Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 662 676 [The water is too deep]

Chapter 662 676 [The water is too deep]

In the high-end restaurant——
Under Song Zhichao's unscrupulous provocation, the enraged Arah directly stretched out his hand and overturned the dining table to the ground.


The tabletop was overturned, and the knives, forks and plates on it fell to the ground, crackling, and those dinner plates and wine glasses were shattered into pieces.

No one expected Arah to be so furious. Angelev, who was still alive, was taken aback. He was still sitting when Arah lifted the table, so the drinks and the like directly wetted his face. His clothes made him look a bit embarrassed.

Song Zhichao dodged so fast that he would never get wet.

Brothers Victor and Seclaw were similar to Angelev, and they were also affected by the furious father. They spilled wine, tea and so on—but they didn't dare to say anything.

"Oh God, Mr. Arah, what are you doing?" Song Zhichao, who deserved a beating, pretended to be confused and stared at Arah.

Arah smirked: "What are you doing? Because you are rich, right? Well then, friend, you seem to have forgotten where you are standing - tell you, I tell you loudly, this is Siberia!"

Song Zhichao looked at Arah with doubts on his face: "Of course I know this, and you don't need to emphasize it so many times—this is Siberia, where there are forests, animals, rich minerals and natural resources... I have learned a lot about geography. It's here, isn't it?"

Arah: "..."

Is this a real idiot, or a fake idiot?
"Song Zhichao, are you still pretending to be confused with me? Well then, I can tell you that from this moment on, you will stay in Siberia for the rest of your life, yes, for the rest of your life!"

Song Zhichao: "I don't like here, it's too cold here, I like places that are warm like spring, such as Hong Kong."

Arah became angry, "It's up to you to make the decision, not only you, but also him—" Arah pointed at Angref, "You are going to stay here for the rest of your life, don't even think about leaving!"

Angelev: "..."

"I used to be a soldier, and I have killed many enemies—but this time, I am going to catch you and throw you into a Siberian prison, where you will be reformed through labor and squeeze every bit of strength out of you, how about it, I Is the arrangement not bad?"

Angelev gasped, "I'm a government official, you can't do this!"

Song Zhichao: "I'm a serious businessman, you can't frame me like this!"

Both seemed terrified.

Arah began to get excited, he liked watching this kind of scene where his opponent begged for mercy.

As his sons, Victor and Sai Keluo were also very relieved. Looking at Song Zhichao and that Angelev, they thought to themselves, if I had known this before, why bother.

"It's useless to say what you say! This is Siberia, I have the final say!" Arah said domineeringly.

"Didn't you want a map? I can sell it to you cheaply." Angelev said.

"Arakh, you are a senior government official, how could you do such a thing, I want to sue you!" Song Zhichao said angrily.

"It's too late for you to say anything - when I tear my face, you should have thought that this is my territory, and I call the shots! High-ranking government officials? Shit! The sky is high and the emperor is far away. Even if President Ye is here, I will Don’t take him seriously!” Arah said arrogantly, “Your map is mine, and your oil fields are also mine! Here, I have the final say on everything!”

"God, is there any law for the king!" Angelev wondered.

"The law of the king? Hahaha, I am the law of the king!" Arah said arrogantly, "Except for me, it is my son. The three of us, father and son, are the king of Siberia!"

Victor and Sai Keluo responded to their father's call and puffed out their chests, showing an arrogant and domineering look.

Seeing Song Zhichao and Angelev's ashen faces, Arah's mood was particularly refreshing, and finally said: "So, from the very beginning, you got the wrong partner --- here, no one dares to disobey me , no one can subdue me! Yes, I am God!" Arah opened his arms, and his arrogance reached its peak.

But at this moment——
"Really? You are God, so what am I? Dear President Ye, what is he!" Following the voice, a person walked in.

Seeing someone coming, Song Zhichao said first, "Old Pu, you're finally here!" His tone was friendly and full of indescribable meaning.

Arah: "..."

Victor, and Sai Kelaw: "..."

The father and son looked at the person in surprise.

The man had already walked in front of them at this time. He was not tall and looked very capable.

Arah saw this person clearly, and suddenly trembled, as if seeing a ghost.

Before Victor and Sai Keluo came, they asked their father who the other party was, and saw that the man didn't even look at the three of them, went straight to Song Zhichao, stretched out his hand and said, "Thank you for your hard work, such a good performance." It also made me very happy to listen to it outside --- I didn't expect our great motherland to have such moths!"

Song Zhichao shook hands with the other party with a smile—uh, the strength is quite strong, no wonder he can become the president in the future, "This is what I should do, we are friends, aren't we?"

"Of course, we are friends!" Song Zhichao's "Old Pu" also laughed.

Seeing that Song Zhichao was so intimate with this terrifying guy, Arah couldn't help turning his head and said, "How is it possible? Have you been plotting against me all this time?"

Old Pu didn't speak, but glanced at Song Zhichao, and shrugged at him, meaning that you made it up, and you have to explain it.

Song Zhichao slowly took out a cigarette from his arms, put his hands together to light the fire, and then said: "This matter is a long story, roughly two years ago, I met Comrade Lao Pu through General Yorkoff, at that time We are sympathetic to each when I bought the three oil fields in Siberia, I also counted Lao Pu as a share, um, yes, I am afraid that many people don't know this."

Arah: "..."

With a look of astonishment on his face, he felt like he had fallen into a pit.

For a long time, he thought that the three oil fields belonged to Song Zhichao only, and Yorkefu was outside to help him escort him, but he didn't expect that this oil field actually had the share of this old Pu.

That is to say, moving this oil field by himself is equivalent to moving this old man's cheese-you know, this person is not simple, from an agent to the current political throne, he is definitely not an easy person.

Looking at Old Pu again, with a calm face, he asked for a cigarette and smoked it.

After all, Arah is a scheming person, suddenly he thought of something, looked at Old Pu and said, "It's not that simple, I heard that you are very loyal to President Ye, could it be that..."

Old Pu didn't say anything, but there was a cold light in his eyes.

But Arah knew that he had guessed right.

The three oil fields in Song Zhichao's hands must also have that person's share!
In this way, everything can be figured out——
Why is the person surnamed Song so confident,
Why did Old Pu travel thousands of miles to come here?
Why couldn't I swallow those three oil fields after swallowing it several times...

It's not that I'm incompetent,

The water in the oil field is too deep!

(End of this chapter)

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