Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 113 Nuclear Bomb Strike, Wuhan University Takes Action

Chapter 113 Nuclear Bomb Strike, Wuhan University Takes Action

At the same time, all nuclear bomb bays around the world were activated.
After all the nuclear bombs were loaded, they were aimed at the sky above the planet, waiting for the moment when the opponent arrived.

Everyone understands that warships that can travel through space, even if the weapons on board are not good, but their speed is definitely fast enough, and they may reach the sky above the earth and stars in the next second.

If it is the king ship of the Flower Spirit Race, once it jumps into space and sails, it can reach the sky above the planet from the Kuiper belt in at most three breaths.

That day was when Su Ran was a guest on the ship, otherwise, the Flower Spirit Clan would have already arrived at Earth Star.

"Convey the data signal, ask the other party why they are here, and ask them not to allow them to approach the sky above the earth and stars, otherwise they will be attacked!" Dage said in a cold voice.

"Yes!" Xu Junshuo began to send messages as requested.

However, the technological level of the earth and star countries can only send instant messages within a range of a million miles, so the messages only cover a range of a million miles.

Obviously, the other party has not approached yet, so it is naturally impossible to receive the message, and can only wait temporarily.

At this time, on the two warships of the Evil Horse tribe, the Evil Horse King's face was so gloomy that he could drip water, and when another transport warship left, it was completely annihilated before it could escape the space storm.

There are only less than 3000 million of a family of more than [-] billion bad horses left. How can such a huge loss not make him feel sad.

Although many descendants of Evil Horses were born, it would take at least hundreds of years for the population of 3000 million to return to the peak of tens of billions.

How can it be satisfied for such a long time? In its mind, it has existed for decades or even less, to break through to the realm of the real king, to find the bad luck of the Tianyu human race
"Where's Alonian?" The evil horse king suppressed his anger.

"Your Majesty, there is only General Alonian's locator nearby, and General Alonian is not there!" said an evil horse Xiuluo in a shy voice.

"However, my subordinates have dispatched a fleet to search, and I believe that General Alronian will be found soon. He should be healing somewhere nearby."

"Hmm!" The Evil Horse King closed his eyes in thought, then opened his eyes suddenly and asked: "Search the nearby star field to see if there are planets of life, my clan only has more than [-] million clansmen left, so we can't waste any more! "

"Yes, obey the king's order!" General Evil Horse Xiuluo left immediately.

Originally, he planned to wait until it stabilized, so he used a ship as a nourishment, devoured it to restore his own strength.

Even if it is likely to fall into the path of strange demons in the process, it really can't wait. The weak strength makes him feel insecure at all, and he must let himself recover the strength of the false king as soon as possible.

It's a pity that more than a dozen transport warships were almost exhausted, and all the clansmen on them died, and even several Shuras were annihilated in them.

Just thinking about it, the Evil Horse King felt very distressed. If he devoured all those eighth-rank Shuras, he should be able to recover a little bit of strength, and then he wouldn't need to worry so much.

An unknown star field, and it is likely to be a forbidden space in the starry sky, the evil horse king still feels that it is better to be more cautious.

After a while, Shura, who had left, returned again with a look of joy on his face.

"My king, I found it!"

"There is a planet of life in the star field here, and there are billions of life breaths emanating from it, and there is even a large dark area behind it, I am afraid that there are other planets of life," General Shura said happily.

"We discovered that the existence of the strongest life on that life planet is only a sixth-order life form!"

"They're still all aliens!"

"Inhuman race?" A smile appeared on the corner of the Evil Horse King's mouth.

"Hey, what do you really want, Inhumans, as long as they are Inhumans"

"The order goes on. At a moment of star time, no matter whether you find Aronian or not, all the clansmen return to the battleship and go to the planet of life immediately."

"By the way. Remember to block the planetary signal, the whole family can carnivally slaughter and wreak havoc on Inhuman planets. Hehehe."

"Respect the king's order!" General Shura also had a flash of extreme evil thoughts on his face.

Billions of alien races are concentrated on a living planet. How could one not enjoy such a great gift.

Although the level of life is very low, as long as it takes a while to cultivate well, there are so many Inhumans to eat, it can restore its strength, and maybe even spy on the king's realm.
Tianyu Human Race, wait, this king will come to take revenge on you soon.

It's just plundering your planet of life, devouring hundreds of millions of alien races, and even less than a million Tianyu human races!
You actually wiped out my clan, this King Qiu will definitely take revenge and let you all feel the fear of being wiped out.

A moment of star time is quickly gone.
The warship of the Ema tribe set sail again, and quickly headed towards the earth and stars, with a sense of impatience.

After the battleship left, a figure full of devilish energy came out, stood on a meteorite with a grinning grin, and said in a whisper:
"My good king, I will trouble you to take my people and explore the way."

The 10,000+[-]-of-miles-of-the-star-space voyage can be passed very quickly for the speed of a warship.

Not long after, the two warships arrived within a million miles, and received a data message warning from the planet Earth. The hateful horse tribe had already fallen into a desire for hatred and revenge, so they didn't care about it.
As the battleship got closer, the earth and stars were filled with terror, and countless nuclear bombs and missiles began to prepare silently.

"A black shadow. Where is it?" Shura's eyes were fixed, but he gave up exploring immediately. "The most important thing now is the planet of life. If it occupies it, it doesn't matter what it is."

"Once the warship of the alien race reaches the sky above the earth and stars, stop when it enters the strike range, and immediately launch a nuclear bomb to block the starry sky!" Dage Lao shouted angrily.

"Yes!" The nuclear bomb launching bases of all the big countries all accepted the order.

In an instant, countless people on the planet raised their heads, and two huge warships approached in the starry sky, and they started to stop slowly, preparing to land.
However, no one on Earth Star was afraid, on the contrary, they were looking at it with great interest, and the pupils of all warriors were flickering with coldness.
It is best not to land, and to be annihilated in the starry sky. If they can reach the planet, their warriors are not vegetarians, and they are all vicious people full of killing intent.

Of course, only vicious villains who are vicious to outsiders.

"Launch the nuclear bomb, block all the bottom areas of the two warships!" the elder Dage gave an order!
bang~ bang bang bang~~~
In an instant, tens of thousands of nuclear bombs shot up into the sky from the earth and stars, approaching the battleship at an extremely fast speed
The Kingship of the Hualing Tribe has been fully charged, and the space cannons on board are aimed at the two warships of the Evil Horse Tribe
In Wu Dazhong, Su Ran lightly smiled and said, "Yan Ran, let me go!"

"Okay, senior brother~"

 Ask for a referral ticket! ! !

  Enter the interstellar era! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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