldn't help secretly praising, this Lord Hong is indeed the leader of the Hong family, his courage and courage are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Master Hong, since your old man asked, I'll tell you—the reason why I know this sign language is because..." Song Zhichao moved closer to Hong Sen's ear, "It's because you told me."

"What?" Hun Sen immediately widened his eyes.

In his impression, he didn't know Song Zhichao at all, so how could he tell him such a secret.

In fact, Song Zhichao was right. In his previous life, Hong Sen personally told Song Zhichao the century-old secret sign language of the Hong family.

At that time, Song Zhichao and Hong Ye's granddaughter Hong Xueli were getting along happily, and the two even reached the point of discussing marriage.Song Zhichao also knew that Hong Ye liked things in the cup, so he bid a bottle of 90-year-old wine at the auction at a high price of 30 yuan and gave it to Hong Ye as a gift.

At noon that day, Master Hong was excited after drinking, blushing and talking with Song Zhichao about many secrets of the Hong family, including the secret sign language that the Hong family had passed down for hundreds of years.Lord Hong told Song Zhichao that since we are almost a family, if we encounter troubles anywhere in the world in the future, we only need to show this sign language to the Hong family to get help from the Hong family.

In fact, Hun Sen did not brag when he said this.The ancestor of the Hong family is the master and protagonist in Hong Kong martial arts movies --- "Hong Xiguan", his son is called "Hong Wending", and then passed down from generation to generation, the Hong family began in China, in Hong Kong, in Taiwan, so that In the American Chinatown, the British Chinatown has spread and spread.

In addition, many ancestors of the Hong family were bigwigs of the Hong family, so that the Hong family is very important in the whole world.Los Angeles Chinatown tycoon like Hun Sen is one of them, but Hun Sen’s energy is great, not to mention that his son John Hong is a city council member in Los Angeles. As a Chinese, he has a lot of weight in the government. He is the chairman of the General Chinese Chamber of Commerce, in charge of the entire Chinese business operation in Los Angeles. As long as he is angered, let alone a business tycoon, he can kick you out of Los Angeles in minutes.

It is precisely because of this that when Hong Sen said such things to Song Zhichao in his previous life, it was tantamount to treating Song Zhichao as his own grandson-in-law and not treating him as an outsider.

But the world is unpredictable. In the end, no one thought that Song Zhichao and Hong Xueli would break up because of business disputes. In the end, the relationship ended. Song Zhichao did not become a "member" of the Hong family, so he never used this kind of mystery. "Sign Language".

But now, Song Zhichao came to the United States because of the signing of Michael Jackson, and sought Hun Sen's help. In desperation, he wrote sign language.

At this time, hearing what Song Zhichao said, Hong Sen immediately laughed, "Young man, I don't blame you for hitting my man in front of me; but isn't it too much for you to say the reason? Say, do you think I look like an idiot?"

Facing Hun Sen's stern questioning, Song Zhichao was not intimidated, "What I'm telling is the truth, believe it or not—but according to the Hong family's rules, no matter who it is, whether it's a member of the Hong family or someone like me, Outsiders, as long as you speak sign language, you must help unconditionally, right?"

Hun Sen was startled immediately, that's true, there is such a rule in the Hong family's family, and this kid even knows this?Hun Sen inevitably became suspicious.

Gritting his teeth, Hun Sen tried to take a breath to calm down his emotions. At this moment, his anger towards Song Zhichao was completely replaced by curiosity.

In Hun Sen's view, this young man named Song Zhichao must have some connection with the Hong family, otherwise it would be impossible for him to know so many secrets. He would personally violate the family rules, so he thought for a while and said, "No matter who you are, the Hong family's family rules cannot be easily violated—I promise you, what do you want me to do for you?"

"It's very simple. I know Master Hong, you have great energy, and you have also met some big stars in Hollywood, so I hope you can..." Song Zhichao wanted to meet the king of pop Michael Jackson, but he was too busy right now No one was seen, not to mention Chinese businessmen from Hong Kong like myself, even some big Hollywood directors and well-known businessmen were rejected by Mike.In desperation, Song Zhichao made such a bad plan, hoping that Lord Hong could help.

After listening to Song Zhichao's words, Hun Sen immediately analyzed whether it was true or false --- it seemed that this young man really wanted to meet that ghost Mike, and it didn't seem like he was lying.After all, for a person as big as himself, most people would never disturb him with such a "little thing" when they ask him for help.

no big deal?That's right, for Master Hong, letting Song Zhichao meet that ghost Mike is indeed a small matter.

So on the one hand, Hun Sen affirmed that Song Zhichao really wanted something from him, but on the other hand, he was also a little upset-what's the upset?I'm upset that Song Zhichao's request for help from him is too small - after all, he is also a big boss in Los Angeles, so it is too small for him to let him do such a small thing.

"Aying, now that you're awake, let's do something for Mr. Song - doesn't that ghost's manager, Mike, still owe us a large sum of money at Zhonghua Casino? Tell him, do me a favor, and the interest will be cut in half! "

Being helped up, Hong Ying, who was clearing his head on the chair next to him, shook his head when he heard this, gave Song Zhichao a resentful look, and said, "Yes!"

Hearing this, Hong Ye turned around and said to Song Zhichao with a smile: "I have already promised you what you asked me to do—but you don't mind letting Ah Ying do it?"

Song Zhichao smiled slightly, glanced at Hong Ying who hated himself to the core, and his eyes were about to burst into flames, and said, "Why would I mind? I have no strengths, and I know how to control animals, especially that stubborn donkey! "

"That's good, don't be kicked by the donkey—it will hurt!" Master Hong said with something in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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