Chapter 119 Ten Thousand Races Shake

Breaking out from the space storm, the slightly injured General Yinyu's expression sank slightly.

Several stellar hours have passed, Yu Xingwang broke into the space storm belt, but did not send back even a single message.

If the situation is normal and the remnants of the evil horse clan are wiped out, Yu Xingwang will at least send back a communication message, so that their fleet will not be waiting here, and the large fleet can return to the court first.

The imperial daughter of the Tianyu tribe opened her eyes slightly, a faint golden light flashed, and she said coldly:


"Yes!" General Yin Yu shuddered in his heart.

An invisible space ripple flickered, and the space storm took a position, breaking a hole in an instant.

The power of endless space was vented, space blades slashed across, space was cut everywhere, but it was quickly repaired again.

The old woman of the Sky Feather Clan, Yu Xingwang rushed out from the opening of the space in a bit of embarrassment, and then quickly escaped from the opening, after a few flashes, she disappeared, and she didn't even have time to say hello to her princess.

bang~ bang bang~
Like a firework, the space where the hole splits instantly collapses into nothingness.
After a long time, the starry sky that had collapsed into nothingness returned to normal, and the old woman Yu Xingwang of the Sky Feather Clan came back again, with a look of regret on her face.

It's terrifying, this big formation that is about to dissipate is actually so terrifying, I just tried it a little, and almost fell into it, and I really can't come back.

Watching the collapsed space return to its original state, the old woman returned to the kingship and appeared in the main cabin.

"Clan elder, are you alright?" Princess Tian Yu hurriedly asked.

"It's nothing serious, Your Royal Highness, the Evil Horse Clan has been executed, and they have been completely removed from all the clans in the starry sky!" Yu Xingwang said softly.

"The other side of the space storm is Kunluo's secret place. What have you found?" The princess nodded slightly. She didn't care if the evil horse tribe disappeared, but she was more concerned about whether the other side was Kunluo's secret place.

It has been thousands of years since my father has been stuck at the top of the king realm, if I can bring back the good news that my father will break through, then the position of Emperor Yu will be secure!
Looking at the expectations of His Royal Highness, the old woman sighed slightly in her heart, slowly shook her head and said, "Your Highness, that side is not a secret place."

"It's still a taboo star field. This time, this king encountered an alien race in it."

The supreme existence above the king's realm, the taboo battlefield in the outer universe, the seal of the gate of the foreign land, the resistance of the earth and star race for thousands of years.
Countless messages shocked Princess Tianyu in an instant, her face changed, and she said solemnly: "Clan elder, return to the mother planet immediately, first report this matter to the emperor, and see what he has to say."

"How could the taboo battlefield in the outer universe appear on the edge of the starry sky in the Eastern Territory? Is it a disaster or a chance?"

"It is rumored that it is easy to break through fighting in the taboo battlefield in the starry sky. Most of the supreme beings above the king state break through in the taboo battlefield!"

"Could it be that the opportunity for father's breakthrough is also in the taboo battlefield?"

The king ship of the Tianyu clan returned to the mother planet of the Tianyu clan, and soon Xingyu Yu told the Emperor Yu everything he knew, and in an instant, the face of the emperor who ruled tens of thousands of light years changed drastically.

A brand-new taboo battlefield in the starry sky can be said to be both an opportunity and a disaster. If it can be blocked, it is an opportunity, and if it cannot be stopped, it is a disaster.

The rules of the two worlds are entangled. Whether it is the creatures from the original universe beheading the creatures from other regions, or the creatures from other regions beheading the creatures from the original universe, they can all be rewarded with the will of the universe from this universe.

Back then, the reason why the Tianyu tribe was able to digest the knowledge of the Kunluo tribe and become a great clan for thousands of years was not because he killed several kings from other lands one after another in a taboo battlefield, and won the reward of the will of heaven and earth. Climb to the top of the kingdom.
One day later, the Emperor Yu issued several imperial orders one after another, and the foundation of the Tianyu clan was revealed, and several ace troops in the clan were provided for training.
Thirteen figures appeared in the Xinghe branch of the Council of Ten Thousand Races at the same time. Members from various races all walked out one by one, sat down with ugly faces, and their eyes were filled with a look of horror.

On the main seat, the master of the branch hall tapped the table lightly, and said coldly:

"In the new taboo battlefield, within hundreds of millions of light years, there are about 670 alien races and 780 alien races. There are only seven venerables, and about a thousand kings, most of whom are kings of the first and second ranks. "

"About seven years later, the taboo battlefield will open, and the galaxy will definitely be affected. If this matter cannot be handled properly, the chief arrester will first take us down for questioning!"

"The existence of the earth star race has resisted the outer universe they call foreign lands for thousands of years, and the strong members of the race have almost disappeared."

"Even, it is very likely that a great emperor has fallen, a dozen supreme existences, and hundreds of king realm existences"

"What do you guys think?"

"Reward!" A powerful alien said in a loud voice: "Earth Star Terran is also a human race. A great emperor of our human race fell silently, and a dozen supreme emperors fell with him. Such a great achievement, if not There is no need for the Commendation Council to exist!"

"That's right, I agree with what Brother Iron Tower said, we should be rewarded, at least make up for a series of resources that have been lacking for thousands of years!" Another Inhuman Supreme said.

"I don't think this matter is appropriate. I still need to investigate carefully to confirm the contribution made by the earth star race to the starry sky. Only in this way can I be rewarded." An alien supreme said lightly.

"Yes, I agree!"

"I also think we should carefully investigate the facts!"


Immediately, several supreme beings of different races spoke again and again, feeling that they should be so cautious.

Although they don't think that the Sky Feather Clan or Earth Star Human Clan will lie, after all, such things can be found out as soon as they are investigated, but there should be stumbling blocks, whether they are aliens or human races, they will throw them out vigorously.
Even if you can't stop it, it's good to disgust the other party.
Thirteen councilors, five from the alien race, and eight from the alien race!

Among them, three of the Inhumans are supreme, and the remaining two are supreme kings, four of the Inhumans are supreme, and the four are supreme kings!
As for the palace master on the main seat, he neither belongs to the alien race nor to the alien race. He is a core member from the council of all races and will never participate in the battle between the ten thousand races in the starry sky!

"Oh, let's check it!" Human Race Supreme, who was called Iron Tower, sneered.

"I'll go for this matter, who of you will be with me?"

"Then save me, Brother Tieta, let's go together!" The alien race who asked to investigate just now vetoed it with a sneer.

"Since that's the case, then Tieta and Dalu will check it out. If it is true, all the materials and resources that should be lacking will be allocated by the resource bank of the Ten Thousand Races Council, and they will be delivered to Earth and Star within three stellar days!" said the Lord of the Ten Thousand Races Council. Nod.

"Yes!" The two people who were named responded in unison.

Soon, the taboo battlefield was exposed.
All the people in the galaxy suddenly shook
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(End of this chapter)

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