Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 47 047 [I like being a dog the most]

Chapter 47 047 [I like being a dog the most]

It can be said that Cheng Fafa's remarks were full of strong provocation.

As soon as these words came out, not to mention the grumpy Jin Jiu, the mature and prudent Uncle Kun, even Mark, who was still calm before, all changed their expressions.

How can it be?

I just bought the dance hall, and Cha Shao and Cheng Fafa decided to open a new one next to it?This is obviously to fight against oneself.When did I offend young master Cha?

Cheng Fafa seemed to enjoy Mark's surprise. He reached into his arms with a playful smile and rubbed the dead skin on his chest. Is it unexpected? We can be neighbors in the future, you Caesars, we Broadway, will definitely make that area the most beautiful entertainment area in Panyu County! Zhongyou, Mark, I will learn a lot from you in the future , after all, you have been in this business for a long time, so if you have time, introduce a few of your regular customers!"

Hearing Cheng Dafa's crazy words, Mark, Jin Jiu next to him, and Uncle Kun were all confused.

Mark's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he secretly thought about the cause and effect relationship, but Jin Jiu couldn't help it. He stood up and pointed at Cheng Fafa's nose and cursed: "What are you talking about? Cheng Fafa also wants to open a dance hall? Do you know how to open a dance hall?" Meh, you can drive it, I will blow you up in nine minutes!"

Cheng Dafa grinned, and pushed Jin Jiu's finger pointing at his nose away with his hand: "Well, it's not playing cards, you're a fool! Zhong You, are you deaf or hard of hearing? Prick up your ears and hear clearly, Shao Cha asked me to partner with him to build a dance hall. He invested and I managed it. You guys should know better than me what identity Cha Shao is. 'Take care of me!"

Cheng Fafa's tone was full of contempt, his eyes were full of mockery, and he didn't pay attention to the group of people in front of him.

To be honest, according to what he said, he really has the power to provoke.

You know, Cha Yongxiao is a man with strong financial resources. If he really opens a dance hall, it will definitely be of a super large scale. Whether it is hardware facilities or software facilities, it is estimated that it will surpass the Caesars dance hall.

In addition, today's customers like to "like the new and dislike the old", especially the dance halls. Once the new one opens, it will definitely cause a sensation; what's more, it is opened next to Caesar, so it is easy to snatch away Caesar's regular customers.

Of course, these are not the point, the point is that Cha Yongxiao chose to use Cheng Fafa, a mangy dog, to do things for him, let him become a shareholder, and directly manage the dance hall business, which is very shrewd.

You must know that Cheng Fafa's relationship network in Pan Yu is also very complicated. There are people who know both black and white, especially Cheng Fafa has been working hard to become Pan Yu's "toy king" in recent years, relying on money to make friends There are many characters from three mountains and five mountains.

Now that we want to open a dance hall, this background is the most important, because the dance hall is also a side business, with huge profits, and many people are eyeing it, like Mark, because there is the murderous Jin Jiu to help watch the venue, this It was only in peace on the ground that no one dared to move.Even though Zha Yongxiao has a lot of money, he is from Hong Kong after all. He is not familiar with the place here, and it is difficult for a strong dragon to overwhelm a snake. Saved a lot of effort.

"You mangy dog, don't bark here! I don't understand, why did Mr. Cha suddenly choose to open the dance hall? Are you playing tricks behind?" Jin Jiu insisted that Cheng Fafa, the mangy dog, had something question.

"What the hell am I doing? You are not the only ones to do such a profitable business!" Cheng Fafa smiled hippie, and suddenly, his eyes were sharp, "Zhong You, don't call me a 'mangy dog' anymore. I have a name, and my name is Cheng Fafa. You can call me 'Brother Fafa' or 'Boss Cheng', if you say those three words one more time, I will make you regret it in minutes!"

Cheng Fafa's tone was not kind, and the dog eyes that were originally full of contempt were full of murderous intent.Even a murderous person like Jin Jiu was taken aback by Cheng Dafa's sudden change.

Normally, Jin Jiu looked down on Cheng Fafa as a "fairy dog" and a "mangy dog" from the bottom of his heart, thinking that he relied on women for his position, and if he hadn't given his wife to the Hong Kong guy to sleep with him, he wouldn't have a good day today; I understand a little bit, this male dog doesn't seem to be so useless, especially the tone and eyes of his words just now, are simply more vicious than the murderous brother on the road.

But he, Jin Jiu, is not a vegetarian either, so how could he be easily frightened by a few words from Cheng Dafa, a mangy dog, and was about to choke back, but was stopped by Mark.

Mark stared closely at Cheng Fafa and said: "Director Cheng, originally you opened your toy factory, and I was my dance hall, and the river does not interfere with well water, but now you and Cha Shao want to intervene in such a business, it will inevitably make people feel uncomfortable. Thinking about it...I just want to know, why? There must be a reason!"

Cheng Dafa smiled, and returned to his previous hippie smile: "I said I don't know, you must not believe it! Then I will give you a little hint, where did your dance hall come from?"

Mark's heart skipped a beat.

Clearly there is something to this statement.

Just as he won the dance hall from Fu Qingying, Cha Yongxiao gave him such a trick.Could it be that the mad woman Fu Qingying called Cha Yongxiao?It's very possible, after all, the Fu family and the Cha family are famous families in Hong Kong, and there must be a lot of intersections in normal times, not to mention that Fu Qingying is crazy, she can do anything to get revenge on herself, maybe she is laughing somewhere now.

Mark thinks again and again, he can't shrink back in everything until now, and he can get to where he is today, relying on courage and perseverance.What's so scary about Cha Young Hyo?What is Cheng Fafa, a mangy dog?I have been running a dance hall for so many years, can't I still beat them two novices?

Thinking of this, Mark suddenly became full of pride, swept away the gloom before, smiled at Cheng Dafa who was still pretending to be a tiger, and said: "It's easy to say! There is never enough money in the world. Caesar doesn't mind having multiple Broadways to grab business. On the contrary, I like to have an opponent like you very much." He approached Cheng Fafa, almost nose to nose, and said decisively: "Because I will never lose!"

Cheng Dafa was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect Mark to be so tough, and now he is obviously tearing his face apart.

But soon, Cheng Fafa put a smile on his face: "People call me 'fairy dog', 'mangy dog'... you know, I actually like being a dog the most. Do you know why? Because being a dog There are masters covering them, some eat and some drink, even if they bite someone, nothing will happen!"

Cheng Fafa gave Mark a meaningful smile, stared at him and said, "So, you must not be bitten by me! I'm a dog, I don't know people!"

For a while, the surroundings were silent.

Only Cheng Fafa and Mark confronted each other.

(End of this chapter)

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