Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 543 555 [Horizontal Chapter]

Chapter 543 555 [Horizontal branches]

The Rolls-Royce stopped on the side of the road, and several white and black people passing by saw this "unique" luxury car, and couldn't help but take a closer look, and even a famous black guy even blew it at the car. Whistled and praised: "Oh, my God, it's so cool!"

Luxury cars, that's what they want to be eye-catching.

Song Zhichao's nose hurt badly, and he couldn't wait for Niu Xiong to get out of the car and pull the door for himself. He wanted to open the door and get out of the car, but Jin Jiu took a step, got out of the car and opened the door for him.

Seeing this, Niu Xiong, who was about to get off the driver's seat, gave Jin Jiu a sad look, feeling that he had robbed him of his job.

As soon as Song Zhichao got out of the car, he felt the hot and envious eyes around him, including men and women.

Song Zhichao rubbed his chin, feeling that he was not too low-key, but the United States is like this, the less low-key you are, the more respect you will receive from people. Many Americans look down on skin-skinned Asians, but at this moment, Song Zhichao only sees envy and admiration in his eyes—especially those blond-haired and blue-eyed American beauties who are also winking at him, and the meaning is self-evident.

"The Americans are still open, and they dare to date boys on the street." Song Zhichao shook his head, and walked towards the western pharmacy.


The manager of the western pharmacy is a ghost with small eyes and a bald head. When he saw Song Zhichao coming in, he asked him what he needed.

Song Zhichao told him in English that he had an allergic nose and needed to be prescribed some western medicine for allergic rhinitis.

After listening to the ghost, the ghost asked about his condition again, took a look at it with a flashlight, and then asked Song Zhichao for the medication instructions prescribed by the hospital——Song Zhichao remembered that this is the United States, not the mainland, and the doctors here prescribe medicines for people. All require a prescription from the hospital.

Song Zhichao explained that he didn't have a prescription, and he really had a bad nose, so he could just prescribe some.

The bald man shook his head violently, saying "NO" in one bite.

Song Zhichao didn't expect this Yankee to be stubborn,

Next to him, Jin Jiu couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted: "Our boss is not feeling well, so you just take the medicine, what are you doing so much!" After speaking, he directly took out a stack of US dollars from his pocket, and turned them one by one. The bald man threw it on his face and said in his mouth, "Is this enough? Not enough? There is more!"

The bald man couldn't understand what Jin Jiu said, but he roughly guessed what it meant—feeling humiliated, he didn't pick up the money, but pressed the alarm device in the store instead.

Jin Jiu was furious, so he jumped over the counter, grabbed the bald man by the neck, and dragged him like a dead dog, looking for medicine for rhinitis in the counter.

Song Zhichao didn't expect things to turn out like this. He was a scholar anyway, and he didn't come to rob a pharmacy, so he was about to stop Jin Jiu and tell him not to make a big deal out of it.

However, the speed at which the American police dispatched the police could not be dissatisfied. Soon, they heard sirens roaring, and a police car came, and two American policemen, one fat and one thin, got out of the car, drew their guns and said, "Put your hands up! You are under arrest!"

Song Zhichao couldn't laugh or cry.

Jin Jiu also knew that he had stabbed a hornet's nest. At this time, he still hadn't forgotten his duty as a bodyguard, so he stood in front of Song Zhichao and called him, "Brother Chao, you go first!"

Song Zhichao smiled, and was about to explain a few words to the American police to ease his emotions, but unexpectedly, the fat policeman raised his gun and saw that they were Asians, so he shouted at them: "Hurry up and give me a hug!" Get down on your knees——hateful yellow-skinned pig!"

What, yellow pig?
Song Zhichao was a little upset. Although he knew that there were only a small number of people who discriminated against Asians in the United States, he didn't expect to meet one today.

Jin Jiu is not good at English, can't understand English, doesn't understand what the fat policeman is talking about, and just guesses that what he said is not good.

At this time, Niu Xiong, who had studied and practiced English hard, couldn't sit still in the car——he practiced English these days and accidentally learned a few popular curse words in the United States, including "nigger" and "yellow". Pig" and other words, immediately, Niu Xiong became angry.

You can scold anyone, but you can't scold the boss!

What's more, this fat pig cursed all the Chinese people - including himself!

Tolerable or unbearable!
Immediately, Niu Xiong got out of the car, knocked down two armed policemen from behind, and knocked down two policemen with guns.

The two policemen had money and were confident, but they aimed at Song Zhichao and Jin Jiu, especially Jin Jiu, who looked tall and threatening, and who would have thought that someone would sneak up on him from behind. Before he could pull the trigger, the gun in his hand had already been knocked to the ground, kicked out by Niu Xiong, and he didn't know where it fell.

The quality of the American police without a gun is really... very good --- especially in terms of boxing and kicking, it is a mess.

At this time, Niu Xiong looked like "Lu Tijutsu" in "Water Margin". Those two fat and thin American policemen were the unlucky "Zhen Guanxi". Another punch in the mouth, knocking out teeth; another punch in the face, knocking out the cheekbones --- a horrible look.

Crackling, howling.

The Americans who watched the excitement around were shocked. Who has ever seen such a rampage by the American police?Even the gangster movies don't have such a super awesome scene.

"Help --- help!" In the end, the two American policemen actually asked the surrounding people for help.

It's a pity that those American people are not fools. What is meant by "being alone", what is meant by "not causing trouble", and what is meant by being a peace-loving "American citizen", so everyone hides back, hides as far as they can How far.

That fat policeman called Song Zhichao and the others "yellow pigs", the fat guy who was beaten the worst, lying on the ground, crawling and trying to escape while Niu Xiong was cleaning up his companions.

But Niu Xiong, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, saw him, grabbed his thigh, and dragged him back against the ground, humming, haha, and continued to beat him.

Seeing this situation, Song Zhichao could only shake his head.

For him, beating up two American policemen is no big deal, at least being beaten can teach them how to behave.

Hitting people should not be done.

Hitting is wrong.

But discrimination is also inappropriate.
Discrimination is also wrong.

So, this beating is next to you!
Seeing that the two American policemen were almost beaten up by Niu Xiong, Song Zhichao was about to tell Niu Xiong to stop, because he couldn't beat them to death, when the police sirens sounded again.

This time, more than a dozen police cars came at once, and I don't know who called the police, but the movement was earth-shattering.

Seeing such a big battle, Song Zhichao was not very surprised. After all, assaulting the police in the United States is a very serious act. Many newspapers reported in the previous life that the American police shot and killed people because of assaulting the police——well, many of the people who were killed were black.

Song Zhichao told Niu Xiong to stop, and a large group of people had already got off the police car over there, all of them were heavily armed American special police officers.

The special police are also dispatched?

I just made it so lively just to buy medicine.

The leader of the special police was a white American man with a beard. At the moment, he was using sign language and surrounded Song Zhichao and the others with guns and nuclear bombs.

Seeing them like this, Song Zhichao missed the CF and chicken-eating games in his previous life, it was so real and realistic.

Well, everything in front of me is real, not a game, maybe something will happen, Song Zhichao made a decisive decision, and directly shouted at the leading special police captain: "I said, dear friend, this is all a misunderstanding—— , can you let me make a call first."

The special police captain stared at Song Zhichao vigilantly, and didn't listen to his explanation at all. He waved his hand and gestured, "Come here, take them all back!"

(End of this chapter)

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