Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 540 552 [Gold Master]

Chapter 540 552 [Gold Master]

1992, April 10.

Los Angeles, USA--
As 300 million Sony VCDs under the "Vanke" brand officially landed in the United States, the electronic market in the United States, especially the video market, seems to have been captured by VCDs.

In major cities such as Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago, many electronic stores are selling "Vanke" VCDs in full swing.

It can be said that the quality of the batch of VCDs imitated by Sony this time is absolutely top-notch, absolutely top-notch, so many American people can’t help but give a thumbs up and praise Vanke as a “conscience company” after using it. After becoming famous, many brands like to cut corners and materials in order to reduce costs. Only Vanke is doing better and better. Whether it is the quality of the VCD shell or the quality of the magnetic head, it is a grade higher than the previous batch. .

In this regard, Song Zhichao readily accepted the friendly praise from the American people. Only Sony boss Akio Morita couldn't tell the truth. He really wanted to stand up and say loudly to the Americans: "Are you blind? These are all produced by our Sony. Yes, from the beginning to the end Vanke didn't even have a hair!"

Unfortunately, he couldn't do this, because he had already signed an agreement with Song Zhichao secretly.Before Vanke issued a patent transfer, these VCDs could only be the Vanke brand.

There are definitely reasons why Akio Morita was able to become a world-class electronic boss from a technician, and the biggest reason is that he can "forbear".

Although Akio Morita doesn't like Chinese people, he likes Chinese culture very much, especially China's "forbearance" culture. Among them, the person Morita admires and admires the most is Goujian, the king of Yue who can swallow Wu with three thousand soldiers.

Tasting courage without pay, this is definitely not something that ordinary people can do——Akio Morita thinks that he is trying courage without pay now, and only after Song Zhichao takes the 30 billion US dollars, he publishes the transfer of VCD patents, and he can justifiably transfer the VCD patents. Those products are labeled that they are "Made by Sony".

Yes, when the time comes, the first thing Akio Morita will do is to kick Song Zhichao and his Vanke brand out of the United States.

"Take 30 billion and get out! Short-sighted guy!" This is Akio Morita's ambition.

However, it is not an easy task to raise 30 billion U.S. dollars quickly—although Song Zhichao paid 50 billion to acquire Columbia last time, once the money was received, Akio Morita used the money. In his opinion , Money staying in the check, staying in the bank for one second, one minute more is a great waste --- "Money should be used in investment, and only investment can help it grow." This is the famous saying of Morita .

So, now there is a rather embarrassing situation, wanting to give 30 billion US dollars to Song Zhichao, but a little "shy in the pocket" --- who would have thought that Sony, the world-dominant electrical appliance tycoon, would not be able to give it? 30 billion?

Even Song Zhichao didn't expect it, so he had to wait——wait for Sony's batch of VCDs with Vanke labels to sell for money, and for Akio Morita to raise funds from various places. For a while, Song Zhichao felt like a "usury" On the contrary, Morita seems to be a "bitter master" who has been forced to pay.


If Song Zhichao and Sheng Tian's private shady transactions can be regarded as a big underground event during this period-after all, it involves 30 billion US dollars, as well as patent transfers, then in the United States during this period, it is the most talked about by the American people. But this is the U.S. presidential election.

Compared with the US presidential elections over the years, this year can be said to be "unpredictable", and the level of the campaign is extremely exciting.

It can be said that in the Golden Autumn Festival in October, the United States is really lively, and there are good shows about the US election almost every day.

In fact, this time the election was fierce and unexpected. You must know that many people were not optimistic about Bill Clinton, the fledgling "Democratic" candidate.

Before Bill, many elites of the Democratic Party who were planning to run for the election, heard that their opponent was Bush Sr., and that Bush Sr. was the previous president, who could be described as "highly respected".Helpless, the Democratic camp had no choice but to "treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor" and pushed Bill, who was stunned and fearless everywhere, to the front of the screen.

Originally, everyone in the Democratic Party thought that this young Comrade Bill would become a heroic cannon fodder. Under the strong firepower of Bush Sr., he would lose quickly. In the debate, the more he fought, the more courageous he was. There was a kind of ruthlessness that "willing to tear the emperor down". Coupled with the "aesthetic fatigue" of many people in American society towards Bush Sr., the United States suddenly came out with such a "handsome man". "Extraordinary" young candidate, for a while Bill Clinton became the "idol" of many young Americans!

At this time, Bush Sr. also knew that Bill was not simple, and he dared not underestimate the enemy any more——As an out-and-out American, Bush Sr. knew the charm and energy of an "idol". The young president "Kennedy" who was assassinated was also following the "idol" route at the time. In the end, he was destroyed all the way, and he just sat on the throne of the US president at a young age. Although he has passed away for decades, he is still remembered and cherished by people. —This shows how long-lasting the influence of idols is.

"Well, since you are going crazy, then I will let you perish!" This was the last curse Bush Sr. gave Bill.

Of course, it is useless to curse the opponent with your mouth, and the opponent will not really die. Therefore, you must use practical actions, use your invincible strength to defeat the opponent, and let the opponent "disappear".

At this moment, it is useless to compare popularity and qualifications. What Bush can rely on is the strong campaign funds.

As one of the big families in the United States, in addition to some financial giants and arms dealers who contributed a lot of huge political donations to Bush Sr., the Bush family itself also contributed a lot of money, which is enough to crush Bill Clinton, the "foolish head". green".

However, what Bush Sr. didn't expect was that Bill Jr., who seemed to have "run out of ammunition and food", for some reason, had a new funder under the lack of campaign funds, and this new funder was extraordinary. He actually helped Bill buy the TV station, as well as many newspapers and magazines, and helped him publicize and build momentum.

"Choosing Bill Clinton is the most accurate choice in your life!"

"Share the worries of the people, plead for the people - Bill Clinton, a grassroots hero!"

"I'm grassroots and I'm proud—Bill, representing the voice of the working people in the United States!"

For a while, Bill's popularity rose sharply, leaving Bush Sr. who was originally in the lead helpless.

"Who is this damn benefactor?" Bush Sr. kept yelling angrily on different occasions.

(End of this chapter)

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