Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 794 808 [Lawyer Emperor] [-]

Chapter 794 808 [Lawyer Emperor] [-]
For a long time, in the heart of the little girl Du Chunmei, Song Zhichao was like a heavenly existence-smart and kind, not only hardworking, but also kind-hearted.

She would never allow anyone to slander him, so Du Chunmei immediately stood up, accused Director Deng loudly and said, "Don't talk nonsense, Brother Song is not what you said!"

Director Deng was on fire, scolding Ah Ying so much that he dared not speak out, but unexpectedly, another girl appeared on the way, she looked quite beautiful, and said obscenely: "Who was I at that time, but it turned out to be that guy's little girl?" Honey—how, he is handsome or rich? Brother, I am also very good, why don't you give it a try, and I will praise you as a star when the time comes. "

Song Zhichao: "..."


For him, his family members, as well as people like Du Chunmei, were the ones he wanted to protect, and anyone who dared to provoke them would be violating his Ni Lin.

Without waiting for Song Zhichao's order, suddenly, the bald man Jin Jiu strode over. Just when everyone was puzzled, Jin Jiu had already arrived in front of Director Deng, and there was a sound of "bang", and Jin Jiu elbowed him firmly. on his mouth.

No one thought that Jin Jiu would do it as soon as he said he would do it. Director Deng screamed, his mouth was sore and painful, and he didn't know how many teeth fell out.

Then Jin Jiu plucked his hair and slammed his head firmly against the coffee table. The wooden coffee table made a loud bang, and Director Deng's forehead had been knocked bleeding, looking miserable.

"Ah!" Ah Ying exclaimed, and Song Zhichao had already covered Du Chunmei's eyes.

Fatty Wang Jing: "..."

He was stunned to see the scene in front of him.

Originally, he was upset with Director Deng and his group, and felt that this kind of scum deserved to be a director.At this time, this situation is even more exciting than the movie I made.

Jin Jiu held Director Deng's head and looked at Director Deng with a bloody face. Jin Jiu leaned into his ear and said, "You can scold anyone, but you can't scold Mr. Song!" His tone was dark and full of murderous intent.

Director Deng: "..."

He felt like he was dying.

The teeth fell out, the bridge of the nose was broken, and the forehead was so painful that it was about to split, but the question is——what the hell is Mr. Song?I only suffered such retribution after swearing a few words.

Seeing Director Deng being beaten by the bald guy Jin Jiu, K was beaten to death, the Japanese guy Okamoto still sat calmly, looking at Jin Jiu coldly, and the servants around him also put up guards His posture, as long as he gave an order, he would beat Jin Jiu violently.

Jin Jiu was uncomfortable being watched by Okamoto. At that moment, he even had the urge to blow his head off with a punch.

At this moment, someone shouted: "Don't mess around, I have already called the police!"

It was the owner of this bar who saw what had happened, fearing that it would harm Chi Yu and make his place messy and unable to do business, so he called the police in advance.

The Japanese guy Okamoto was just watching the fierce bald head beat Director Deng with the mentality of watching a movie.

Director Deng is from Hong Kong, and Hong Kong people are not familiar with it. What Okamoto means is that someone will teach him a lesson, and then he will come forward to save him, so that he can show his kindness even more.

If you want to turn a person into a dog, besides having money to throw bones to feed him, someone also needs to be whipped occasionally.

The sharp flash in the eyes of the bald man Jin Jiu just now made the calm Okamoto shudder. He had a feeling that he was turning around in the gate of hell, and his back was suddenly wet with cold sweat.

Hearing the bar owner shout: "I called the police", Okamoto breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably.

Jin Jiu let go of Director Deng slowly, took a few steps back, then turned around, and walked quickly to Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao didn't speak, just took out a cigarette and bit it in his mouth, while the lights were on and off, he didn't know what he was thinking.


For a moment—
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
A police car whizzed by, and with the screeching sound of brakes, the steps of the Taifeng Hotel were blocked. The door of the car opened with a bang, and a man in police uniform got out of the car, with his chest raised and his head raised. , with a protruding stomach, adjusted the police uniform, and then swaggered up the steps.

The waiters in the lobby looked around and discussed in horror, not knowing what happened above.

Huang Qifa, Inspector of the West Kowloon District of the Royal Hong Kong Police, just received a report tonight that someone was making trouble in the bar on the tenth floor of Taifeng Hotel.

Huang Qifa had a relationship with the owner of this bar. The owner is very nice, and occasionally organizes some activities during festivals to raise items to condolence to them, the police officers.

The most important thing is that the boss has applied for a super VIP card for Huang Qifa. He can bring friends here to spend and enjoy discounted services, which makes Huang Qifa very satisfied.

Soon, Huang Qifa led three men to the bar on the tenth floor.

The boss was waiting anxiously at the door for him to come.

As soon as he saw Huang Qifa leading people appear, the boss immediately stepped forward and said, "Inspector Huang, you are finally here! Hurry up, something happened inside."

Huang Qifa waved his hand, "Be safe and don't be impatient, tell me about the situation inside."

So the boss quickly told what happened before.

When Huang Qifa heard it, he thought it was a big deal, wasn't it just a simple fight, it was easy to deal with.

But when he entered the bar, he was stunned when he saw the Japanese Okamoto.

Because he knew Okamoto.

It turned out that Huang Qifa's brother-in-law had trouble doing business in Japan not long ago, and Huang Qifa asked someone to find this Okamoto to help solve it.

In addition, Huang Qifa is also very clear about the details of this Okamoto. On the surface, he is a serious businessman, but in fact his identity is unclear and his actions are very despicable. If anyone offends him, there will be no good results.

At this moment, Okamoto also saw Huang Qifa clearly, and immediately yelled: "Yaoxi, who did I think it was, it turned out to be Inspector Huang—you come to justice, this damn bald guy beat my man, How to deal with it?"

Huang Qifa couldn't help but glanced at the beaten Director Deng, and followed the direction Okamoto pointed to look at the tall and burly Jin Jiu.

Huang Qifa snorted coldly. He hated this kind of big guy the most. He often relied on his physical strength to cause trouble, making them, the police, jump up and down.

"Inspector Huang, you understand me. I am a serious businessman. I came to Hong Kong from Japan to do business. I invested here to feed you! But now, I have been insulted, so you must enforce the law and arrest them. Go to the prison." Okamoto looked suspenseful, and his tone was almost commanding.

Huang Qifa felt a little uncomfortable. To tell the truth, he actually hated this kind of Japanese people. He was chattering and liked teaching people how to do things.

"Mr. Okamoto, I'll figure out what's going on, please stay calm." Huang Qifa said to Okamoto patiently.

He was calculating in his heart, and the matter was very clear. No matter what the reason was, that bald man had already violated the law. For Huang Qifa, the most important thing to do was to make big things into small things, and make small things into nothing.

"Mr. Okamoto, how about this, I'll go and ask for you, if the other party is willing to apologize and pay for this friend's medical expenses, I hope you can still reconcile in private..."

"No! I will never reconcile... Oops, my head!" This time it was the director Deng who was beaten and disabled by Jin Jiu who spoke.

Director Deng bared his teeth, stared at Jin Jiu with blood on his face, and said, "I'm going to sue him! I'm going to sue him for assault! I'm going to put him in jail!"

Huang Qifa: "..."


This guy is very disrespectful!You are so injured, you don't want to go to the hospital for treatment, but also sue someone to go to jail, how narrow-minded you must be.

For Director Deng, this time he suffered a loss and lost face, especially in front of Okamoto.

He wished he could kill the bald man who beat him just now, and make him eat and spend his life in prison!
Yes, he will, he must!


Just as Okamoto and Director Deng were yelling loudly and showing off their power, ten men and women in suits and leather shoes came in from the gate of the bar suddenly.

These people are all dressed in uniform, and they all carry black file boxes in their hands. Judging from their posture and appearance, they look very much like those Hong Kong barristers in TV and movies.

No, it's not like, it's exactly.

Because the stern-faced, gold-rimmed glasses, the extremely cold-looking man in the lead took out a fragrant and hot-stamped business card and handed it over, and said to Huang Qifa: "Hello, Inspector Huang, I am Hong Kong Wanda Legal Co., Ltd." The person in charge of the firm and legal advisor Bi Wenfeng, nine of them are excellent lawyers of our firm..."

Huang Qifa: "..."

I was overwhelmed by the business card.

Then let those people introduce themselves one by one.

After hearing the introduction, Huang Qifa was shocked.

None of these nine are good stubble, and the worst ones are the elites among ordinary lawyers in Hong Kong, not to mention six of them are royal barristers.

Lawyers, barristers, legal advisers --- one level away, but the ability is worlds apart.

A single barrister can turn the court upside down, let alone six at once.

Huang Qifa was dumbfounded, looking at such a strong team of lawyers.

Suddenly, he thought of someone, looked at the business card he had just received in his hand, then looked at Bi Wenfeng suddenly, his eyes widened with astonishment——
Could it be that he is the legendary "law emperor" in the legal world——
"Emperor Lawyer" - Bi Wenfeng? !

(End of this chapter)

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