Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 557 569 [1 hard to the end]

Chapter 557 569 [Tough to the end]

"Are you surprised to see me?" Song Zhichao said to Grant with a smile.

"Damn it, you hit me! Yes, I remember it very clearly, you hit me on the head!" Grant clenched his fists and said angrily, "Do you know what you are doing, I can catch you in Hong Kong You go to jail!"

"Of course I know, my dear Commissioner Grant."

"you know me?"

"Of course, didn't I already say it last night? I know you. You are Hong Kong Police Commissioner Grant, commonly known as the first brother." Song Zhichao still smiled brightly.

Grant was a little suspicious, and tried his best to recall, and remembered that the other party had indeed said so.

"Damn it! Now that you know who I am, how dare you treat me like this!" Grant said angrily.

"Hush——" Song Zhichao raised his finger to his lips, "Keep your voice down, you are still on the plane, and you are surrounded by very distinguished guests. You will only appear to be incompatible with your identity."

Grant, who was sober, was taken aback, and looked around, and sure enough, he saw many people looking at him with disdain and disgust in their eyes.

Grant immediately faltered, straightened his clothes, buttoned them, and said to Song Zhichao, "Don't think that I can let you go——uh, you look very familiar, I remember you——" Grant rolled his eyes Liang, pointing at Song Zhichao: "Your name is Song Zhichao, right? A businessman in Hong Kong once attended a banquet with Hong Kong Governor Sir David Wilson—oh, no wonder you are not afraid of me, so it is really you."

After finishing speaking, Grant curled his lips again, "But your calculation is wrong. Do you really think that you can do whatever you want with that Hong Kong governor Wei Yixin? No, you are wrong! Now that Wei Yixin has stepped down, Hong Kong's biggest is us Dear Peng Gang Governor, so Song Zhichao, you just wait to go back to Hong Kong and be at my mercy - I am good at everything, but I have a bad temper, especially those who have offended me, never have good fruit .Yes, you are dead! Quack quack quack quack!" Grant smirked at Song Zhichao, and his mind had already begun to fantasize about how he would fix this damned guy after he arrived in Hong Kong—how dare he hit himself, how audacious!
In fact, as the first brother of the Hong Kong police force, Grant controls [-] police officers in Hong Kong, and he is definitely a powerful figure in Hong Kong political circles.In addition, Grant has a very good relationship with the current governor of Hong Kong, Peng Dingkang, so Song Zhichao is even less important.

Speaking of which, Song Zhichao is just a businessman in Hong Kong, and he came from the mainland. As the first brother of the Hong Kong police force, Grant can put on shoes for Song Zhichao at any time—yes, he can play him to death!
Of course, Grant wouldn't have said that if he knew Song Zhichao's true strength at this time.

After all, when Song Zhichao was in Hong Kong, he was at most a successful new tycoon, but now, he is a business tycoon who can make waves in the United States. Grant is on a business trip in the United States. He would mistakenly judge that he could play Song Zhichao to death, and would not take Song Zhichao, a small businessman, seriously.

Song Zhichao scoffed at Grant's threats and contempt - he did not deny that Grant had real power in Hong Kong, nor did he deny that Governor Wilson Wilson, who was close to Song Zhichao, had stepped down, but Grant was wrong about one thing, that is, as long as you have money in Hong Kong , you can really do whatever you want.

"Really, dear Director Grant, but I suggest that you better get along with me. After all, many friends are better than many enemies."

"Quack quack, are you afraid?" Grant thought Song Zhichao was turning a corner to beg for mercy, and gave a dark smile, "Don't say I won't give you a chance, as long as you are in front of the passengers here, right now, Get down on your knees, sincerely apologize to me, say that you did something wrong and shouldn't hit me, then maybe I will consider forgiving you!"

"Otherwise—" Grant pointed Song Zhichao's nose with his finger, "You will die in an ugly way!"

Song Zhichao smiled, turned his head, licked his lips, and when he turned his face away again, the smile on his originally smiling face subsided: "I think it's because you don't understand human language."

Grant: "..."

Song Zhichao's eyes were sharp: "So, don't make fun of my sincerity—when I treat you as a friend, you should hold my hand tightly instead of pushing it away."

"Hehe, so what if you push it away?" Grant sneered. "Could it be that you can still eat me?"

Song Zhichao's left mouth turned up: "You will bear the consequences!"

"At your own risk? Threatening me? Quack, Song Zhichao, who do you think you are? The Governor of Hong Kong? The Queen of England?"

Facing Grant's ridicule, Song Zhichao looked very calm. He took out something from his pocket, but it was a stack of photos, handed it to Grant and said, "Tell me, can these make the headlines?"

Grant: "..."

Picking up those photos, I saw that they were all photos of myself when I was drunk and crazy, some showed their stomachs and quarreled with others, some rolled up their sleeves to fight with others, and some insulted the stewardess... In short, He has a bad appearance and is full of ugliness.

"Damn it!" Grant was furious, grabbed those photos and tore them apart.

"Tear it slowly, I have plenty here—you can tear as much as you want!" Song Zhichao pointed to the side, and Grant saw a bald man holding a camera and gesturing towards him.

"This camera is a Sony brand --- I don't like Sony very much, but I have to admit that the photos taken with Sony cameras are very high in clarity and realism. Seeing the photos, it feels like being there .” Song Zhichao complimented those photos, but it hurt Grant to hear it.

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

"Oh, I don't do anything. I just want to be a good citizen and tell the Hong Kong media that the salty wet guy is making a fuss about the first-class cabin. Is he a brother or a vagabond? Or change the title, play drunk, harass the flight attendant, what is going on? Is it a ghost, or a salty wet guy?"

Grant: "..."


Fire in the eyes.

Song Zhichaoquan pretended not to see it.

"Song Zhichao, why are you doing this?"

"Why? I asked you to hold my hand before, and we were friends, but you didn't want to - there wouldn't be so many things to do as a friend. I'm still human. But you didn't seize the opportunity, so, I'm going to change the way..." Song Zhichao rubbed the left side of the bridge of his nose with his hands, "Do you want to take back these photos? Yes, then do one thing for me..."

"Haha," Grant laughed angrily, "You think you can threaten me like this? Dreaming!"

"Really? That's why we can't agree—well, I didn't expect you to be a tough guy, I admire you!" Song Zhichao gave a thumbs up, stood up with a smile, and finally said to Grant: "Then, I hope you can Hard to the end."

Grant: "..."

Eyelids start to twitch.

(End of this chapter)

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