Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 649 663 [Shadow of Sword and Sword]

Chapter 649 663 [Shadow of Sword and Sword]

General Yorkoff's mansion ---
Following the rampant laughter, General Yorkoff has already stood up from his seat.

His eyes were narrowed, like an enraged beast, staring at the person coming.

"Why, Old York, do you mean you don't welcome me?" the arrogant man grinned.

Only then did Song Zhichao here see clearly the person who came. The leader was a man about the same age as Yokov, in his fifties, with a burly figure, a fleshy face, a big nose, high cheekbones, deep eye sockets, but small eyes. Shooting a green light, the whole person stands in front of you, as if you are facing an evil cheetah - although this leopard looks very old, it is very cunning.

Next to the burly man were two young Russians, about thirty years old, one of them was very handsome and had a taller figure, while the other had a rough appearance and a beard.

"Arakh, I didn't invite you here. Are you trespassing on the houses by doing this?" Yokov stared at the cheetah-like man and asked sharply.

Arah smiled, bared his white teeth, and stared at Yokov: "What is trespassing? You and I are old friends, my dear, can I come to visit you?" After finishing speaking, he pointed Pointing to the two young people beside him, "Look, dear old friend, not only did I come here by myself, I also brought my two sons here, and asked Victor and Sai Keluo to come here!"

After finishing speaking, Arah knotted his cloak and threw it to the fair young man, "Victor, don't hurry to meet General Yorkoff!"

The white and clean youth took the cloak and bowed to Yorkoff, "Hello, Your Excellency Yorkoff, I'm sorry to bother you for coming here so late!"

"What about you?" Arah looked at the bearded man, "Sai Keluo, you also want to send your greetings to General Yukov."

The bearded man grinned: "I don't want to visit this old ghost at all. You forced me to come, didn't you?"

Arah smiled, and walked over to the side of the bearded man Sai Keluo, "Say it again?"

Sai Keluo stared at him without saying a word.

With a slap, Allah slapped his son Sai Kelao hard on the face.

Sai Keluo said nothing, still staring at him.

Arah smiled, tilted his neck, then went straight to the dining table, and said to Yorkov, "Lend me your candlestick."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the silver-plated metal candlestick and threw it at his son Sai Keluo's head.


The candlestick hit Sai Keluo on the head, and blood gushed out.

Little Alexander, who was originally huddled in Eva's arms, was so frightened by this scene that he burst into tears.

Eva quickly hugged little Alexander tightly, and before Yorkov and Song Zhichao could speak, she quickly ran away from here with the child in her arms.

General Yorkoff was furious because these bastards had frightened his little grandson—that was his heart and soul.

"Arakh, what do you mean by doing this?" General Yukov tore off the tablecloth surrounding him, crumpled it up and threw it on the ground, his eyes fixed on Arah, and he was about to burst into flames.

Arah shrugged, threw away the blood-stained candlestick in his hand, pulled a piece of tablecloth, wiped the blood on his hands, threw it away, and then said to Yokov with a smile: "I'm educating children—to be precise , he offended you, I'm teaching him a lesson... how about it, are you satisfied?"

Yorkov looked at Sai Keluo, his head was still bleeding, and he covered it with his hands, but he was still stubborn and didn't say a word.

Looking at Arah again, I feel that this man is too cruel, he can treat his own son like this, let alone treat his makes people shudder.

"Hmph, are you teaching your son a lesson, or are you trying to scare me?" Yokov didn't like him, and walked straight over to confront Arah face to face.

Arah shrugged: "You can say whatever you want, and you can think whatever you want, but——I come to visit you from time to time, as well as your friend!" After saying that, Arah looked at Song Zhichao with leopard-like eyes , with green light in his eyes.

Song Zhichao stood up from his seat calmly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and walked towards Arah and the others with handsome one-step steps.

Arah looked at him with contemptuous and provocative eyes.

Victor looked at him with wary eyes.

Sai Keluo, who was covering his head, looked at him with fierce eyes.

Song Zhichao walked across to Arah, stopped, didn't speak, instead he took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, put his hands together to light it, then tilted his head, squinted his eyes, looked at Arah, stretched out his hand and said: " Get to know Song Zhichao."

Song Zhichao's series of actions directly humiliated Arah.

Arah didn't expect that there would be someone who was more aggressive and arrogant than himself in this world, so instead of being angry, he smiled: "Your name is Song Zhichao? Are you from China?"

Song Zhichao took a puff of cigarette, didn't speak, just looked at Alah and smiled.

Arah was despised.

Before he was angry, his son Sai Keluo was already angry: "Damn! What is your identity, dare to talk to my father like this?"

Song Zhichao turned his head to look at him, and pointed at Sai Keluo's head with a cigarette between his fingers: "Is your head okay?"

Sai Keluo: "..."

"You didn't get fooled, did you?"

Sai Keluo: "..."

"Damn it, what are you talking about?" Just as he was about to rush up, he was caught by the fair Victor next to him, "Don't be impulsive." He stopped the reckless Sai Keluo with his eyes.

Sai Keluo is not very afraid of his father Arah, but obeys his good brother Victor.

Also, although Sai Keluo is the eldest brother, he has always listened to Victor since he was a child, no matter when he was in school or when he grew up.

In Seclaw's view, he is powerful but not smart enough, unlike Victor, who not only studies well, but is also loved by his teachers and his father.

For Sai Keluo, Victor is simply his idol—he dreams of becoming someone like Victor.

Arah was very satisfied with his second son's actions—the wild wolf of Sai Keluo, and only Victor could control it.

Otherwise, Song Zhichao, a nasty guy, just made a fool of him - the aggressive method is the simplest and most commonly used, especially for idiots like Sai Keluo.

Seeing that Sai Keluo was stopped, Song Zhichao was surprised and couldn't help but look at Victor again.

Indeed, Song Zhichao used the provocative method just now to irritate that reckless guy named Sai Keluo. As long as he makes a move, he can find a reason to arrest them and dispose of them at will - after all, this is General Yorkov's There are more territories than people, who is afraid of whom?

"Hehe, this Mr. Arah, it seems that you have two good sons, which is really enviable." Song Zhichao flicked the cigarette ash and smiled contemptuously.

Arah smiled evilly: "Is Song Zhichao right? Maybe I underestimated you just now, but from now on, I will treat you as a real opponent!"

The two looked at each other——
Sword and sword shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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