Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 469 481 [Speed ​​Car Party]

Chapter 469 481 [Speed ​​Car Party]

Inside the Dream Castle——
The carousel is ticking.

The roller coaster whirrrrrr.

There is also the horror house not far away, the rare animal exhibition room... the huge place is like a giant playground.

In the middle of the playground, the statue of Peter Pan stands beside a pool—the huge pool is like a green lake, sparkling under the sunlight.

A group of cute children were playing and playing by the pool. Next to it, Michael Jackson was having a water fight with a big bodyguard with a water gun.

Mike led four or five children, pretending to be a death squad, and started a life-and-death contest with the big guy. Everyone was holding a water gun, as if they were on a battlefield full of bullets. They were all very nervous and excited, especially Mike, whose face was full of excitement. With a red halo, he greeted his subordinates from time to time, "Let's rush over, God, we are the heroes of this war!"

Around the pool, there are four bodyguards who are bigger and bigger, one of them is the strongest, a black man almost two meters tall, with big nostrils, Mohawk hair, and a huge body, just like the gorilla "King Kong" in American movies .

At this time, someone came over and whispered something in the gorilla's ear. The gorilla frowned, then turned and left.

On the criss-crossing roads of the dream castle, the cook drove the tram at a high speed, which looked like a racing driver-in fact, it was true. The cook told Song Zhichao and the others that before she became a cook, she was the most famous in Los Angeles. Member of the Street Speeding Party.

"You don't know, dear boy, I was absolutely crazy at that time——whether it's a motorcycle or a car, I can handle it like a juicer!"

Facts have proved that the cook really has this capital, because when a gorilla suddenly rushed out to intercept them, the cook was in danger, turned the steering wheel with her hands, and even used a handsome flick to drift and parked on the side of the road.

"Oh God, King Kong, you bastard, do you know that you almost scared my old lady to death!" the cook patted her breast, which was bigger than a papaya, and said angrily to the gorilla that came out.

The gorilla --- King Kong grinned, showing his white teeth. He glanced at the cook with green eyes, then looked at Song Zhichao and the others, and said, "Who are they and how did they get in? Don't you know that Dream Castle doesn't allow Did outsiders enter?"

"Tch, King Kong, don't use the castle rules to pressure me—these are my friends, I brought them to meet Mike!" The cook seemed to be at odds with this King Kong.

King Kong bared his teeth and grinned, "Yes, I have no reason to suppress you, but you are just a cook, and it is my duty to review such people!" Pointing at Song Zhichao and the others contemptuously, "Now, Dear friends, you guys better get out of the car and don't let me do it myself-then I'll kick your asses and twist your heads off and stuff them in from underneath!"

Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong couldn't understand what the gorilla was talking about. Their cultural quality was not high, especially in English.Song Zhichao heard it clearly, so he smiled and said, "Are you called King Kong? We are from Hong Kong, and we are also guests from afar. If we want to meet your Mike, please let me know."

"Hey, I know who you are, but it's a pity that I promised someone that I wouldn't let you see Mike—well, of course, you also have another choice, that is to get out of the car, kneel down, Lick the soles of my shoes clean, maybe I will show kindness and let you see Mike." King Kong raised his feet and wiped the soles of his shoes on the grass deliberately, with a proud look on his face.

Song Zhichao: "Is the person you promised Hong Ying? If so, then it's a pity..."

King Kong's expression was startled, he didn't expect Song Zhichao to guess so accurately, "What's your regret?" After speaking, King Kong realized that something was wrong, maybe Song Zhichao was playing tricks on himself.

Sure enough, Song Zhichao shrugged and smiled, "So it's that guy Hong Ying."

King Kong was a little angry, he didn't think he had a low IQ, but felt that Song Zhichao was too treacherous, "Damn it, you guys still don't get out of the car!"

After speaking, he reached out to overturn the tram.

He is tall and powerful, and the tram itself is very light. If Song Zhichao and Jin Jiu were overturned by him, Niu Xiong would turn into a rolling gourd.

Seeing King Kong making a move, before Song Zhichao could issue an order, Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong did it.

Last time in Hongmen, Jin Jiu suffered a loss against Hong Ying, and he was already suffocating, not to mention Niu Xiong, who was by his side. in the eyes.

Jin Jiu stepped out and kicked King Kong's chest.

Niu Xiong punched King Kong on the head.

The two attacked King Kong's top lane and middle lane respectively.The movement is quick, and the force is like rushing to thunder.

"Huh!" Since he can be Michael Jackson's personal bodyguard and earn a high salary that is envied by others, King Kong is not a freelancer. Looking at the postures of Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong, he knows that he almost underestimated them.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​overturning the tram, so he took a step back and fought Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong with boxing moves.

At this moment, Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong had already jumped out of the car. The combination of the two was as fierce as a tiger and as fierce as a leopard. Not to mention King Kong who practiced boxing, even a master like Hong Ying might not be their opponent.

"Oh, damn it!"

With a bang, King Kong took a punch from Jin Jiu in the chest.

Jin Jiu punched with all his strength, even though King Kong was rough and thick, he still felt the pain unbearably.

"Damn it, you guys completely pissed me off!" King Kong growled loudly, looking genuinely annoyed.

He is tall, nearly two meters tall, and he is one size bigger than Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong. He is much stronger than ordinary people in terms of physical strength and fighting ability. Now he is irritated by Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong, and he wants to get rid of him quickly. It's a little difficult.

At this moment, Song Zhichao said, "Stop!"

Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong took a step back.

King Kong also let out a breath and looked at Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao smiled at him: "I'm sorry, one of my two men hit you!"

"Huh!" King Kong snorted, thinking that this guy was reasonable, he was a civilized person—two people beat one, what kind of a hero?
Next, Song Zhichao suddenly took out two baseball bats from the car and threw them to Jin Jiu and Niu Xiong, "Quick battle!"

Then, Song Zhichao took out another club, weighed it in his hand, and asked King Kong with a smile: "Three hit one, do you have any opinions?"

King Kong: "..."

my day!

(End of this chapter)

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