Chapter 110

The chapter name is wrong, but the content is correct! !
Chapter [-] The Fierce Fight
Kuiper belt
The starry sky is full of warship wreckage, and the bones are everywhere, most of which are the bones of the evil horse tribe.

On starship warships, cannons burst out with scorching rays of light, each of which can destroy a warship of the Evil Horse tribe and destroy the lives of thousands of Evil Horse warriors.

In the great battle, life is already worthless, and the existences that can stand in the starry sky with their physical bodies are fighting fiercely.

A single horizontal strike by a figure is enough to crush a battleship. If there is no strong man who can match it, the battleship will at least have to pay a heavy price to kill it.

"Damn it, Tianyu clan, I curse you to end up like me!" the king of the evil horse clan roared.

"You have no chance to curse our clan, die!" A general of the Tianyu tribe with silver wings swung out a big silver spear.

"That's right, death is the home of the evil horse clan. It's just an extravagant hope to escape~" Another general of the Tianyu clan also shouted.

"Offended by my Heavenly Feather Clan, you shouldn't exist!" Another general of the Heavenly Feather Clan threw a punch, and the light of the fist instantly shone like the sun.

On the battlefield, the Evil Horse King, who had arranged everything long ago, never expected that there would be three false kings attacking him.

In just one breath, he was hit hard again by the Sky Feather Clan. If he wanted to leave the battlefield for a while, he couldn't even step into the Space Storm Passage. He could only fight desperately with the three false kings of the Sky Feather Clan.

If it weren't for them, they were also afraid that they would blow themselves up and dragged a false king on the road, and they would have been crushed to death long ago.

You must know that the princess of the Tianyu clan is also a fake king, but she never entered the arena, she just stared at the battlefield indifferently.

With a fierce punch, the Evil Horse King retreated hundreds of meters and went out, his eyes were extremely cold.

The three pseudo-king generals of the Tianyu clan did not pursue, but looked at the starry sky battlefield very comfortably, with joyful expressions in their eyes.

The battle was completely one-sided. Except for a few warships that were shot down by suicide, the Tianyu Human Race basically did not suffer any casualties, and each ship's guns bombarded and killed the opponent without waiting for the opponent to approach.

In just a short moment, even if most of the warships of the Ema tribe had been lost, and the remaining battleships were defeated, it was only a matter of time.

At most, it would take fifteen and a half hours before they could withdraw their troops and go home to celebrate this great victory and enjoy the honor and rewards brought by the victory.

Since the Tianyu people have become a big family in the starry sky, there are not many foreign races who dare to plunder the edge of such a small piece of land in the Milky Way.
Maybe they really don't have much time to spare to take care of a small evil horse clan.


A few warship guns rang out, and the starry sky battlefield was completely silent, and the only remaining masters of the evil horse clan were also being besieged and killed.

In the starry sky, there was only one evil horse king left, watching this scene with an indifferent and stern expression.

He knew that he couldn't do anything. Originally, this was some cannon fodder, just a bait for his plan.

The only thing I didn't expect was that the Tianyu people really looked down on me, and three fake kings came to surround and kill me, intending to completely destroy the evil horse tribe in one fell swoop.

"Evil horse king, the last firework is over, can you die?" A general of the Tianyu clan said with a cold gaze.

"Dead?" The Evil Horse King smiled coldly, and said calmly, "I won't die. Do you think I'm really so stupid to accompany them to stop your Tianyu people's pursuit, in order to escape for the younger generation?"

"Hehehe, it seems that the human race still doesn't know much about our alien race, and the alien race preys on the strong, so they don't pay attention to any emotions."

"This time our clan lost, the next time our clan returns to the Milky Way, it will be the time when the Tianyu people are destroyed~"


Without saying a word, the three false kings of the Tianyu clan shot with all their strength, and they rushed towards them with unparalleled strength.

The Evil Horse King standing on the spot had a ferocious face, and when his strength was approaching, he roared: "I can take you to be buried with me, die~"

"Boom~" The Evil Horse King went straight up, staring at the three attacks approaching the three fake kings, and exploded.

As the smoke dissipated and the dust dissipated, the eyes of the three fake kings of the Tianyu tribe flashed coldly in the starry sky, and they fired several attacks in succession. The masters of the evil horse tribe who were still under siege exploded into blood mist and scattered in the starry sky.

Immediately, the three of them looked at each other, with a flash of anger in their eyes.

"Run away, it's just a body of flesh and blood distracted, most of the soul should live in a certain evil horse clan!" said the silver-winged general.

"Go back and report to the princess, we are ineffective in encircling and killing, please forgive me!" A general with white wings said coldly.

"We are the ones to blame for this battle. We deserve to be punished. Go back and ask for punishment!" The eyes of the last general who also had white wings flickered coldly.

Three false kings besieged and slaughtered a false king of a different race, and they fought for a long time without realizing that the other party was just a sojourner of flesh and blood. It was a shame and a shame.

Soon, the three returned to a golden battleship, and they knelt down as soon as they entered the main cabin.

"Prince, we are not effective in encircling and killing, please forgive me!" The three said in unison.

"Check the passage here, the evil horse king's distraction entered it, and the three of you entered to pursue it, and killed the entire evil horse alien race with all your strength!" A voice as cold as ice sounded.

In the main cabin, a light curtain lit up, and one of the voids in the starry sky was seen. A space rift opened for an instant, and the evil horse king's distraction rushed in instantly.

Although they were disgusted by the evil horse king's self-explosion and failed to notice where the other party had fled, it was very clear on the battleship, and the action of directly stepping into the space storm belt all the way was clearly seen.

The three of them looked at each other and shouted in unison: "Yes, I will obey the order of the emperor!"

After rushing out of the battleship again, the three fake kings of the Tianyu clan instantly appeared at the position where the evil horse king fled, and punched out with all their strength at the same time.

Then a crack appeared, and the three of them broke into it directly
On the first battleship of the Bad Horse Tribe.
A figure slowly came out from a certain shadow of the battleship, hehe sneered and said:
"Here we come, you really came after me, I don't know if you can eat the first big meal~"

"The price for destroying our clan is three pseudo-king-level powerhouses. I don't know if the Tianyu people feel distressed this time?"

"Evil Shura, what are you doing here?" An eighth-rank evil horse clan came out from somewhere, and said with flickering eyes: "Your Majesty blocked the Tianyu Human Race, and I don't know if I got rid of the pursuit, and I don't know when the King will be able to attack the Tianyu Human Race." come back"

"Hehe, don't worry, the king will be back soon." A strange look flashed across Evil Shura's eyes.

"I hope so." The eyes of the eighth-level evil horse tribe became more and more strange.

"Of course, after all, you are the nourishment that this king has chosen. Do you think this king can come back soon?" Evil Shura's face changed, and he returned to the face of Evil Horse King and said: "Yan Shura, this is your honor."


 Ask the big guys to order all the support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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