Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 619 633 [Bodhisattva on the surface, Rakshasa in the dark]

Chapter 619 633 [Bodhisattva on the surface, Rakshasa in the dark]

Wang Jinfeng has always been a very traditional rural woman——what is a traditional woman is simple, kind, and has no room for sand in her eyes—you must distinguish right from wrong in everything, black is black, white is white, good is good, Bad is bad.

Wang Jinfeng's personality also determines that she likes to watch dramas such as "Bao Gong's Case" and "The Beauty Case" the most. At home, husbands and children, men should also be loyal, clean and self-loving, and must not do things that violate their conscience.

But today, she heard from Tian Xiaoli that her son Song Zhichao is also a big Chen Shimei --- when he had money, he kicked Tian Xiaoli.

Immediately, Wang Jinfeng became furious and looked at his son viciously.

Song Zhichao didn't expect Tian Xiaoli to come up with such a move. He knew that even if he opened his mouth to explain, it would be useless at this moment. Judging by Wang Jinfeng's temper, he might have reached the critical point of an outburst. As long as he opened his mouth, it would be equivalent to igniting the gunpowder, so , he just shut up.

Sure enough, Song Zhichao's move was very clever.

Wang Jinfeng glared at his son, and waited for Song Zhichao to yell at him when he opened his mouth. However, his son didn't answer, and didn't even say a word, but acted like he was letting you deal with him.

Dad Song Haiming was protecting his son after all -- besides, he didn't know that Song Zhichao and Tian Xiaoli were a couple, and he didn't have any feelings for Tian Xiaoli.Unlike Wang Jinfeng, but I went to Tian Xiaoli's house and took 120 yuan from the sale of corn as gift money. Now thinking of so much money, I still feel a little distressed.

Song Haiming helped his son Song Zhichao and said, "Mother, don't be angry, maybe things are not what this girl Tian said—"

"Uncle Song, what do you mean... I was lying to you just now?" Tian Xiaoli burst into tears again.

"No, that's not what I meant." Song Haiming was tongue-tied, not knowing what to say.

"You men, you all have the same virtue!" Wang Jinfeng scolded her husband.

Song Haiming was embarrassed, he didn't expect to help his son and almost got himself involved.

After Wang Jinfeng scolded her husband, she turned to her son Song Zhichao and said, "Achao, what else do you want to say?"

Song Zhichao was very calm, holding the teacup, took a sip of tea, and did not directly answer his mother's question.

He was wondering, wondering what Tian Xiaoli's purpose was for doing this --- obviously, it was impossible for him and her to be together again, even if she used lies to win over her mother's bargaining chip, in the end, it would be hard for her and himself to get back together.

Secondly, thinking about it further, offending herself because of this matter would not do her any good. After all, he, Song Zhichao, is a very important person now, and many important people would look at him, let alone a rural girl like Tian Xiaoli.

Unable to bear it, Song Zhichao looked at Zhao Jinbao, who was sitting on pins and needles.

Seeing his gaze, Zhao Jinbao hurriedly held the teacup, pretended to drink tea, and averted his eyes, a little panicked and uneasy.

Seeing Zhao Jinbao's expression, Song Zhichao instantly understood -- he smiled.


According to common sense, many men cannot tolerate their girlfriends being entangled with other men.

But Zhao Jinbao was different. For him, he wished that his girlfriend could keep entangled with the current Song Zhichao. Who made the current Song Zhichao a tens of billions tycoon with a prominent status, and he could make chicken feathers fly to the sky just by blowing his breath.

But who made Zhao Jinbao Song Zhichao's rival in love, and even poached Song Zhichao's corner, now that Song Zhichao has a special status, he was embarrassed to attack him, but because of Tian Xiaoli, he didn't kill Zhao Jinbao, but Zhao Jinbao was worried, like Song Zhichao Such a big man's mind is unpredictable, and today he seems to be the kind of person who is in a state of mood swings. What if Song Zhichao recalls his previous grudges one day and strikes at him, what should he do?
Since Zhao Jinbao's brother-in-law Cheng Fafa was "cleaned" by Song Zhichao, and the toy factory was also acquired, Zhao Jinbao is like the only egg left under the overturned nest-he is afraid of death, so he has to find a way to come Get rid of Song Zhichao's hidden hatred for him.


"Aunt Wang, Uncle Song, in fact, things are not what you think—" Zhao Jinbao spoke suddenly, holding his face, as if he mustered up a lot of courage. "The culprit of this matter is actually me—I pried Mr. Song's corner, and used despicable means to snatch Miss Tian from Mr. Song."

"Yes, it's all my fault. I'm despicable, I'm shameless, I'm obscene! I have no personality! For the sake of love, I was selfish, relying on my advantages in Pan Yu, and finally led to the current tragedy!"

Clap clap!Zhao Jinbao slapped his face hard.

Wang Jinfeng: "..."

Song Haiming: "..."

They were all dumbfounded. They didn't expect Zhao Jinbao, the big boss, to take all the mistakes on him, and even slapped himself hard.

clap clap clap!
The slap was ruthless and accurate, without any falsehood——Zhao Jinbao knew that the harder he slapped, the more relieved Song Zhichao would be, and his birthday would be better in the future.

Seeing Zhao Jinbao hitting herself hard, Tian Xiaoli rolled her eyes, couldn't bear to look any more, and turned her face away.

She knew very well what Zhao Jinbao's purpose was to relieve Song Zhichao.

And Tian Xiaoli also knew at this moment that it was really impossible for herself and Song Zhichao to turn back.

No matter what she did or said, she and Song Zhichao had already been separated by a natural barrier --- an insurmountable barrier.

Song Zhichao looked at Zhao Jinbao's slap, looking very calm - there were too many people slapping themselves in front of him, and this kind of bitter trick really couldn't impress him.

Do you think that by performing such a scene, everything before can be wiped out?This Zhao Jinbao was too naive.

That's right, after Cheng Fafa's downfall, Song Zhichao didn't kill Zhao Jinbao, but that's all - in the future, no matter how hard Zhao Jinbao tried, even if he left Pan Yu, as long as Song Zhichao had the ability, he would suppress him and let him He can never turn over.

To be precise, from the moment Song Zhichao "forgives" Zhao Jinbao, he has actually put a "limiter" on Zhao Jinbao -- no matter how hard Zhao Jinbao works and struggles in his life, at most it will be like this. A small boss, don't even think about getting ahead.

Even if Zhao Jinbao is really against the sky, relying on his own ability to break the limiter set by Song Zhichao and become a millionaire, in the future, Song Zhichao will do it himself to send him back to the "origin".

In a word, even if it doesn't kill you, it will kill you.

This is Song Zhichao's disposition of "revenge for every grievance"——
Bodhisattva on the surface, Rakshasa on the inside!
(End of this chapter)

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