Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 896 910 [Before the inspection] [-]

Chapter 896 910 [Before the inspection] [-]
Song's mansion, inside the restaurant——
Because there are guests coming, the lunch is very rich, and delicacies from mountains and seas are gathered on the table.

The third sister-in-law smiled and shared two of the top-quality abalones she bought with her eldest brother and sister-in-law, and said to her sister-in-law Xia Chun'e: "This kind of twelve-headed abalone is rare, especially in this season, it is extremely precious; try it, it's delicious It tastes different from the ordinary abalone we bought at the North Point vegetable market."

The elder sister-in-law took it respectfully, and said with a smile: "I've only heard of this kind of top-quality abalone, but it's the first time I've eaten it today." For the third sister-in-law, she became more and more respectful.

Father Song Haiming and mother Wang Jinfeng don't care what drama the third sister-in-law sings with his eldest brother and sister-in-law, they only have that cute and cute A Ying in their eyes.

The old couple brought food to A Ying from time to time, and told her to eat more, because she would be more beautiful and taller if she ate more.

Of course, every time they finished talking, the old couple would look at their son Song Zhichao in unison and say, "It's great to have a child at home!"

Song Zhichao nodded with a smile and said nothing.

Seeing that their son couldn't fart with three sticks, the old couple became even angrier. Just as they were about to get mad at Song Zhichao, Song Zhichao suddenly asked Feng Dajian how the business in the fruit bar was, and how hard it was.

Feng Dajian just smirked, saying that as long as he has strength, he will have food. He also said that people like him earn hard money. If they don't work, they don't have food.

Song Zhichao asked again, the fruit wholesale business should be good, how could he make so little money?
Feng Dajian put down the bowls and chopsticks, saying that although the fruit bar business was good, he made a lot of money to pay the rent of the shop. The prison inmates had to be hired at a high price to help them load and unload the goods, which was higher than the price of ordinary labor.

Song Zhichao was surprised, stopped his chopsticks, and asked Feng Dajian carefully what was going on.

Feng Dajian was stupid, and his wife Xia Chun'e said on his behalf that it was not that the prisons wanted to make money. In the name, it was "voluntary labor" for these prisoners to come out to help load and unload the goods. In fact, fruit bar employers like them had to spend more secretly. money to those prison leaders.

For example, originally helping to unload a truck would cost 200 Hong Kong dollars, but it would cost 250 Hong Kong dollars for a truckload to the prison, which is a quarter of the price.

Hearing this, Song Zhichao narrowed his eyes, took out a cigarette and lit it, and asked Feng Dajian and the others, then you can refuse.

Before Feng Dajian could speak, Xia Chun'e sneered, "If you refuse, you won't be able to do business in the future."

Immediately afterwards, Xia Chun'e talked about the reason.

It turns out that there has always been a practice in Hong Kong for prison inmates to "work" outside.After all, prisoners in prison cannot always eat, drink and scatter, and do not give birth.

Since prisoners have violated the law, it is necessary to reform through labor. Therefore, the government often entrusts prison inmates to do the hard work of building roads and building foundations.In this way, the government's financial expenditure can be reduced, very important projects can be completed with very little remuneration, and prisoners can be reformed to benefit the prison. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

But seeing that [-] is approaching, some prisons have taken over projects that have deteriorated. In particular, some ghost wardens want to make a fortune before Hong Kong's handover. , and dangerous projects such as mountain blasting and rock blasting.

Among them, the loading and unloading of goods in the fruit bar area of ​​Yau Ma Tei can be said to be a small but rich "industry". Not to mention anything else, the unloading volume in a single day reaches thousands of tons, and the labor wages are as high as 150 to [-] Hong Kong dollars. Month down is [-] million.

For a long time, this industry has been divided and controlled by many Hong Kong associations, such as Heshenghe, Yiqun, etc. It is difficult for outsiders to intervene.

However, changes have taken place in recent years, and many prisons have begun to intervene. The reason is that many of the vicious and vicious bosses detained in prisons are originally evil spirits who control this industry.

As soon as those detainees contacted the outsiders, and then joined hands with the prison's high-level officials, such as the ghost warden, the warden was the backstage, and began to start this business in the prison without any scruples.

Because there are more partners, the price of labor will of course be increased. Originally, a car was 200 Hong Kong dollars, but now it costs 250 Hong Kong dollars;

If you refuse to hire prison inmates and go to other places to find someone to load and unload the goods, that’s okay, but if your barn gets caught in a fire or even stolen, then there’s nothing to say.

Because of this, many fruit bar owners like Feng Dajian can be said to be "hard to tell". They know that this kind of thing is being ripped off, but they still have to smile and accept this kind of "voluntary labor".

As for why not call the police?

The reason is simple and there is no evidence.

The prison is following normal procedures, and sending prisoners over is also escorted by special police cars.

After the labor is over, those ghosts will not give you a receipt for the money, but will only show you a "voluntary labor" form for you to fill out.

As long as you write it, it will prove on your behalf that this kind of "labor" does not charge money, or only charges a little gas fee and labor fee.

How do you sue without evidence?No one will believe it just by your mouth!

Also, I'm afraid you haven't filed a complaint before, and your fruit will suffer first, either by being set on fire, or by young and Dangerous boys. It's better to have less than one more thing. Anyway, everyone suffers, and no one says anything who.


After Song Zhichao listened to what Feng Dajian and his wife had said, he held a cigarette in one hand and touched his chin with the other, his eyes flickered, and he remained silent.

Seeing this, the third sister-in-law became a little angry—annoyed at her elder brother and sister-in-law for not opening which pot and which pot——to serve the meal well, so what are they doing with so many frustrating words.

Seeing the third sister-in-law staring at him, Feng Dajian quickly said to Song Zhichao: "Mr. Song, I was just talking casually just now, don't take it seriously—come, I will toast you." Toast.

Song Zhichao smiled and said, "There's no need to toast, you guys should eat more and come here more often."

"That's it, that's it!" Feng Dajian promised, put down the red wine, and sat down awkwardly.

Song Zhichao had something on his mind, so he stubbed out the cigarette, picked up the chopsticks, but couldn't eat anything, so he wiped his mouth with a napkin, and found an excuse to go back to the study.

Seeing his son leave, Song Haiming said to Feng Dajian and his wife: "Don't pay attention to him—it's always like this, he ran away after eating half of it."

His wife Wang Jinfeng said: "However, there is a saying that A Chao is right, you should come here often in the future—especially bring this baby, A Ying!" .

Feng Dajian and Xia Chun'e looked at each other, and said like chickens pecking at rice: "It must be! It must be!"

(End of this chapter)

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