Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 674 688 [Master Zhonghai]

Chapter 674 688 [Master Zhonghai]

After praising his two subordinates——
Pointing at the blown head, the fat man knelt down and said to the long-haired man, "See, you did a good job!"

The long-haired man glared at him without saying a word.

"Hey, you've got a lot of confidence! Why, you still think you're the former young master of the Nie family, Nie Weijun? Shit! You're just a prodigal, a bastard, a low-ranking brat!" the fat man said in a vicious tone.

"Still staring at me? Do you think I dare not do anything to you? Hehe, I really wouldn't send you to the police station - that would be too cheap for you. Who doesn't know that my fat third master likes to torture people the most, don't you Is it really shameful, today the fat third master will wash your face in front of everyone—”

While speaking, Fat San was about to unbutton his belt, obviously, he wanted to urinate to wash the long-haired man's face.

At this time, "Fat San, stop!" A voice said.

Song Zhichao looked at the crowd together, and saw a man in a suit and leather shoes approaching not far away.

Holding his arm is a charming-looking woman with long eyelashes, big eyes, and red lips, wearing a blue floral dress by Chanel, exuding a seductive aura.

Seeing the person coming, the originally rebellious long-haired man suddenly stopped struggling and did not move, and just stared fixedly at the approaching couple.

The man took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his nose arrogantly, and said in a contemptuous tone: "Fat San, how can you do this? Anyway, his family name is also Nie, and he is the once famous young master Zhong Hai——you If you do this, how will you have the face to live in the world in the future?"

The man named "Fat San" seemed a little afraid of the man in the suit, so he nodded and said, "Young Master Long, it's not like you didn't see it just now, but this guy dared to blow my head with a beer bottle in a hotel—at least I'm Fat San." Zhong Hai can be regarded as a well-known figure, with five hotels under his banner, three karaoke bars, and..."

The man in the suit frowned slightly.

Fat San hurriedly flattered: "Of course, I can't compare with you with my small assets... You are the general agent of Zhonghai Motorola, Nokia and other mobile phones. A mobile phone can sell for [-] to [-] yuan. The Long family is even more powerful." operating-"

"Aren't you talking too much?" the man in the suit said unhappily.

"I shut up! I shut up!" Fat San patted his mouth and smiled flatteringly.

The man in the suit turned his face, his originally arrogant expression instantly became much gentler, and he said to the woman in the blue skirt who was holding his arm, "Xiaodie, I know you were his girlfriend before, and I should sympathize with him, but this time he offended Fatty Three, even beat Fat San on the head, if I just let him go like this, it wouldn't make sense..."

The woman in the blue skirt glanced at the long-haired man who was being pressed and kneeling on the ground, put on a cute and pitiful look on her seductive face, and said, "He was impulsive just now, but it was all my fault, I shouldn't have ridiculed and ridiculed him Yes, these are all my faults, please forgive me!"

"Hehe!" The man in the suit laughed, "You did nothing wrong, you don't need to apologize-you ridiculed him for being worthless, living like a dog, sarcastic that he has no money, and ruined his family business, these words are correct He Nie Weidong is such a prodigal son, the second generation ancestor! Otherwise, their Nie family’s business would not be swallowed up by our Long family, and you would not be snatched by me to be my girlfriend!” The man in the suit After finishing speaking, he glanced at the long-haired man who was staring at him, his eyes were about to burst into flames --- Nie Weidong, sneered and said, "Do you hate me? That's right, I, Long Jianfei, set the trap back then. Let you put all your property on the stock market, let you suffer a complete defeat, let you go bankrupt, the reason is very simple-I hate you!"

"Long Jianfei, I, Nie Weidong, regard you as my own brother, but you frame me like this, do you still have a conscience?" Nie Weidong said angrily, struggling to stand up, but was firmly pressed down, unable to move.

Nie Weidong bit his lip and glared at Long Jianfei.

Long Jianfei said "tsk tsk", turned his head and said to the woman in the blue skirt, "Xiaodie, did you see that this is your former boyfriend, Young Master Nie—how does it look more and more like a dog!"

Hearing this, the woman in the blue dress no longer looked like she was pitiful just now, and looked at Nie Weidong contemptuously: "Hey, after hearing what you said, it really looks like me—I really don't know why I followed him before!"

Nie Weidong was furious: "Deng Caidie! You despicable and shameless woman! You betrayed me. If you hadn't told this Long about our Nie family, our Nie family wouldn't have lost!"

Deng Caidie curled her lips: "Don't put this shit pot on my head—it wasn't you who fell in love with me in the first place, you and I were Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai——one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer!"

"Deng Caidie, you woman who loves vanity and has a heart like a snake, if I, Nie Weidong, turn over in the future, I will definitely let you die!" Nie Weidong, who was pressed to the ground, his eyes were about to split.

"Turn over? Why are you turning over? Look at what you look like now, little red guy, and don't take a piss to see what you look like!" Deng Caidie folded her arms and cursed, in Zhonghai dialect, mean and vicious.

After scolding, Deng Caidie fanned the wind with her hand, and said to Long Jianfei beside her, "Young Master Long, hurry up and deal with him, I'm a little hungry—I just ate a few mouthfuls of the western steak." Poor little.

Long Jianfei stretched out his hand and pinched her nose lovingly, "You woman, you are quite edible——why, haven't you been fed enough in the hotel room?"

"You're dead!"

The two were flirting and cursing in front of Nie Weidong, which made Nie Weidong even more unbearable, and shouted, "What exactly do you want?"

Long Jianfei then turned his head, glanced at Nie Weidong contemptuously, and then said to Fat San who flattered him: "Have you heard of the code of Hammurabi? An eye for an eye, an eye for an eye, since he popped your head with a beer bottle , then you will explode back!"

Fat San smiled, "Young Master Long is right—this is a brilliant move! Come on, find me three beer bottles, and I'll pay them back three times! Let's see if his brain is hard or this bottle is hard, hehe !"

The people who watched the excitement around them roughly understood what happened at this moment, and couldn't help pointing at the person involved: "It's too ruthless, someone robbed the family property, robbed the girlfriend, and now they have to be shot in the head !"

"Yeah, isn't this a society ruled by law? Why didn't anyone call the police?"

"Hush, don't let people hear your words! Don't you know the Zhonghailong family?"

"Why, it's amazing?"

"Of course! He is a bigwig in the communications industry, with assets worth tens of billions!"

Those who don't know the details are surprised from ear to ear --- the assets are tens of billions?God, what is that concept?
While everyone was discussing, Fat San's people had already found the wine bottle, Fat San took the bottle, and in front of everyone, made gestures towards Nie Weidong's head who was being pressed and kneeling on the ground.

"Look, let's see how I'll blow your dick!" Fat San grinned grinningly, and raised the wine bottle high.

The people around couldn't bear to watch, and turned their heads one after another.

Seeing that the wine bottle was about to fall violently, at this moment, a clear voice said: "Wait a minute!"


Who is it that dares to obstruct the third master from me?
Unable to bear it, Fat San followed the prestige.

Long Jianfei and Deng Caidie also looked over.

In the crowd, the young man who was knocked down by Nie Weidong stood up and said with a smile: "You beat him to death, who will pay for my bicycle?" On the ground, a car with a slightly skewed front wheel, with a serious appearance and a sincere attitude.

Fat Three is angry, Nima, what time is it, you still miss your bicycle?You are courting death!

(End of this chapter)

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