Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 697 711 [Looking down]

Chapter 697 711 [Looking down] (three more)

Inside Fortune Salon Hall——
"Mr. Song, Young Master Nie, you are here." Sister Xia smiled like a flower.

Of course, if Nie Weidong hadn't thrown tens of millions in the stock market today, sister Xia's attitude would be so active and enthusiastic.For Sister Xia, Song Zhichao's handsome face was the only thing she fell in love with at first.

"Hello, sister Xia, we don't embarrass you by dressing like this." Song Zhichao said with a smile while holding champagne, but there was no hint of shame in his tone, on the contrary, he seemed a bit bohemian.

Sister Xia chuckled: "Who are you to lose, I feel ashamed if you don't come here—I'm afraid you will look down on me."

I have to say that Sister Xia is really a person of the scene, just such a simple sentence makes people feel very comfortable after hearing it.

After all, Nie Weidong also came from the realm of the rich, and he let go at the moment, saying: "This place is good, there is food and drink, and there seem to be many friends..."

Nie Weidong looked into the distance, and saw Jiang Baichuan and Feng Wanli walking towards them.

"Don't come here without any problems, Young Master Nie." Jiang Baichuan walked up to Nie Weidong with a smile in his hand, and took a casual look at Song Zhichao, not paying attention to this young man at all.

Feng Wanli looked Nie Weidong up and down and said, "I haven't seen you for many years, Young Master Nie, your taste hasn't changed much, you're still in the 80s...Look at the flared trousers, they're so chic!" Full of ridicule.

In the past, Nie Weidong might have felt inferior, but now——
"Thank you for the compliment. A person's taste does not depend on their status or status. Like some people, even if they wear dragon robes, they look like beggars. Oh no, they look like penguins!" A glance at Feng Wanli's sullen golden bow tie.

Puchi, but Miss Xia couldn't help laughing out loud.

This Feng Wanli is wearing a tuxedo and has a bald head. At first glance, he really looks like an old penguin.

Feng Wanli's expression changed immediately, he blew his beard and stared and said, "Master Nie, what you said is not aimed at me!"

"How come, Mr. Feng, how can you compare with penguins? Isn't the penguins too disadvantaged!"

At the beginning of the first sentence, Feng Wanli's face was still slightly relaxed, but as soon as the second sentence came out, his face was covered with black lines. This prodigal son actually called me worse than a penguin.

Seeing his old friend being teased by Nie Weidong, a prodigal son, Jiang Baichuan snorted coldly as his partner in "Zhong Hai Double Bald", "Nie Weidong, do you still think you are the former Young Master Nie? Your Nie family has long since gone bankrupt, and you It's over long ago! You used to be rich and our big client, so we let you go, but now you are still so rampant, do you really think we are easy to bully?" A ferocious face appeared on his face.

Seeing that Jiang Baichuan and Feng Wanli were about to lose their temper, before Miss Xia had time to smooth things over, a voice said, "Boss Jiang, Boss Feng, don't be so angry! Although the Nie family is bankrupt, neither is the Nie family. There is no chance of standing up!"

While talking, I saw five people walking over together, and the one in front was Xiong Yaohua, a well-known real estate developer in Zhonghai City.

Needless to say, these five people were Xiong Yaohua, Wu Dong, Zhou Guang, Lu Jun, and Ding Duobao whom Song Zhichao asked Nie Da to call over.

Among the five of them, Xiong Yaohua has the highest status and status, and the other four, headed by Wu Dong, can only be regarded as third-rate goods in the rich circle. Therefore, only Xiong Yaohua is qualified to match Jiang Baichuan and Feng Wanli.

Jiang Baichuan and Feng Wanli also knew Xiong Yaohua. Speaking of which, they were considered to be of the same level, and they were both second-rate figures in the rich circle. Although they were not as good as those big families and big chaebols, they were still small tycoons. Each has capital to be proud of.

"I thought it was someone who spoke for that prodigal son, but it was you, Boss Xiong." Jiang Baichuan sneered, "I don't know when Boss Xiong will stop working in real estate and become a philanthropist—you must pay attention to who you are when you help others. If someone is killed, it will be miserable.”

Facing Jiang Baichuan's sarcastic remarks, Xiong Yaohua said: "I don't help anyone, I'm just speaking the truth—I don't know how to be polite, people don't stand up, such a simple truth, even a three-year-old child can understand, the two of you are so old , don’t need me to teach you!”

Before Jiang Baichuan could retort, Wu Dong couldn't help laughing and said, "Everyone is from Zhonghai, harmony makes money, why bother?"

Jiang Baichuan gave Xiong Yaohua face, but it was not the same as giving face to a third-rate guy like Wu Dong, and immediately scolded: "What are you, dare to talk here."

Udon immediately blushed. Originally, he was kind enough to persuade the fight, but he didn't expect to be scolded.

His good brother Zhou Guang and others next to him were unhappy, "Fuck, what the hell, money is great!"

Feng Wanli, who was standing with Jiang Baichuan, immediately sneered: "That's right, being rich is a great thing, and being able to do whatever you want—why, are you not convinced?"

Wu Dong, Zhou Guang and the others still wanted to argue, but Song Zhichao next to him said, "Okay, I called you here for drinking, not for your dogs to bite dogs."

Xiong Yaohua, Wu Dong, Zhou Guang and others stopped talking.

But Song Zhichao's words can be regarded as scolding Jiang Baichuan and Feng Wanli, calling them dogs.

Jiang Baichuan and Feng Wanli stared at Song Zhichao with one voice, "What are you?"

In their eyes, Song Zhichao was simply a low-level stranger, who dared to speak up on such an occasion, looking for death.

Song Zhichao didn't expect these two old guys to react so fiercely, so he couldn't help laughing and said, "Is it not fun to call you dogs? Don't be so angry, too much will easily hurt your body, and ah, in fact, in my eyes, you are even like dogs. Not as good!"

Jiang Baichuan: "..."

Feng Wanli: "..."

They never expected that Song Zhichao would speak so loudly. Not only did they not apologize, they didn't realize how much money they had, and they even scolded them for being worse than dogs.

Sister Xia was also stunned by Song Zhichao's "crazy" words, she looked at Song Zhichao with beautiful eyes, as if she was looking at a monster.

You know, Jiang Baichuan and Feng Wanli are both big men with a net worth of hundreds of millions. What kind of status is Song Zhichao?Even though Nie Weidong beside him can spend a lot of money and buy tens of millions of stocks, that doesn't mean he has the qualifications to despise these two billionaires.In Zhong Hai, there is only one person who can despise these two big men, and that is...

While Sister Xia was thinking wildly, she heard a burst of surprise at the door of the salon, "Wow, Young Master Long is here!"

"Long Jianfei from the Dragon Family is here!"

"It really is him, I finally saw him in real life, I admire him so much!"

All of a sudden, countless men and women exclaimed.

Song Zhichao, Nie Weidong, Xia Jie, Xiong Yaohua, Jiang Baichuan and others followed the prestige, and saw some people coming in from the door, first of all was a young handsome man in white, with Aaron Kwok's hairstyle, his face was sharp and angular, his eyes were like stars, and his nose was like Xuandan was none other than Long Jianfei, the eldest son of the Long family that Song Zhichao had met once.

At this moment, Long Jianfei paused slightly, with one hand slanted in his trouser pocket, looking around, his eyes staring all around—the whole body was filled with the aura of a super superior.

(End of this chapter)

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