Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 548 560 [Foresight]

Chapter 548 560 [Foresight]

Los Angeles, USA.

The Hilton Hotel where Akio Morita stayed ---
During this period of time, the life of Sony boss Akio Morita was very bad, to be precise, extremely bad.

On the one hand, he had to swallow his anger like a little widow and let Song Zhichao extort 30 billion US dollars; Pay back the damn 30 billion.

Finally, the U.S. election ended, and the whole of the U.S. was jubilant. This kind of good luck seemed to have fallen on the unlucky Sony. Song Zhichao's extortion of 30 billion US dollars was finally in place. Next, Sony will start his performance of Akio Morita.

According to the previously secretly signed agreement with Song Zhichao, this time, as long as Sony pays the full payment of 30 billion U.S. dollars, Song Zhichao can be required to publicly announce the transfer of all the patented technology of VCD to Sony Corporation—that is, Sony directly bought out the VCD technology, and Vanke, which Song Zhichao was in charge of, would not be allowed to continue production.

In fact, the reason why Akio Morita signed such a high-risk contract is equivalent to paying 30 billion US dollars to buy out Song Zhichao's patented technology, because this technology is currently a world monopoly.

Yes, as long as there is a "patented technology", Sony can tear off the damn Vanke label and directly produce Sony VCDs - Akio Morita has even ordered the current production of 500 million units of this product, just waiting for Song Zhichao in front of the world Face, announced the abandonment of this patent.

From Akio Morita's point of view, this transaction seemed to be at a disadvantage on his own side, but in fact he paid a golden egg and bought a golden chicken back.

The U.S. market is not yet saturated. Song Zhichao has not achieved one-tenth of the market with hundreds of millions of people, and he, Sony, will completely open the door to the U.S., with 500 million units, which is equivalent to 150 billion in sales, at least The profit can also reach 50 billion US dollars!
Continue to develop and develop again!
That is definitely a profit margin of tens of billions, not to mention, besides the United States and other countries in the world, Sony VCD will dominate the world by then, and the Sony he is in charge of will become a super aircraft carrier of tens of billions.

Of course, in addition to these, Akio Morita has to do one more thing --- after obtaining the patented technology, he must severely trample Song Zhichao under his feet.

Wanda Technology without patented technology is equivalent to a tiger without minions. Such a tiger can easily kill him, and what Akio Morita has to do is to suppress and suppress until the other party is suppressed and bankrupt.

Sony is a giant. Isn't it easy to suppress a small company?The simplest thing is to compress its living space, occupy its sales channels, and create difficulties everywhere from raw material supply to product sales...

Therefore, on the surface, it seems that Akio Morita was blackmailed by Song Zhichao last time. In fact, Akio Morita was thinking foresight and was quietly sharpening his minions. He was playing the card of future strategy-be patient for a while and become a lifetime leader. achievement!

Extremely excited!
After experiencing the invisible mental torture during this period, Akio Morita couldn't help getting excited when he was about to pick the fruit and get revenge soon.

Hyperactive men generally like to do two things, exercise, or party.

Akio Morita chose sports—but his sport was not golf or horseback riding. Instead, he had someone find three gentle and pleasant Japanese girls. For three days in a row, Akio Morita treated the three beautiful girls Conquered and whipped -- in bed, of course.

The best way for a man to prove that he is not old and energetic is to "fuck women", and he is desperately messing with women who are much younger than himself - old men like little girls, young people like mature young women, this is very strange law.

Akio Morita did it, and although his back and eyes were sore afterwards, he felt rejuvenated and rejuvenated—well, mainly because his loyal men provided him with the mysterious little blue pill.


At this moment, in the Presidential Suite of the Hilton Hotel——
The three poor beautiful girls in cherry blossom kimonos came out of the room, and Morita's confidant who was waiting outside the door gave them a sum of money. Then, the three girls had tooth marks all over their bodies, and Scratch left the place where they would have nightmares forever.

In the room, Akio Morita leaned on the bed after venting his energy, wearing a purple robe and kimono, and was wiping a Japanese sword in his hand.

The long knife was narrow and sharp, with a cold light shining on the blade, and the handle was wrapped in shark skin, which looked extremely expensive.

Akio Morita held the handle of the knife, leaned on the ground, slowly got up, and then tried his strength with the knife in both hands.

A gust of wind blew through the window.

It happened to blow up the white satin that wiped the long knife.

Akio Morita's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick, the blade went up to meet him, and the falling white cloth split and split into two pieces.

"Good knife!" Morita Akio praised, with a smug look in his eyes, when there was a knock on the door outside.

After getting permission from Akio Morita, the person came in, but it was Tadao Kimura from Sony headquarters, and five people including Mr. Tanaka.

Seeing these people, Akio Morita didn't put down his knife immediately, but swiped and slashed several times against the air, his momentum was like a rainbow, and his knife skills were proficient.

Kimura and the others held their breath, watching Morita perform the knife technique.

There was no other sound in the room except the sound of blades breaking through the air.

The last knife cut down.

Morita retracted the knife, put it into the sheath, and finished it in one go.

The moment the long knife was sheathed, Sheng Tian let out a sigh of relief.

For the past three days, he had been tossing and tossing with those three beautiful girls on the bed for a long time, which made Shengtian's waist and eyes sore, otherwise he could have done it more gracefully and with great momentum.

Clap, clap, applause.

Kimura Nakao, Tanaka-kun and others applauded appropriately.

Morita handed the long knife to his confidant, pulled his robe and kimono with his hands, and then slowly sat down on the sofa next to him.

Kimura and the others still stood there, respectful.

Akio Morita said, "Do you know why I asked you to gather here?"

"Yes, we know!"

"No matter what this time, we must force that Song Zhichao to announce the transfer of patents to Sony in front of the whole world --- with the patented technology, Sony can reverse the current unfavorable situation, and you can keep your jobs. Understand?"

"Yes, we understand!"

Akio Morita nodded, "That's good, you go prepare, tomorrow will be a very important day --- in the future, you and your efforts will be written into the history of Sony; and our opponents will also regret signing That damned deal!"

Song Zhichao, you are dead!

Akio Morita, his eyes are burning! .

(End of this chapter)

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