Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 741 755 [The real big winner] Part [-]

Chapter 741 755 [The real big winner] Part [-]
"Why is it you?" Long Jianfei was taken aback when he saw who was coming.

I saw that the person who came was wearing glasses, looked gentle, and had a smile on his mouth. He was none other than Long Jianfei's partner——Li Zekai, Li Ershao.

Seeing Long Jianfei's surprised look, Li Ershao couldn't help laughing and said, "There's nothing to be surprised about. It's business, everyone comes and goes."

After a pause, he continued: "Furthermore, your Long's company and I are also partners. Now that your company is in crisis and mobile phone sales have dropped sharply, as a partner, I have the right and the obligation to set things right."

"Haha, set things right? What you want to do is to take away the agency rights of our Long Enterprise?" Long Jianfei sneered.

"Don't put it so harshly, what is snatching? This agency does not belong to your Long family. It is for business, and the virtuous live in it."

"I think you have already made up your mind and want to take away our mobile phone agency rights." Long Jianfei didn't take this kind of trick, "I even suspect that the reason why Song Zhichao got the news was because you were on guard. Play tricks behind your back."

Faced with such a severe questioning, Li Ershao just shrugged his shoulders and did not deny it.

Long Jianfei's face immediately darkened, and he pointed at Li Ershao's nose: "It really is you! It was you who tipped off Song Zhichao, and that's what made me so miserable."

Li Ershao smiled, walked up to Long Jianfei, and stared at him as if he was looking at a poor guy: "You are all right, so what? Now I am the winner, I have your Long's shares, Now I also have sufficient funds to win the agency rights of these two mobile phone brands, and you, you have fallen into a crisis of trust, and the company has fallen into a swamp... Is the board of directors going to hold a group meeting? I can tell you clearly , This is also my proposal, my purpose is very simple, it is to dismiss you!"

Long Jianfei was completely stunned.

Li Ershao approached Long Jianfei, leaned close to his ear, and said slowly: "You know, I was very upset when I saw you at first sight, because no one in this world dares to drag you more than me!"

Long Jianfei's face was livid, he clenched his fist and wanted to make a move, but his fist was caught by Li Ershao.

Li Ershao narrowed his eyes and stared at Long Jianfei: "Why, you want to hit me? Then I can tell you very clearly that you can't beat me. I am a judo master. Don't tell me you never Have you never heard of it?"

Long Jianfei struggled hard, but his fist couldn't break free from Li Ershao's palm. He really didn't expect that such a gentleman from Hong Kong would have such strength.

Li Er rarely saw Long Jianfei grinning his teeth, looking extremely annoyed, so he let go of his hand, to be precise, he shook off Long Jianfei's fist.

Long Jianfei felt a burning pain where his fist was caught, and he glared at Li Ershao.

Li Ershao looked at him as if nothing had happened and said, "Smart people will always have the best choice——I hope you are a smart person."

"What if I don't give up?"

"Simple, you will lose the position of chairman of the company, and you will also lose the agency rights of these two mobile phone brands." Li Ershao said slowly, "So, you chose to give up the agency rights and keep your chairmanship." What about the position, or lose both?" His eyes were full of mockery.

Long Jianfei was about to explode. He scratched his hair vigorously and looked at Li Ershao: "If I give up my mobile phone agency rights, can you guarantee that I will not lose my chairmanship?"

"Hehe, don't forget, I'm a shareholder of Long's. As long as you add my shares to the shares in your hand, and you find a few people who are waving the flag, you should be able to win the election of the new chairman of the board of directors." Pausing for a while, looking at Long Jianfei: "Don't tell me, you don't even have a single person who is willing to team up with you!"

Long Jianfei was silent, "I promise you!"

"GOOD! I knew you were a smart person! So—" Li Ershao shrugged, "Now you can sign the agency rights transfer agreement in front of Mr. Robert."

As he was talking, he saw Li Ershao snapped his fingers, and two lawyer-like people came from the side, and came over with the contract. Needless to say, these were all arranged by Li Ershao.

Looking at the appearance of the old god Robert, he must have known it beforehand.

Long Jianfei: "..."

I didn't expect Second Young Master Li to be so urgent.

Don't give him a chance to catch his breath at all, it's really taking advantage of your illness to kill you.

"How about it, Young Master Long, do you like to sign with a ballpoint pen or a fountain pen? I have both here." Li Ershao said in a playful tone, showing various signature pens as if conjuring. Sure enough, he was well prepared.

Long Jianfei: "..."

It feels really uncomfortable to be counted on.

Especially the agency rights of these two mobile phone brands are super profitable, especially with the continuous expansion and popularity of the mobile phone market, the huge profits are enough to make many people salivate.

Long Jianfei was reluctant.

Relying on the agency rights of these two companies, the Long family dominated the mobile phone market in Zhonghai, but now, he wants to hand over such rare agency rights to others—he is not reconciled!Never reconciled!
However, he has no choice.

"How about it, you still have to think about it?" Li Ershao asked with a smile.

Long Jianfei didn't say a word, and took the pen directly.

Swipe, swipe, and sign on it.

All done.

Li Ershao laughed heartily.

His series of plans finally succeeded.

From the very beginning when I knew Long Jianfei, I spent [-] million yuan to enter Long's enterprise, and I had the equity to speak out. Then the mobile phone war started, and I leaked the news to Song Zhichao, asking Song Zhichao to kill Long Jianfei without leaving any traces of him. The joint board of directors forced the palace, which made Long Jianfei difficult to care about. He had to save himself constantly and transferred the mobile phone agency rights to himself.

As a young man from Hong Kong, Li Ershao likes to plot people the most, and also likes to see people make a fool of himself after being tricked by him. For example, the current Long Jianfei, in Li Ershao's eyes, his appearance is very embarrassing.

Seeing that Long Jianfei bowed his head to admit defeat and signed the agency rights transfer agreement, Li Ershao was extremely happy, and directly handed over the contract to Robert, who was with him, and said, "Mr. That's right, as long as you sign, then my telecommunications company can formally cooperate with Nokia and Motorola..."

Robert took a look at the contract handed over by Li Ershao, but he did not take the signature pen. Instead, he raised his head and smiled and said to Li Ershao: "I am very happy to be able to witness this moment, but I am very sorry..."

Li Ershao: "..."

sorry for what?
"I regret not being able to sign it myself."


"Because I'm just the president of Asia, but now...whether it's Nokia or Motorola, more than half of the shares have been acquired by someone, so..." Robert spread his hands, "I'm not qualified to sign."

Li Ershao was stunned.

not qualified?
The game I designed was actually stuck here.

"You are not qualified, who is qualified?" Li Ershao couldn't help asking.

Robert smiled, "Of course it's the big boss who bought two shares.

"Who is he?"

"Oh, that person is... oh, here he is!" Robert quickly got up to welcome his new master.

Be respectful and cautious.

He even tidied up his gold tie.

This place is really evil, whoever comes will come.

Bearing their stomachs full of doubts, Li Ershao and Long Jianfei turned their heads at the same time, wanting to see who this super rich man is, who managed to win the controlling stakes of two companies, Nokia and Motorola, at once.

Uh, what is so sacred?
But when they saw who was coming, they were completely stunned!
(End of this chapter)

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