Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 518 530 [Formal Signing]

Chapter 518 530 [Formal Signing]

Federal Bank of Los Angeles, meeting room elevator entrance——
"Please stay! Dear Song, please stay!" President Smith quickly ran to Song Zhichao, stopped him, and said breathlessly: "Do you know, maybe there was some misunderstanding between us just now, yes, there must be something Misunderstood, how about this, let's go in and have a good talk!" Smith made a sincere invitation gesture.

Song Zhichao smiled, wiped his nose lightly with his fingers, and said to Smith: "Is it necessary? I have read the contract just now, and I am not satisfied, especially some clauses in it, yes, some are too strong."

"That's a draft contract, it can be revised!" Smith said hastily, "Why don't we go back and sit down and revise it until you are satisfied, what do you think?"

"That's it, um, okay." Song Zhichao said, and then he turned to Jin Jiu and said, "Tell those friends that I might miss the appointment, and judging by President Smith's performance, there is still a chance for us to cooperate. "

Jin Jiu nodded and took the elevator down.

Seeing this, Smith breathed a sigh of relief.

God, if Song Zhichao is really allowed to meet with the heads of the three major banks, I am afraid that such a large business will be ruined.

Turning around, Song Zhichao said to Smith: "Then, dear Smith, let's go and return to the original position. We need to have a good communication."

"Of course, please—" Smith smiled broadly.


Outside Commonwealth Bank—
Jin Jiu came out and soon saw the three luxury cars.

He walked over and walked in front of a luxury car.

There is only one ghost driver in the luxury car.

Jin Jiu didn't answer, and directly took out [-] U.S. dollars and threw it to the other party, saying, "Thank you!" He could still speak simple English.

Gui Lao picked up the dollar and smiled, and drove away.

In this way, the three cars quickly left outside the Commonwealth Bank. From the beginning to the end, there was only the driver in the car and no one else.

After finishing the work, the big guy Jin Jiu didn't go upstairs immediately, but took out a cigarette from his arms, lit one and took a puff, feeling his admiration for Song Zhichao in his heart.

That's right, these three luxury cars are the cars of the presidents of the three major banks, but Song Zhichao never contacted the presidents of the three major banks, only the personal drivers of the three presidents.

To be precise, Song Zhichao bought these three private drivers and promised that as long as they drove under the Federal Bank for 5 minutes, they could get a tip of [-] US dollars.

With such easy money, how could the three drivers resist the temptation?
So I tried every means to drive the car over, stayed together for less than 3 minutes, and then I really made $[-].

For them, they don't understand what the hell these Chinese people are doing, why they let themselves drive here to stay here, they only know that the salary of driving is very low, and there is a chance to earn extra money, why not do it?

In the large conference room——
Song Zhichao leaned over and sat on the boss chair with his legs crossed.

Opposite him was Smith and his group of senior executives of the Commonwealth Bank. This group of people no longer had the arrogance and arrogance before, but instead became very respectful.

Americans are like this, they praise high and low, and they will only respect and respect those who are stronger than them--and the Japanese have obviously learned their temperament and become their own disciples.

Song Zhichao took a sip of coffee and watched as Bi Wenfeng brought an American barrister into a verbal battle with the leaders of the federal gang, analyzing the various agreements in the contract one by one.

This kind of see-saw "negotiation" is lengthy.

To be precise, from ten o'clock in the morning until five o'clock in the afternoon, Wanxin International Investment Company, represented by Song Zhichao, reached a preliminary agreement with the Federal Bank of Los Angeles - in which, the original overlord clauses were basically deleted, It was replaced by new terms that are more favorable to Wanxin International.

Song Zhichao did not study law, as he himself said, professional matters should be left to professionals, so in the final decision-making, he consulted Bi Wenfeng, Robertson, and the eleven university students. After the lawyer's professional advice, he shook hands with President Smith and signed, and reached a loan of 30 billion from the Federal Bank of Los Angeles, with a period of six years, repaying the principal of [-] million U.S. dollars every year, and how much interest and so on.

After signing, looking at the sky, it was already dark.

Before I knew it, it was evening.

Now that a big deal has been made, and the Commonwealth Bank of Los Angeles is here again, Smith and others generously held a buffet celebration banquet to celebrate the smooth and successful cooperation.

I have to say that Americans really know how to save money.

The so-called buffet banquet is actually some simple western food dishes, and some drinks, which is simple and does not cost much.

Even so, the big guys ate very happily --- the most important thing is that they are really hungry. After negotiating for a day, who is not hungry.

During the meal, Mr. Hun Sen was the one who touched us the most. For him, the whole negotiation today was simply a "turn around".He couldn't understand why Smith and the others had the upper hand at first, and when Song Zhichao was about to leave, they suddenly rushed out and stopped Song Zhichao from leaving.

Then, the two sides were evenly matched, and negotiations began again. Song Zhichao finally abolished the overlord agreements and took the initiative. After several hours, an agreement was reached.

Master Hong was full of doubts.

The same goes for his son John Hong.

There are also Hong Ying and others, everyone is actually very confused.

At this time, they still have to act like a mirror-like heart --- it's really embarrassing for them.

Finally, Lord Hong couldn't bear it any longer, and after Song Zhichao and Smith clinked glasses for a drink, he pulled him to a place and whispered about his doubts.

Song Zhichao didn't hide anything from him, and told the truth.

Master Hong: "..."

The word "awkward" capitalized on the face.

"That's okay too?"

"Soldiers never tire of cheating, besides, I never lied to them from the beginning to the end --- they thought too much, didn't they?" Song Zhichao said with a smile while holding his wine glass.

Master Hong: "..."

Suddenly he burst out laughing, "Well said, well said! Hahaha, since they are going to be fools, we can't stop them!"

At this moment, Smith and the others came over with glasses of wine in their hands, smiling, "Oh, Qianai Hong, what are you talking about? What fools, let us listen."

Before Master Hong could speak, Song Zhichao clinked his glasses and said, "I'm telling a fable, come on, let's toast to those fools!"

"Oh God, I love fables—cheers to those lovely big fools!" Smith wailed.

Felman and a group of people from the Commonwealth Bank also raised their glasses with smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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