Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 796 810 [tycoon among tycoons]

Chapter 796 810 [tycoon among tycoons]
In plain sight——
Bi Wenfeng shrugged, pointed at the director Deng and said, "I'm telling the truth—including me, everyone at the scene just now saw this Mr. Deng with a bruised nose and a swollen face. The client who attacked me with this ashtray..."

"Yes, I saw that this Mr. Deng just overturned the table, took an ashtray and wanted to attack someone!" said a male lawyer.

"I also saw that he took an ashtray, his face was ferocious, and he definitely had the intention to kill someone," said a female lawyer.

"We all see very clearly that this Mr. Deng intends to murder!"

"We are all lawyers, we will not tell lies."

"We can swear to God!"

All the lawyers at the scene spoke righteously and were filled with righteous indignation.

Director Deng: "..."

Mr. Okamoto: "..."

These people are too shameless, how can they open their eyes and talk nonsense?It's broad daylight, hell!
Beside, Senior Inspector Huang Qifa: "..."

He also didn't expect that these noble Hong Kong Royal Counsel would be so shameless - dare to fabricate lies in front of his face - he is a policeman, and he doesn't take himself seriously!

How could Director Deng have ever suffered such grievances and injustices? Not only was he beaten up, but he was also framed for murder—he couldn't bear it anymore, and glanced at the ashtray that Bi Wenfeng placed in front of him, "Go Die, you bastards!" He grabbed the ashtray and was about to throw it at Bi Wenfeng's head.

Jin Jiu stepped forward and kicked Director Deng on the stomach.

Director Deng was kicked to the ground, vomiting blood from his mouth.

"Hurry up and arrest him!" Bi Wenfeng pointed to Director Deng firmly, and then pointed to the ashtray: "That's evidence, with his fingerprints on it."

Director Deng: "..."

Bi Wenfeng leaned over to stare at him, and said softly: "I said just now that you intended to murder, but I didn't say which one you were going to murder, but now, everything is very clear - remember, my name is Bi Wenfeng! "

Director Deng: "..."

He understood that he had fallen into a trap.

"Mr. Okamoto, help me! Mr. Okamoto, help me!" Director Deng was supported by two uniformed policemen and wailed at Okamoto.

Okamoto saw the situation clearly at this moment, and kicked the steel plate by himself-it was nothing more than a powerful opponent, but the problem was that he was still very shameless, and he didn't feel like making routine moves at all.

"Ahem, I didn't see anything. I'm an international friend. I just came here to drink." After speaking, Okamoto turned around and was about to leave.

Bi Wenfeng said behind him: "Hello, international friends, I sue you for insulting and defaming... and threatening and blackmailing!"

Okamoto: "..."

"Take him to the police station for coffee!" Huang Qifa used his subjective initiative and was finally clever once.

"I protest! You are framing me! I want to find the Japanese consulate! I want to find the Japanese ambassador! I am Japanese and I am protected by international law!"

No matter how Okamoto yelled, he was still framed.

"I'm a friend of Japan, you can't treat me like this!" The Japanese guy who was originally arrogant and wantonly playing with women in Hong Kong felt mournful.

People around were stunned.

Especially Fatty Wang Jing and the beautiful woman Guan he brought were dumbfounded.

They are well aware of the energy of Director Deng and that Japanese guy. Many Hong Kong bigwigs dare not provoke them, but they are framed out like dead dogs at this moment.

At this moment, Miss Guan couldn't help but glance at Song Zhichao, and she began to understand why the fat man Wang Jing respected and feared him so much.

Song Zhichao didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, that Okamoto and Director Deng were already in such a mess.

What kind of energy is this?

Soon, the unlucky Director Deng and Okamoto were taken away by the police.

Huang Qifa didn't dare to talk to Song Zhichao, so he could only say to Bi Wenfeng: "Is it necessary to make it so big? Your boss is not injured."

Bi Wenfeng glanced at Song Zhichao who got up to leave, patted Huang Qifa on the shoulder and said, "Our boss has his own reasons for making it so big, you just need to cooperate." After speaking, he followed Song Zhichao and left.

Huang Qifa: "..."

For some reason, not only did he not feel humiliated by Bi Wenfeng's words, but he also felt a little honor - after all, not everyone is qualified to cooperate with Mr. Song.


After leaving the bar—
Fatty Wang Jing and beautiful Guan Mei who were with him were still a little dizzy.

For Wang Jing, tonight was really exciting.Originally, he just wanted to simply invite Song Zhichao to have a drink, so as to foster relationships by the way, but he did not expect to witness such a powerful force.

Guan Meili was also very surprised, especially after Wang Jing quietly told her Song Zhichao's true identity, Guan Meili was even more surprised from ear to ear.It wasn't until now that she understood that Song Zhichao was the helm of the famous Hong Kong film empire, the legendary "tycoon of tycoons".

The super storm that swept across Hong Kong and the entertainment industry last year is still fresh in the memory of many Hong Kong filmmakers.

Jin Jiu drove over in a black BMW with a normal license plate.

Wang Jing wanted to take the initiative to say a few words, a few words of praise, and a few words of flattery to Song Zhichao, but Song Zhichao waved his hand at him, meaning to say goodbye.

Wang Jing could only smile, and took Miss Guan away. When he left, he did not forget to shout loudly to Song Zhichao who got into the car: "You are the best, Mr. Song!"

Wang Jing and the others left, and the girl Ah Ying stood at the door of the hotel a little at a loss.

She has experienced too much tonight, and she is a little scared.

At this time, Jin Jiu drove over.

Inside the car, Song Zhichao sat in the passenger seat, opened the window and said to her, "Get in the car."


Hong Kong Prince Edward Road ---
The girl Ah Ying never expected that Song Zhichao would send herself home in person.

On the way, Ah Ying soon became good friends with the little girl Du Chunmei, and the two chatted non-stop. After all, they were about the same age, had similar hobbies, and had something in common.

Ah Ying did not discriminate against Du Chunmei from the mainland, nor did she make fun of her for not being able to speak Cantonese. On the contrary, he encouraged her and said that he would teach her to speak Cantonese in the future and learn Mandarin from Du Chunmei himself.

Song Zhichao, who was sitting in the front, noticed the interaction between the two behind him, and for the first time, he smiled.

There was a burst of birdsong.

It was Song Zhichao's cell phone that rang.

Looking at the number, it was Bi Wenfeng calling.

Bi Wenfeng asked Song Zhichao what to do on the phone.

Song Zhichao's answer was very simple. Since there are scumbags like Director Deng, who combined with Japanese capital to make waves in Hong Kong by making movies, it seems that besides them, there are many people who are interested in Hong Kong's entertainment industry.

Since there is carrion, it must be cut off.

After Song Zhichao finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Bi Wenfeng is a smart man, he knows what to do.


Hong Kong Kowloon Police Station——
After the unlucky Director Deng and the Japanese Ichiro Okamoto were arrested at the police station, they immediately called a lawyer. After all, this is Hong Kong, a place where the rule of law is emphasized. As long as your lawyer comes, everything can be discussed.

But soon they discovered that the legal system broke down collectively for them - they called, let alone lawyers, and they didn't show up at all.

Okamoto and Director Deng were in a hurry. They finally got a message through someone. Not many barristers in Hong Kong dared to take their case. As the emperor of the legal profession, no one dared to oppose him.

Director Okamoto and Deng: "..."


Is this the place where human rights, democracy and freedom are the most important?
They were scared, they were in a hurry, and Okamoto wanted to call Japan immediately.

But before he could make a call, the situation here changed.

The police didn't move, and Bi Wenfeng's group of barristers had already dug out the eighteen generations of their ancestors.

Not only that, director Deng received many accusations, including littering, spitting, racing, drunk driving, cheating on women, X harassing actresses, several times of violence, and threats, etc., all of which were sentenced , definitely enough for him to get through the prison.

As an international friend, Mr. Okamoto also received "special hospitality" from Bi Wenfeng, and was accused of gambling, rampant pornography, illegal fundraising, money laundering and other crimes... This time even if a lawyer is sent from Japan, it will be difficult to save him. .

As a witness of this incident, Senior Inspector Huang Qifa still doesn't understand why Song Zhichao made such a big deal.

It was just a small thing, wasn't it?
But now...

Looks like Hong Kong is going to have another earthquake.

(End of this chapter)

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