Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 780 794 [Great benefactor] Part [-]

Chapter 780 794 [Great benefactor] Part [-]
Look at the group heir named Yasuo Mitsui, who is 27 or [-] years old, short and thin, with a pale complexion, a pair of triangular eyes, more white eyes, less dark eyes, high cheekbones, pointed jaw, the whole face is full of hostility .

Seeing this, Song Zhichao already had some calculations in his mind. He was about to speak to Liu Luanxiong, but he saw someone waving at Liu Luanxiong not far away, obviously an acquaintance.

Liu Luanxiong just laughed, and said to Song Zhichao: "A Chao, look around first, I'll go over and say hello."

Song Zhichao nodded, and Liu Luanxiong walked towards the man.

Here, Song Zhichao thought for a while, instead of going directly to the gambling table, he took a detour and walked to the stage.

On the stage, the Indian beauty who was dancing the snake dance saw Song Zhichao coming, so she deliberately wrapped the thick white python around her white lotus-like jade arm, hooked her fingers at Song Zhichao, and made an inviting gesture.

The treasure island plastic tycoon, the Malay rubber tycoon, and the Thai rice tycoon all looked at Song Zhichao with playful smiles.

Seeing this, Song Zhichao just wanted to go up to say hello politely -- after all, he doesn't have much airs, and he knows that contacts may come in handy at any time.

Unexpectedly, the treasure island plastic tycoon pointed at him first, and said very bluntly: "Shanzi, don't patronize the beauties, bring us some whiskey." The tone was commanding.

Song Zhichao was startled, looked down at the shirt he was wearing, and couldn't help smiling when he understood.

Song Zhichao didn't explain, turned around and walked to the bar, and asked the barman for a bottle of Remy Martin.

The waiter looked at Song Zhichao curiously. He saw the big boss Mr. Liu bring him in just now, and he thought it was a new waiter arranged by the big boss. Without doubting him, he actually handed the Remy Martin to Song Zhichao and told Song Zhichao Said, be careful, that customer is difficult to serve.He also handed the ice bucket to Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao smiled, took the drink and ice bucket and came to the stage with ease.

The Baodao plastic tycoon insisted, "Open it, and pour each of us a glass!"

Those tycoons were watching Snake Dance get excited, and they didn't bother to talk to Song Zhichao, the little waiter.

Song Zhichao skillfully opened Remy Martin and poured wine for them respectively.

During the period, those people talked while watching the snake dance.

Baodao Plastic King: "Our visit to Hong Kong this time is not in vain."

Malay Rubber King: "Yes, the food and drink are all the best, but it's a pity, it would be great if I could get acquainted with that legendary god-man through this Liu Daheng."

Thai rice tycoon: "Are you talking about the young man known as the Hong Kong stock god, the superman among the supermen?"

The plastic tycoon looked serious: "That's not an ordinary young man. Speaking of which, the three of us are now worth tens of billions of dollars, thanks to him——my plastic products, your rubber products, and rice. They were all secretly shipped to Hong Kong and bought by his company at a high price. That helped us a lot, because at that time, the products of our three companies were almost rotten in the warehouse and could not be sold.”

"Yes, yes," said the rubber tycoon, "the three of us would not be where we are today without him. Speaking of which, he is really a great benefactor to the three of us!"

The three sighed and sighed together, as if they were recalling the difficult years, how that mysterious Hong Kong young man bought their products that were about to rot and no one wanted them, and then sold them across the ocean to the Soviet Union.

For a moment—
Plastic King: "But I heard that our benefactor is super sharp. Apart from helping us, he is worth tens of billions in just four or five years. This is not something you and I can compare!"

"I've also heard that many of his companies, especially those investment companies, have never lost money, and many people are desperate to join." The Malay rubber king said.

Rice Tycoon: "Chinese people all pay attention to fate. Why do we come on this boat? Is it really to watch this dance or to drink this foreign wine? Neither, our goal is the same, that is, to pass Liu The tycoon came to meet our benefactor, to meet that mysterious Mr. Song!"

"It's a pity!" said the plastic tycoon, "It's a pity that we have no destiny with Song Enren, and we haven't met each other until now, let alone thank him in person and seek business opportunities to make a fortune."

"This is also our inferiority!" The rubber king said, "With money, the more you want to have money--with money in your pocket, you always feel that it is a sin to be idle, and you are afraid of depreciation in the bank, so you invest in projects yourself. I am also afraid of losing money, so I am now counting on this Benefactor Song to give us advice, but I have never had the chance to know him."

The rice tycoon touched his amulet and said with a smile: "The Buddha will bless us—as long as we have confidence, we will definitely meet this great benefactor!"

"Hehe, I'd like to accept your good words—seriously, if I can meet this God-like Benefactor Song, I'd be happy to help him lift his shoes!" The plastic tycoon leaned on his chair and thought.

"You help him lift his shoes, and I'll help him pour tea and water—no, just like this young man, pour a glass of whiskey for your benefactor yourself, and hold it up high, invite our benefactor to drink a glass!" Malay rubber tycoon He raised his whiskey glass and said sincerely.

While the three tycoons were talking loudly, Song Zhichao, who was serving them next to them, asked, "Do you want to add ice?"

The plastic tycoon, the rubber tycoon, and the Thai rice tycoon: "..."

They looked at Song Zhichao together with weird eyes——feeling that the waiter is too incompetent, and they are big guys talking, why do you, a little man, interrupt.

"Hey, you waiter, we are talking, how can you interrupt!" The Baodao plastic tycoon was furious, pointing his finger at Song Zhichao's nose, and his bald forehead was even more veined.

"Yeah, you are a little waiter, you don't serve us well, but you dare to interrupt here, don't you know how to behave!" Malay plastic tycoon accused Song Zhichao.

"I don't think he doesn't know the rules, it's on purpose! Young people nowadays, they don't need to clean up!" The Thai tycoon sneered at Song Zhichao while touching the amulet on his neck with his belly straightened out.

Song Zhichao: "..."

With an ice clip in his hand, he looked at the three of them, and couldn't help but ask again: "Do you want to add ice? Also, your Song Enren likes to add two pieces of ice the most!"

Three people: "..."

Good boy, you dare to tease us!
Just when the three tycoons in Baodao, Malay and Thailand were holding their breath and wanted to explode, Liu Luanxiong's voice came from not far away: "Hey, you are all here—are you already acquainted, do you want me to help you?" You make an introduction?"

As the words fell to the ground, Big Liu Liu Luanxiong came to the crowd with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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