Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 701 715 [Momentum like a rainbow]

Chapter 701 715 [Momentum like a rainbow] (thanks to the Chinese DJ ten thousand coins for the reward, four more)
At this moment, Wu Dong, Zhou Guang and the others' faces became very embarrassed and ugly. How much they wanted to say loudly to Long Jianfei: "Things are not what you think."

However, Long Jianfei didn't pay any attention to them at all. In his eyes, these people were just a bunch of clowns.

Long Jianfei turned his face away, looked at Song Zhichao, then at Nie Weidong, and said coldly: "I don't care what you guys want to do, but I can tell you one thing very clearly, the money you put in will soon be lost. You will lose everything!" After speaking, he turned and left with a contemptuous expression.

Xiong Yaohua: "..."

Udon and others: "..."

Nie Weidong's face also darkened, he knew that Long Jianfei had such strength.

Song Zhichao remained calm, looking at Long Jianfei's back.

Fat San pretended to be arrogant from behind and said: "If you hear me, you will lose all your money! Quack quack!" He chased after Long Jianfei's ass.

Sister Xia gave Song Zhichao a strange look, and followed Long Jianfei. The others also looked at this group of unlucky bastards with sneers, and dispersed.

"It's over! We're all over!" Udon said with his legs feeling weak, "This Long Jianfei is very powerful, this time we really will lose everything."

Xiong Yaohua also looked pale, "Everyone in Zhonghai knows that the Long family is very powerful and can influence the stock market index."

He invested 100 million, and it is estimated that this time he will also hang up.

The others were also in mourning. Originally, they wanted Song Zhichao to help them make money, but now... they really want to lose everything.

Seeing this scene, Nie Weidong didn't know what to say.

Song Zhichao said helplessly: "Three days, I have said three days, everyone, don't be so discouraged, believe me, you will definitely win by then!"

Xiong Yaohua and others: "..."

They really couldn't figure out where Song Zhichao's self-confidence came from.

Song Zhichao didn't say anything, instead he glanced around, smiled, and said, "Eat and drink, enjoy yourself in time!"

Xiong Yaohua and others were even bleeding from their hearts—is this a precursor to failure?

Carpe Diem!

This word is too unlucky.


Not to mention Xiong Yaohua, and those unlucky people like Udon, follow Song Zhichao's meaning of "carpepiment in time".

Besides, Nie Weidong followed Song Zhichao, eating the delicious food from the buffet, and couldn't help asking: "Shall we run away?"

Song Zhichao: "..."

Holding the dinner plate, he stared wide-eyed: "Why do you have such an idea?"

Nie Weidong couldn't help but put down the dinner plate and said, "That Long Jianfei is very powerful. He probably knows the stocks we bought, and he will definitely suppress them with all his strength."

"Then let him suppress it, I don't care, the money is not mine anyway!"

Nie Weidong: "..."

This is very shameless.

"But, I helped them invest."

"The stock market is risky, and investment needs to be cautious. They should all understand this truth."

Nie Weidong: "..."

This is no longer shameless, it is shameless.

"But I still feel that my conscience is a bit... sorry." Nie Weidong said bravely.

Song Zhichao sighed and patted Nie Weidong on the shoulder, "Silly boy, there is no conscience in this world, only winning and losing."

Nie Weidong: "..."

He choked out a sentence for a long time, "But I don't want to lose."

"When did I say that we would lose?" Song Zhichao's eyes widened. "What I said is that until the last moment, it is still uncertain who will be the big winner."

Nie Weidong: "..."

Startled for a moment, "You mean we can still turn around?"

Song Zhichao smiled: "What is possibility—" His eyes suddenly became sharper, "I never planned to lose from the beginning!"

Nie Weidong: "..."

Looking at Song Zhichao, he couldn't understand the other party.


"They will lose badly this time!" Long Jianfei arrogantly picked up the napkin and wiped his lips, then cast a sinister glance at Song Zhichao and Nie Weidong - he just drank a glass of champagne.

Sister Xia waited on him, and there were envious voices from time to time.

"Wow, I didn't expect Lian Xia to serve Young Master Long."

"That is, who is Long Shao? Who would refuse the woman he wants in Zhong Hai?"

"I heard that Sister Xia is also Young Master Long's woman, is it true or not?"

"What does it have to do with you? Such a woman is beyond the reach of people like you and me!"

A group of men whispered to Sister Xia and Long Jianfei.

Sister Xia heard it in her ears, and she didn't know what it was like--yes, she is indeed Long Jianfei's woman, and it is precisely because of being Long Jianfei's woman that she has the status she has today.

In this day and age, if a woman wants to stand out in a place like Zhonghai, she must have extraordinary capital—either beauty or talent.And she has both.

"Young Master Long, I have collected the names of the stocks and futures they bought. You can take a look first!" Fat San handed the information to Long Jianfei with a flattering look.

Long Jianfei glanced at it and smiled: "I hold all these stocks, so let's sell them now to suppress the stock price!"

"Hey, I understand!" Fat San smiled slyly.

"As for these futures, they actually go long, so I will go short. They play 1000 million, and I will play [-] million——Nie Weidong, how did I play you to death before, and now I want to play you again! Hahaha!" Jianfei laughed wildly.

Fat San also laughed, and said to Ma Wu and Sister Xia beside him: "Did you hear that, you are all living with Long Shao, and now that Long Shao is going to make a move, you should stand in line quickly - you can also follow me when the time comes." Earn some pocket money, Quack!"

Ma Wu and sister Xia also laughed.

Ma Wu even said: "Investing with Long Shao is definitely right!"

Jiang Baichuan and Feng Wanli, who had been huddling together, also said: "This time we will also play with Long Shao --- if there is money to make, let's spend it together!"

Long Jianfei smiled slightly, took the champagne that Sister Xia handed over, and said to Jiang Baichuan and Feng Wanli: "Well, you can be regarded as the famous people in Zhonghai. We will work together and make a lot of money together in the future, hahaha!"

Long Jianfei's unscrupulous laughter came from the salon.


"We may really be screwed this time!"

Seeing that Long Jianfei and his group were drinking happily and plotting big plans to speculate in stocks, Udon said with a heavy heart, "More than 200 million, that's all the working capital I have on hand."

"Me too, if I lose this time, I won't even have the money to purchase the goods!" Zhou Guang said with a bitter face.

"What should we do, should we go to Long Jianfei to intercede?" Lu Jun was anxious.

"I beg you, Long Jianfei eats people and doesn't swallow bones. Since he wants to trample us to death, he will never be soft-hearted." Ding Duobao said.

"Oh, it's all my fault. I was too reckless at the beginning, and I even cheated you!" Udon said dejectedly.

"You can't say that, the three of us are voluntary!" Zhou Guang said.

"Yes, I don't blame you!" Lu Jun said.

"I hope a miracle will happen!" Ding Duobao said.

"Do you think Song Zhichao from Hong Kong can beat this young master Zhonghai?" Udon asked.

Zhou Guang and the others fell silent.

Next to him, Xiong Yaohua, who had been silent for a long time, let out a long sigh, glanced at the imposing Long Jianfei and the others, then at the lonely Song Zhichao and Nie Weidong, and said, "We're doomed!"

(End of this chapter)

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