Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 526 538 [The situation is treacherous]

Chapter 526 538 [The situation is treacherous]

"Typhoon Signal No. [-] is about to pass through Hong Kong, please be prepared..." On the radio station, the weather anchorwoman announced the latest weather conditions in a beautiful voice.

In Hong Kong's Victoria Harbor, the waves are rough. In the black night, the sea is like a monster lurking in the abyss, and it roars from time to time.

Dozens of large cargo ships are berthed at the dock at the port arrest, with their huge hulls shaking on the rough sea.

"Let go!"

"All release!" At the command office, a person waved the flag in his hand to let the seized ships leave.

These merchant ships slowly roared, and the hulls began to move slowly.

at this time--
"Stop! Stop everything for me!"

With a roar, Fan Guoqing, the deputy chief of the Hong Kong Customs Inspection Section, came with a group of people angrily, "You all stop!"

Following the order, Fan Guoqing went up to the podium, grabbed the small flag, threw it aside, and yelled at the staff waving the flag: "Who told you to let me go? Who has the final say here? Who are you?" ?” He punched the man’s chest with his fingers.

That was a small soldier. Facing the aggressive Fan Guoqing, he could only swallow his anger and lower his head.

At this time, a voice said: "Don't be angry with your subordinates, I gave the order!" While speaking, Edward also brought a group of people over.

The two gangs meet.

Fan Qingguo turned his head and stared at Edward, "Section Chief Edward, you must be responsible for what you say. It's not like you don't know what this batch of goods is..."

"Of course I know what it is, but I didn't expect you to rush over at this time." Edward looked at Fan Qingguo with a half-smile.

This Fan Qingguo has always been against him. He also participated in the election for the director of the inspection department this time, and he was very loud. Fuck off with the British.

But Edward wants to work for another five years, he is strong, he still has warm-ups, and most importantly, he wants to make money for another five years... So, Fan Qingguo has become his number one enemy .

Seeing Edward's appearance, Fan Qingguo sneered, "It's good that you know, this matter is of great importance. I received information from an informant, but you can't just let him go if you want!" His tone was full of threats.

Edward: "Informant? Hehe—" leaned closer to Fan Qingguo, leaned into his ear, and said, "Is your informant also surnamed Li?"

Fan Qingguo: "..."

Edward withdrew his forward leaning body: "The current informants are very talkative. For their own interests, it is possible to say some false information-and these cargo ships are all merchant ships of Wanda Foreign Trade. Who is behind them? You should be better than me. Be clearer!" The tit-for-tat confrontation was also full of threats.

Fan Qingguo sneered: "I always thought that we Chinese like to be silly, but I didn't expect you British to do the same."

"British people are also human beings, and as human beings, they know how to choose." Edward said with a smile.

Behind one is Song Zhichao and Mr. Huo, and behind the other is Li Daheng's second young master, which is more important, each has their own concerns.

"Unfortunately, you made the wrong choice this time!" Fan Qingguo sneered, "This batch of goods is suspected of tax evasion, which is a serious violation of the law and must be re-examined!"

"Haha, so to speak, you are not giving face!"

"I'm doing business!"

"What a business!" Edward glanced at the people behind Fan Qingguo. There were fifteen or six people, all of whom were carrying disassembly tools, and they seemed to be prepared.

"Okay, very good! You are a good person who enforces the law impartially. How can I, as the section chief, stop you—but..." Edward's smiling face suddenly froze, "But the consequences of this matter, what can you do?" Can you afford it?"

Fan Qingguo: "Don't worry, if something goes wrong, I will take full responsibility!"

It seems that Fan Qingguo is confident, and he refuses to let him go no matter what. By the way, he also wants to pull down Edward, the chief of the section. For this reason, even if he offends Song Zhichao, the upstart chaebol, and the Huo family behind Song Zhichao, he will not hesitate. .

In fact, the main reason why Fan Qingguo had such great courage was that Li Ershao supported him behind his back. Now in Greater Hong Kong, the only one who can compete with the Huo family is the Li family.

"Okay, Wai Rui Goode!" Edward praised, "Then please go ahead, I hope you will not regret it!"

Fan Qingguo smiled, "Don't worry, you will soon know who is loyal and who is treacherous, and who will regret it! Go—" ordered the people around him.

After a while, those people all took the dismantling tools and rushed towards the impounded large cargo ships.


In the distance, tall palms were swaying by the night wind, and a luxury sports car was parked under the palms.

Li Ershao leaned on the car, holding the shrimp slices with one hand and feeding them to his mouth, while holding the binoculars in the other hand to stare at the ship in the distance.

When he saw a group of people rushing towards the seized ships with tools, the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing a smug smile.

"Fight with me, you guys are still a little tender!" Li Ershao happily ate the shrimp crackers and put down the binoculars.

In the car, a popular female star in Hong Kong was doing her hair. Seeing Li Ershao kept looking at the merchant ships in the distance with a binoculars, she couldn't help but ask, "Are those ships so beautiful? Are they more beautiful than mine?" Looks good?" After finishing speaking, she cast a coquettish look at Li Ershao.

Li Ershao just laughed, reached into the car window with his hands pinching the shrimp crackers, pinched the female star's pink face, and said, "Of course I'm not as pretty as you! But those boats can help me make money, but you are a spender." Lord!"

"Oh, it's so dirty!" the female star yelled coquettishly, and took out a handkerchief to wipe her face, "People spend money for you, when you buy clothes and bags, you can only be worthy of it if you dress yourself up nicely." You, Second Young Master Li!"

Li Ershao smiled, "You have such a good mouth, you can talk and blow!"

The female star pretended to give him a shy look, and was about to say, "You're dead!"

At this moment, a voice in the darkness suddenly said: "You are not bad either—you can blow and talk!"

This sudden voice startled Li Ershao and the female star.

For the first time, the female star habitually hid her head, not daring to look outside for fear of being photographed.

What they thought was the paparazzi came.

But Li Ershao quickly calmed down, because he saw the person coming and knew him.

The other party is not some legendary "paparazzi", but an "old friend".

"So it's you, Song Zhichao!" Li Ershao said while staring at the other party.

In the night, a car light turned on not far away.

Song Zhichao showed his figure in the headlights, slender and tall.

"Hello, Young Master Li!" Song Zhichao walked towards Second Young Master Li with a smile.

Illegitimate, happy--
The headlights flickered behind him, stretching for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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