Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 593 607 [Tiger breeding]

Chapter 593 607 [Tiger breeding]

Song Zhichao was actually confused at the beginning, and he didn't quite understand why Big Brother Huo worked so hard to chase him from Hong Kong to Pan Yu.

Really go back to your hometown for the New Year?Ghost letter!

Later, Mr. Huo mentioned Nansha again, and Song Zhichao finally understood a little bit. But now, after Mr. Huo made this suggestion, the cloud and mist in front of Song Zhichao's eyes had cleared, and he understood everything instantly.

If you remember well, Song Zhichao relied on "coercion" to forcefully squeeze into the Huo family's plan to invest in the development of Panyu Nansha.

For Mr. Huo, he can no longer play in Hong Kong now, because there are Daheng Li and his gang in the real estate industry, and the British Hong Kong government has been seeing him unhappy and wearing small shoes for him. Therefore, the Huo family wants to have a big business in the future. As a result, we must look farther away——so, Mr. Huo set his sights on Nansha.

According to Mr. Huo, the current mainland is still very poor, and people don't know the importance of developing real estate, let alone how profitable it is to invest in real estate.

A very simple comparison, Hong Kong is a small place and a developed metropolis, so housing prices are high; the mainland is not vast and sparsely populated, the population of the mainland is as high as 11 billion, and the population will definitely increase in the future. Sources will become a problem, and housing prices will definitely skyrocket.

In a word - the development history of Hong Kong real estate is the history of the future development of mainland real estate.

The mainland real estate industry will definitely rise, and the mainland housing prices will definitely skyrocket. This is Mr. Huo's judgment.

Because of this, Mr. Huo circled Pan Yu Nansha as the development direction of the Huo family's century-old plan.

The Huo family wants to invest in Nansha, and the Huo family wants to build Nansha into an economic development zone that is more prosperous than Hong Kong.

Every penny invested by the Huo family now will be rewarded thousands of times and tens of thousands of times in the future.

Nansha is the Huo family's century-old plan.

The Huo family is the century-old land king of Nansha.

Nansha can only be surnamed Huo, and no one else is allowed to get involved—but Song Zhichao intervened halfway.

This guy is very eye-catching, but Mr. Huo has nothing to do with Song Zhichao. After all, he was the one who "led the wolf into the house" at the beginning --- but he didn't expect that this wolf cub has now turned into a fierce tiger.

Raising tigers is a problem, and turning against customers is the main thing.

At that time, the Huo family didn't become the "King of Nansha", but it made the Song family cheaper.

Brother Huo is afraid that such a thing will happen one day.

The main reason is that Mr. Huo has always regarded himself very highly. In his opinion, as long as he has himself for a day, he can restrain Song Zhichao, a tiger cub, but he will always grow old. When the time comes, who in the Huo family will be Song Zhichao's opponent?
His eldest son?

Too orthodox, do not know how to adapt.

Second son?
Smart is there, but not smart enough.

Third son?
Uh, never mind.

Considering these things, Nansha's investment plan caused Mr. Huo a lot of headaches because of Song Zhichao's involvement.

However, Song Zhichao is now in full swing in the United States and Hong Kong, and his career is booming like a chicken blood, and now he is a billionaire worth tens of billions of dollars, even comparable to a veteran like him.

It's terrible.

This kind of growth rate, given time, how can there be a foothold for them old people!

When he thinks of the Huo family, and Nansha, where the enclosure is the king, Mr. Huo has no choice but to start grabbing Song Zhichao's pigtails --- and Song Zhichao accidentally used a "bitter trick" to trick the governor of Hong Kong. , and the entertainment tycoons in Hong Kong, and now they have fled to Pan Yu secretly.

Well, this is a good opportunity.

No one knew that Boss Huo had been staring at Song Zhichao all the time, let alone that he had already set up a plan and was waiting for Song Zhichao to enter the urn.

For Mr. Huo, Song Zhichao simply handed the handle of the knife to himself—why not use it?
So, Mr. Huo came to Pan Yu and staged such a scene.

If Song Zhichao is sensible, he will choose the first one, take away the [-] million invested, which is equivalent to a loss of [-] million, withdraw the troops from the Nansha plan; otherwise, he, Mr. Huo, will spread the news of Song Zhichao's "bitter tricks" , Let him apologize to the world.

Of course, if Song Zhichao doesn’t know what to do, chooses the second path, and is determined to continue investing in Nansha, then he must spend another 20 billion. In the future, Song Zhichao will invest 30 billion, but he will not even be able to touch a handful of sand in Nansha. .

In the final analysis, Boss Huo wants to kick Song Zhichao out of the Nansha Project——
I am the King of Nansha!
you are nothing!


Seeing Song Zhichao bowed his head in thought, he remained silent.

Brother Huo thought that he had already controlled the overall situation, so he clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Second brother, come out and hand over the contract prepared by our Huo family to Mr. Song, so that he can see clearly first!"

As the words fell to the ground, a man who looked somewhat similar to Mr. Huo came out of the back room, holding a stack of documents and tools for signing and marking.

Needless to say, this person is the second son of Mr. Huo, and he will also be the second young master Huo who will inherit the business empire of the Huo family in the future.

Brother Huo has always divided the family business very clearly. The eldest brother Huo Dashao inherits his sports business, and the second son inherits his business empire. One is in politics and the other is in business. They do not conflict with each other and can also help each other .

Second Young Master Huo seemed to have prepared everything. In front of Song Zhichao, he wrote down the two proposals proposed by Mr. Huo just now and put them in front of Song Zhichao. On Song Zhichao's right hand side, the ink pad used for drawing and marking is on his left hand side.

After all this was done, Second Young Master Huo stood behind Song Zhichao, ready for Song Zhichao to sign and pack his things at any time—holding his hands together and putting them on his stomach, the old god was there, and he looked like he was determined to eat Song Zhichao.

"A Chao, take a look. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me. Of course, you can also ask A Huan behind you---he is a barrister, and he knows many legal terms better than me." Huo The boss said with a smile, completely looking like a kind elder.

Song Zhichao smiled wryly, glanced at the contract spread out in front of him, and asked Mr. Huo, "I don't have a choice?"

Brother Huo smiled, "What do you think?"

"It seems not." Song Zhichao shrugged, and then picked up the pen.

Boss Huo picked up the tea, blew on the tea foam leisurely, and took a sip—it seemed that since he fought against the little guy Song Zhichao, it was the first time that he had won him so easily.

I really want to enjoy this rare feeling - when I was so powerful and earned my first pot of gold, I only had this indescribable sense of accomplishment at that time.

Strategize and be proud!
Boss Huo squinted his eyes and laughed, the tea in his hand couldn't help shaking, causing slight waves.

At this time, Song Zhichao, who had originally picked up the pen to sign, suddenly tossed the pen and said, "I won't sign!"

Brother Huo: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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