Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 586 600 [Out of reach]

Chapter 586 600 [Out of reach]

Song Zhichao was also surprised.

To tell the truth, he just called Qi Wanda and told him that his place was too remote and he didn't have a car, so he asked him to prepare a car to make it easier for him to travel, but he never expected that Qi Wanda would build a plane.

That's right, an airplane.

At this moment, Song Zhichao was sitting on the plane, listening to the sound of propellers, and seeing Qi Wanda getting rounder and rounder, he couldn't help but feel funny.

Seeing Song Zhichao's smile, Qi Wanda said embarrassingly: "I know, you want me to arrange a car for you, but it's too hasty, and the time is too tight, I think it's better to use this helicopter. "

Song Zhichao smiled, "Where did this plane come from?"

Qi Wanda scratched his head: "Our company ordered it."

"Oh?" Song Zhichao looked strange.

"I reported it, you may have forgotten!" Qi Wanda hurriedly explained.

In this era, it is not uncommon for a company to buy a car, but it is outrageous to buy a helicopter. After all, this era is still an era of rampant bicycles, and many people have never even seen a car.

"Last time I sent you a report saying that our business is too busy and it is sometimes inconvenient to drive, so please approve the order for a helicopter, and you have allowed it."

Song Zhichao tapped his forehead with his fingers, "Is there such a thing?"

Qi Wanda was really anxious, "Of course! I still have a copy of the report."

"Okay, I'm just asking casually, why are you so excited." Song Zhichao smiled.

Qi Wanda also laughed out loud.

In fact, the reason why Wanda Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. bought such a useless but very cool helicopter is still a small episode.

At that time, Qi Wanda and Pan Yu and even the political and business circles in Guangdong were fighting fiercely.Once, when I was having dinner with a senior government official, the senior government official mentioned intentionally or unintentionally that the government had a helicopter, and there was no time to pay after ordering it—to be precise, there was no way to pay, it was too expensive, and the order It was later discovered that it was not very useful, so the official asked Qi Wanda if he wanted to transfer your Wanda foreign trade company. After all, the business of your foreign trade company is getting bigger and bigger. If you have a helicopter, you can save a lot of time, time Is money, time is life.

Qi Wanda, Fatty Qi was moved. To be precise, he was stimulated by the feeling of flying in a helicopter and overlooking the ground. So he decided to subscribe for this helicopter under the pretext of "releasing worries" for the government. Brand new helicopter.

The government can't help but take a breath.

Finance still requires good steel to be used wisely, and money should not be spent indiscriminately. Since there are people who have been taken advantage of and are willing to "relieve their worries" for themselves, why not subscribe for this aircraft.

So, Qi Wanda purchased this helicopter in the name of Wanda Foreign Trade Company, and then, Qi Wanda discovered that this helicopter is really useless.

Think about it, it’s the 90s now, it’s not the future where there are so many cars and the roads are congested, it’s enough to drive a car, and you can drive as you please, why not take a helicopter?What a waste.

In addition, Qi Wanda is more aware that this plane can only fly within certain designated areas in the south, and if it exceeds the limits, it will be shot down by rockets.

After Qi Wanda realized this situation, his first reaction was bad.

If Song Zhichao knew the truth in the future, how would he explain it?

After all, when I filed the declaration, I used a trick and didn't explain the matter clearly. How can I calculate the millions of dollars I paid?You won't use your salary to pay off the debt, will you?

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became, Qi Wanda didn't care about taking the helicopter to show off, and tried every means to find a way to settle the matter.

The hard work paid off. To be precise, Qi Wanda felt that he was really lucky. This time when Song Zhichao returned to the mainland, he even called himself to "ask for help", saying that he was trapped in a wild field and asked him to drive for help—— Immediately, Qi Wanda felt that the helicopter he had ordered would be useful.

Therefore, Qi Wanda ordered the helicopter to be dispatched directly to rescue him in person, and staged a scene of loyal ministers.

At this moment, Qi Wanda looked at Song Zhichao's sharp eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything, and couldn't help but feel guilty, and the smiling expression on his face froze, and then said: "Okay, I confess——in fact, this plane is my own. I bought it by accident, no, I was too vain and wanted to show off, so I exaggerated, I bought it from the government, and I regret it too!" Qi Wanda beat his chest and stamped his feet.

Song Zhichao smiled, "I'm just asking, why should you take it seriously—besides, you are now the general manager of Wanda Foreign Trade Company anyway, so it's no big deal to spend millions to buy an airplane, isn't it?"

Qi Wanda: "..." Then came another sentence, "You don't blame me?"

Song Zhichao: "What did I blame you for? You didn't do it on purpose, did you?"

Qi Wanda was moved, and didn't know what to say. Just about to speak, Song Zhichao said, "I'm sleepy, I'll take a nap for a while—uh, I'm going back to Pan Yu soon, and I can see those old friends again."

After speaking, Song Zhichao closed his eyes.

Qi Wanda's heart suddenly brightened, and he knew what he should do.


Pan Yu, Caesars Club——
Brother MAEK is sitting in the boss's office, distracted.

His female secretary didn't know what was wrong with him, why was she wandering around the office, muttering: "Yes, no, yes, no..."

What do you mean?
The female secretary didn't understand.

In the impression of the female secretary, Brother MARK has always been cool in life and work, especially in recent years, basically the entire entertainment industry of Pan Yu has been monopolized by him. It can be said that he is a famous entertainment tycoon of Pan Yu's generation, but he is such a The cowman, but today has a strange look, as if he was dumped by someone.

Just then, jingle bell.

the phone is ringing.

Brother Mark was startled, and stretched out his hand to pick up the phone, but suddenly retracted, then looked up at the female secretary, and said, "You come to pick it up."

The female secretary was curious, this was just a phone call, not a switch, so she picked up the phone, "Hi, this is the Caesars Club..."

Brother Mark stared at him with urgent eyes and nervous expression.

After the female secretary finished speaking, she listened to the phone and kept humming.

Brother MARK: "..."

After the female secretary answered the phone, she hung up with a snap, and then looked at Brother MARK.

Before she could say anything, Mark couldn't wait, "Who called and what did you say?"

The female secretary said, "It's a man surnamed Qi, who is said to be the boss of Wanda Foreign Trade Company."

"Oh, it's him." Brother MARK's fiery eyes dimmed.

At this time, the female secretary said again: "He said that he would treat you to dinner tonight. By the way, he told me that it was Mr. Song's account."

"What, Mr. Song?" Brother MARK's eyes lit up suddenly, and his originally listless appearance suddenly became lively, "Did you hear me right?"

The female secretary is puzzled, are you so excited? "I heard right, that's what he said."

"Hahaha, hahaha!" MARK almost jumped up, "I knew it would be like this!"

The appearance is indescribably excited.

The female secretary is puzzled, it's just a meal, is it worth being so excited?
(End of this chapter)

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