Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 634 648 [Which Immortal]

Chapter 634 648 [Which Immortal]

Nandu City, Xinhua Road,
The gate of the International Hotel——
Seeing Chekov, the Russian bigwig, and Fang Guoqing, the head of Nandu Merchants Bureau, who were being received this time, the two of them surrounded the tall and straight young man.

Only then did Popov, Zhao Tiezhu and others see the appearance of the young man clearly.

He is very young, with black hair, bright eyes, the left corner of his mouth is raised slightly, revealing a smile, which gives people a very comfortable feeling——but when you look at his eyes, you will find that there is something in those bright eyes. There was no smile at all, on the contrary, it was a kind of coldness.

Just when Zhao Tiezhu was guessing who this young man was, as Chekhov's secretary, Popov had already stepped forward to receive his big boss.

"Dear President Chekov, I have been waiting for you here for a long time! Yes, I have checked everything here for you, God, I will definitely satisfy you." Popov flattered Cheko Husband said.

Originally tall, he looked very small in front of the thin Chekhov.

Chekhov glanced at him. This Popov was hired by him after he became well-off. He is very quick to do things and easy to use, but it is this flattering skill... well, it needs to be improved.

"Get to know him, this is Mr. Fang from the Investment Promotion Department of Nandu." Chekov introduced to Popov.

"Hello, dear Mr. Fang." Popov took the initiative to shake hands with Fang Guoqing.

Although the other party was just a secretary, Fang Guoqing didn't dare to take it too seriously, and hurriedly shook hands with Popov and said, "Nice to meet you."

After Chekov introduced Fang Guoqing, Popov turned his attention to the young man curiously, waiting for the boss to introduce himself.

However, Chekov had no intention of making an introduction at all, and was about to leave.

Popov couldn't bear it anymore, "And this gentleman, boss, he is..."

Chekov stared at Popov, then said: "You don't deserve it."

Popov: "..."

It took me a long time to understand what this sentence meant, that is——you don't deserve to know.

What do you mean, is this person so powerful that I don't deserve to know?

Popov was a little confused for a moment.

My own boss is never like this.

How much patience does this person have?
Popov was even more curious.

Fortunately, Zhao Tiezhu stepped forward at this time and resolved Popov's embarrassment.

Zhao Tiezhu asked Zhongfen to do the translation, and introduced himself to Chekov, saying that he is the director of Nandu No. [-] Food Factory. He is very happy this time and welcomes Comrade Chekov to visit Nandu.

Chekov was noncommittal about this, and next to him, Fang Guoqing from China Merchants helped to speak, saying that this was a project he helped lead, and he asked Mr. Chekov to take care of it.

Finally, Chekov, the big Russian man, spoke. He turned his head and asked the young man respectfully, "What do you think?"

This move once again changed everyone's views.

Even Fang Guoqing was stunned --- he knew who the young man was, but he didn't know why this Russian boss was so respectful to Song Zhichao!

Popov, in particular, was even more unbelievable-how could Chekov, the Russian myth in my mind, be so humble to this young man?

As for Zhao Tiezhu, Director Zhao, he rolled his eyes and understood that this is a food chain.

The self at the end of the food chain is Fang Guoqing of China Merchants Group, above Fang Guoqing is the Russian secretary Popov, above Popov is his boss Chekov, as for Chekov's top—it turns out to be that young man!
Who is he?
What is your name?
Why are you so awesome?

Director Zhao asked three times in his heart, but he didn't have an answer, but he knew clearly that if he wanted to win this order today, the best way to win this Russian boss Chekhov was to win that young man—— —As long as you take care of that young man and let him say a few words for you, then it will be done.

What is this called in combat tactics?To shoot a man first, to shoot a horse, to capture a thief first, to capture the king—oh, that’s not very appropriate, after all, he is a big boss, not a bandit.

But no matter what, Director Zhao is worthy of being an old ginger who has experienced wind and rain, and immediately locked his target on that young man-at this moment, that young man has become the target of Zhao Tiezhu's archery and the target of capture.

Since we want to take her down, we must first find out who that young man is——Fang Guoqing knows it from the looks of it.

So, Zhao Tiezhu took advantage of other people making introductions to Chekhov, pulled Minister Fang Guoqing aside, secretly pointed at the young man with his finger, and asked Fang Guoqing, "Which immortal is he?"

Fang Guoqing said, "Song Zhichao is an investor."

Such a young investor?

Zhao Tiezhu was a little surprised, but it doesn't matter, the most important thing is to know who the other party is, "Then what is the relationship between this Song Zhichao and that Russian Chekov?"

Fang Guoqing was stopped by the question, and smiled bitterly: "You ask me, who should I ask?"

Zhao Tiezhu: "..."

Seeing Zhao Tiezhu's expression of disbelief, Fang Guoqing had no choice but to briefly explain how he and Song Zhichao met.

Zhao Tiezhu didn't pay attention when he first heard it, but when he heard that Song Zhichao had invested 500 million yuan to set up a jade processing factory and helped build roads for the village, he couldn't help but take another look at Song Zhichao, thinking that he was still young and promising.

Then, when Fang Guoqing said that Song Zhichao invested another 1000 million to acquire three food factories in Nandu, Zhao Tiezhu was a little surprised—he never expected that the owner of Wanda Company who merged his factory was this young man— ——It is equivalent to saying that this person is his future immediate boss.

So, Zhao Tiezhu couldn't help but looked at Song Zhichao again, and stuck out his tongue in fear. Fortunately, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary just now, otherwise he would have lost face in front of the big boss --- in the future, it will depend on his face to eat ah.

But this is not over yet. When Fang Guoqing said that Song Zhichao took out another 2 million to help Nandu build a highway, and planned to let Nandu's food processing enterprises go out and export to Russia.At this time, Zhao Tiezhu felt that his brain was not enough, 500 million, 1000 million, and now jumped to 2 million - what is this concept?
So, when Zhao Tiezhu looked at Song Zhichao again, his eyes were no longer looking at a person, but at a god!

Only God can have such great power.

Contract high-speed, take out 2 million!

You know, when their food factory was at its peak, its annual sales were only 200 million.

What is the concept of 2 million?
Enough for them to work hard for 100 years!

(End of this chapter)

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