Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 792 806 [Movie Empire] Part [-]

Chapter 792 806 [Movie Empire] Part [-]
Having been able to hang out in Hong Kong's entertainment industry for so long, Fatty Wang Jing is by no means an easy person.

In fact, in the last life, Director Wang was a well-known "cool boy" in the circle. He filmed movies quickly, made money quickly, and had a good relationship with everyone in the circle. Many bigwigs admired him very much.

At this moment, Wang Jing hesitated for a moment, then smiled sincerely at Song Zhichao: "Mr. Song, there is a very nice bar on the top floor, it is newly opened, and the decoration is first-rate--I dare to invite you to go up for a visit." Sit... Mr. Song, you must give me some thin noodles today."

The female celebrity surnamed Guan next to Wang Jing looked at Director Wang in surprise—it turned out that this beauty Guan didn't know Song Zhichao, and thought she was the person in charge of a company.

But she has always been convinced of Director Wang Jingwang's vision, so she also smiled and took Du Chunmei's hand to talk.

Song Zhichao frowned slightly, a little impatiently.He is becoming more and more powerful in the Hong Kong circle, and he speaks a lot, and often when he says a word, the people below will rack their brains to figure out the meaning of his words, not to mention that he has clearly refused, even if there is a trace of refusal in his words , the following people have already understood it, and who will continue to persuade him, trying to annoy him?

Seeing Song Zhichao's unhappy face, Wang Jing was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Mr. Song, then, let's do it next time."

Song Zhichao pondered for a while, but said with a smile: "It's better to meet by chance than to invite each other. I'll bother Director Wang for a meal today." Song Zhichao caught a glimpse of Du Chunmei, and his heart moved slightly. Playing, I think the little girl will be happier, it's better than memorizing dictionaries at home all the time.

Wang Jing was stunned, then overjoyed, and said with a smile: "Mr. Song is willing to show you face, Mr. Wang is lucky--quick, please!"

Song Zhichao nodded with a smile, and entered the elevator side by side with Fatty Wang Jing.


The bar on the tenth floor of Taifeng Hotel was dimly lit, and a girl with heavy make-up was singing "Women's Flower" on the stage.

This song is a classic song by Hong Kong female singer Anita Mui. It was originally a good lyrical and inspirational song, but now it is completely sung by the female singer, giving people a feeling of fascination.

There were not many people in the bar. On the table near the concert stage, there were four or five men and women sitting. The man sitting in the middle was in a suit and leather shoes. His hair was thickly waxed. He was in his thirties and looked quite gentle. , but the eyes are a little lewd, and the other man is a middle-aged Japanese guy with a Rendan beard, biting a cigar and puffing.

After entering the bar, Song Zhichao frowned, and Wang Jing whispered in Song Zhichao's ear: "Mr. Song, these people are all from the entertainment industry... That young man is also a director, surnamed Deng, who has made several films this year. The box office results of this movie are very good...there is also that Japanese guy who came from Tokyo, Japan, and it is said that he came to invest after seeing the rapid development of Hong Kong movies..." After saying this, Fatty Wang Jing watched it cautiously Song Zhichao took a look.

Who is Song Zhichao? Although Wang Jing said it very vaguely, the taste in it is intriguing.

You know, the reason why Song Zhichao wants to integrate Hong Kong film resources and dominate the Hong Kong entertainment industry is not only to control the general direction of Hong Kong film development, so as to prevent Hong Kong films from committing suicide like in his previous life, but also to prevent those unscrupulous investors from ruining Hong Kong films.

What is a merchant? ,

Businessmen are profit-seeking.

For the immediate benefit, they can do nothing, let alone the life and death of Hong Kong movies.

Take the Japanese guy Okamoto in front of him as an example. He came from Tokyo, Japan, and he saw that Hong Kong movies are easy to make money, but many Hong Kong people don’t actively invest in them—he thinks these people are stupid, so stupid He ran over, saw the trend, followed the trend and plagiarized, as long as filming can make money, he used all the tricks.

And this director Deng was originally a low-level guy, but he became a "fish that slipped through the net" during Song Zhichao's industrialization of Hong Kong films. When he met this Japanese guy Okamoto, the two hit it off and started shooting some low-cost SQ films—— Not to mention the shoddy production of movies, it has also brought many adverse effects to society.

In short, this director Deng is a scumbag. He cheated and played with many women by relying on his directorship during the filming, and even introduced some girls to Okamoto to play with.

Song Zhichao founded the film empire with the purpose of cleaning up the bad atmosphere in the Hong Kong film industry, but the two film scumbags in front of him can show off their power. It can be seen that there are moths in the film group under his control—if not moths, they are The kind of bastard who turns a blind eye.

Thinking of this, Song Zhichao's eyes flickered coldly, but the coldness was fleeting.

Invited by Fatty Wang Jing, Song Zhichao pulled Du Chunmei to sit on a table.

Immediately, Wang Jing took Guan Meimei to greet friends not far away.It turns out that recently Fatty wants to support beautiful women as his own "Beijing girl". He needs to talk to his friends in the circle to warm up by filming a few movies.

Here, after Song Zhichao sat down, he smiled and said to the little girl Du Chunmei: "It looks fun here——there are some singers, you can go up and sing one later." He glanced at the stage where the microphone was erected.

Du Chunmei waved her hands in a panic, and said, "No, I can only sing some very rustic songs, like "Scull Up"... I can't sing any pop songs here."

Song Zhichao smiled and said, "It's okay."

Du Chunmei still waved her hand, Song Zhichao smiled slightly, turned to the bald man Jin Jiu and said, "Go and get two drinks."

Jin Jiu nodded and walked towards the bar.

Over there at the elegant square coffee table under the concert stage, that Director Deng is trying to flatter Okamoto: "Mr. Okamoto, our last movie sold more than 3000 million—the other two actresses The 'Kung Fu' is very good, try it when you have time!"

Okamoto smiled lewdly, and puffed out a cigar: "Yuxi! You know me best, you know what kind of woman I like!"

"Hahaha!" The two laughed loudly and recklessly.Regardless of whether there are people around, what kind of occasion is here.

Du Chunmei looked over curiously and said, "Brother Song, they have really loud voices."

Song Zhichao smiled slightly, but said nothing.

Recently, he was very troubled by the sanction of Wanda in Japan. He did not expect to meet Japanese people one after another. Before that, it was Yasuo Mitsui, the third chaebol, and Okamoto, who was filming, appeared in front of him. It really ruined his mood.

Over there, director Deng and the Japanese guy Okamoto didn't know that in this short period of time, because of them, the future Hong Kong film industry will be reshuffled again, especially those black apples, who will soon face disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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