Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 477 489 [Undercurrent Raging]

Chapter 477 489 [Undercurrent Raging]

Seeing Song Zhichao standing up, Hong Sen's expression didn't change, Hong Ying's eyes showed a trace of disgust, Hong John's eyes showed a trace of curiosity, only the little girl Hong Xueli's eyes lit up, and she looked Song Zhichao up and down.

Song Zhichao walked up to Hong Sen, deliberately not looking at that little girl—the woman from his previous life, and said to Hong Sen with a smile, "Welcome, I never thought you would be so interested in joining Hong Sen."

"I don't want to be flattering, I'm here to see how your product is sold." Hun Sen said, "After all, this is the United States, and they are all the same blond and blue-eyed ghosts. It's better to be our own. knew."

Song Zhichao smiled, directed them to the VIP seats, arranged for them to sit down, and said: "The introduction meeting will start soon, please give me your advice, Master Hong."

Hun Sen smiled and said nothing.

A group of people seemed to dislike Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao didn't bother to talk to them anymore, and let them know what "sense of urgency" and "sense of urgency" are.

Song Zhichao turned to leave, but the little girl Hong Xueli suddenly said to Song Zhichao, "Hey, stop."

Song Zhichao turned around and looked at Hong Xueli.

Hong Xueli pointed at him and said, "Do you know me?"

Song Zhichao shook his head: "This is the first time I see you."

"But why do I know you?" Hong Xueli tilted her head, "You look very familiar."

Song Zhichao smiled: "Maybe we met in a dream." After speaking, he turned and left.

Later, John Hong felt that his daughter was ashamed, so he pulled her and said, "What are you doing? He just came to the United States, how did you know him? You'd better not talk to him like this."

Hong Xueli stuck out her red tongue: "It's true, I seem to know him." She tilted her head, puzzled.


Song Zhichao took out the lighter, slapped it, held the fire with his hands, and lit the cigarette. Although he had pretended to be calm just now, he couldn't help being stimulated the moment he saw Hong Xueli.

She was exactly the same as the "her" in my mind, only a little smaller, a little younger, a little more charming and a little less charming.

Once, the two walked together in Disneyland, took a ride on a pirate ship, took a roller coaster, shot Frisbee, and played with dolphins.

Once, the two drove for a drive, galloped back and forth across the Jinshan Bridge, made jokes about the US Patrol, and chased the sun, the moon, the wind and electricity.

Once, the two lay on the beach in Hawaii, watching the ebb and flow of the tide, watching the hula dance, and watching the crab spit bubbles in the coconut wind.

Those romantic times are gone forever.

Now the two meet again, but—they meet but don't know each other.

Song Zhichao took a deep puff of the cigarette, stubbed it out, broke it, threw it into the trash can, and said to Jin Jiu, who was waiting by his side, who didn't understand what was going on, "Let's get started!"


With the clock ticking, the product launch event has finally begun.

The group of agents who were laughing and laughing now sat down comfortably, leaning on their chairs, and looked at the stage with a posture of landlords and riches.

Sample introduction begins ---
The light came on and shone on Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao didn't say any nonsense, because he knew that these people in the audience didn't come to listen to your nonsense.

So, standing on the stage, Song Zhichao directly took out the VCD sample machine, set it up, and gave a detailed introduction to everyone.

Under the stage, more than 20 Yankees sat quietly on chairs, listening to Song Zhichao's introduction attentively.

Seeing this scene, it is hard to imagine that before this, this group of rebellious and unruly people, who have never treated Asians, including Chinese, as senior agents of American home appliances, would change from being arrogant and domineering, disdainful and contemptuous, to suddenly Become a good baby like now.

Yes, at the beginning, these American home appliance agents didn't pay much attention to Song Zhichao, a guy from Hong Kong.

The reason why they came here was not to save Song Zhichao's face, it was entirely because of Mike's concert ticket, and they were curious about this VCD.

"There's nothing to do anyway, why not go and have a look." This is what most people think before they come here. "There's free drinks and food, and free accommodation, and the alluring ticket to Mike's concert—damn it, go check it out!"

But now?
The person who had knocked Erlang's leg put it down.

The person who was leaning sideways and absent-minded about the introduction, sat upright.

They all kept their eyes fixed and focused.

They stared at Song Zhichao and the VCD sample in Song Zhichao's hands.

At the VIP seat, Hong Sen, who was originally calm and composed, seemed to feel the seriousness of the scene, and said something in his heart, it's not good.

Hong Yuehan rubbed his chin with his hand, looked at Song Zhichao who was introducing products on the stage, and felt that something was wrong.

The little girl Hong Xueli has never left Song Zhichao's eyes, but she has no interest in the VCD introduced by Song Zhichao.

The atmosphere was weird.

As the ghost Jack who sneaked in to participate in the sample introduction meeting, his attention was completely on the VCD sample.

As a young man who aspires to become a supermarket tycoon and a department store tycoon, Jack still has a keen sense of smell. At least he immediately felt the magic of the VCD product and its earth-shattering prospects in the future——Song Zhichao just introduced the VCD Instead of a video recorder, but what Jack thinks of is a computer, can VCD also be used on a computer, for example, to build a new type of audio-visual drive device...

Jack's mind raced.

With a click, the lights went out.

Then all the lights went on.

At this time, everyone knew that the description of the new product Vanke VCD described by Song Zhichao had been completed.

Everyone took a deep breath, feeling that they were overwhelmed by the magic of the VCD just now.

Yes, they saw a new, amazing thing.

"This is a good thing!"

"Yeah, it's an amazing thing!"

"Are you saying it will replace the video recorder?"

"It's hard to say - but it's possible!"

"That means this product has a bright future?"

"What do you think?"

Many home appliance dealers began to whisper, and the whole meeting scene became even more weird, like a wizard meeting, and now these wizards are commenting on this new magic.

Unfortunately, at this time Song Zhichao no longer gave them the opportunity to study——
clap clap clap!
Song Zhichao clapped his hands, and then the light hit him again.

His eyes were shining, and he said in English: "Okay, dear friends, I have finished introducing Vanke VCD, so now, please compete for the agency right of this product in the Los Angeles area. We only have one requirement, and that is abundant funds. , the channel is wide - we only choose No.1, so if you raise your hand too late, you will be eliminated immediately!"

After Song Zhichao finished speaking, he glanced at everyone and said, "The competition begins!"


The whole venue fell silent in an instant!

Everyone, you look at me, and I look at you.

No one raised their hands.

In the VIP seat, Hun Sen smiled triumphantly. He rhythmically rotated the iron ball in his left hand, making a clattering sound. Looking at Song Zhichao on the stage, he seemed to be watching a funny clown in a circus.

Let's see who will beat you!
This is Los Angeles, the world of our Hong family!
(End of this chapter)

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