Chapter 150 Fall of the Emperor Zhun


The stern roar broke off before it could resound through the sky.

In the void, a Heavenly Knife hangs, but unfortunately it breaks into two pieces. A dragon pattern flashes across the silvery-white knife, which is really beautiful.

However, many dragon clan looked at the dragon pattern, but their complexions suddenly darkened.

The dragon pattern on the blade body means that this is a dragon-slaying knife. At least the dragons who have killed the king, or even the supreme dragon, can have such a clear dragon pattern on the dragon-slaying knife.

Yu Chiwu's expression was cold and serious, and he took the Heavenly Saber away with his big hand.

The holy son of the sword spirit clan fell directly into his hands, and the quasi-kings and supreme ones who were secretly observing all had a slight chill in their hearts.

However, Dao Shengji and the others were a little horrified. The aura contained in the sword qi cut out by the Heavenly Saber just now was obviously impossible for him to cultivate himself.

The imperial aura is strong, and it is likely that the emperor of the sword spirit clan gave him something to save his life, but he cut it out here.

Fortunately, the saber energy dissipated before fully revealing the emperor's might.

Otherwise, a group of them, no matter who they are, will be wiped out here, and it is absolutely impossible for them to survive the emperor's saber energy.

"War?" Dao Sheng took a deep breath.

"The genius of all races fighting the martial arts genius of the human race?" Mo Xie smiled evilly.

"I am the quasi-king, how can I admit that I am weaker than others, then come to fight!" A quasi-king of the Protoss raised his fighting spirit.

"War, the Immortal Clan is by no means weaker than the Human Clan!" A quasi-king of the Immortal Clan raised his voice.

Fighting spirits rose up one after another, and in an instant, they bumped into many deans of the martial arts university on the top of the mountain, which immediately attracted the attention of many people from all races.

Nearly a hundred auras, all of which are quasi-king-level powerhouses, are intertwined with each other, suddenly rising violently, and then leaping up in an instant, catching and fighting one by one, without any mercy.

Even the little white unicorn who was a little afraid of Yu Chiwu got entangled with a clan brother, met Yu Chiwu, and started a big battle again.

As for Mu Yanran, she fought directly with Dao, Moxie, and another Quasi-King Supreme of the Spirit Race, and the sword light suppressed them so hard that the three Quasi-King Supreme felt uncomfortable.

Shangguan Longwu's fist erupted, and Yan Wu fell to the ground with one punch, severely wounding him and making him unable to fight again.

Immediately, they met several other quasi-king strongmen, and they fought fiercely. The martial arts strongmen became more and more courageous as they fought.

On Tianzhu Mountain, the arrogance of various races gradually fought together.

Outside the starry sky, the supreme or emperors of many great clans also gathered together, and from time to time they set their sights on the eternal star.

The saber qi just now was an emperor who was paying attention all the time, and took it away in an instant.

Otherwise, the Eternal Star would not be able to bear it, even a ray of saber energy, that is, the Golden Winged Eagles would strengthen the Eternal Star, otherwise it would be disbanded as soon as the saber energy came out.

In this way, the battle of Tianjiao will become a complete joke.

"Martial arts, or an ancient inheritance." The emperors communicated constantly.

"The Saint Sons and Saintesses of the Saber Spirit and Sword Spirit races were all lost in the hands of the human race. The two old guys can't bear it this time, right?" the demon emperor laughed.

"It's already here~" the emperor of the fairy clan said quietly.

"Stop?" asked the god emperor.

"There's no need to stop it. Let's see what the Emperor of the Yanhuang Race means. The unyielding spirit and will of the warriors of the Yanhuang Race may make the Sword Spirit and the Sword Spirit suffer~" the Emperor of the Dragon Race smiled coldly.

For the past 10 years, the conflict between the sword spirit and the sword spirit has not only affected the starry sky, but many races have been involved.

Such a turbulent starry sky is not what they hoped for. Great clans such as gods, demons, immortals, dragons and spirits hope that the ten thousand races can have disputes, but they must not cause too many disputes.

After all, no matter how much damage is done, it is the loss of the primordial universe, and it is useless for guarding the taboo battlefield.

But the dispute between the two clans lasted more than ten thousand years, but it did not know how many large and small groups were affected, and the number of groups that were wiped out by the two clans was also unknown, and the number of supreme sages and kings who fell was also unknown.

If it wasn't for the fact that the emperor was not in the original universe, and the emperors of the two clans were extremely powerful, and the major clans were unwilling to get involved in this matter, someone might have come out to teach them a lesson.

A knife, a sword fell into the void space in an instant.
The emperors of the various races smiled coldly and stared intently, as if they wanted to see how the newly promoted emperor of the human race would solve this matter.

The emperors of the Sword Spirit and Sword Spirit clans, as soon as they came here, they would shoot without saying a word. Obviously, they had made up their minds to give this Martial Dao Emperor a dismount. under.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths, one knife and one sword flew out of nothingness as if they were knocked away.

The sword body and the blade body were densely covered with hideous cracks, and the two emperors who were hiding in the endless deep space also suffered heavy injuries in an instant, and their spirits suddenly became blurred and blurred.

"What's going on?" All the emperors stood up suddenly.

"Shading the sky!" A soft chirp sounded.

A dozen emperors and thousands of supreme beings saw a big hand protruding and falling into the endless deep space in an instant. The silent deep void continued to shatter, and the two emperors of the sword spirit and sword spirit retreated quickly.

Dao Qi and sword light filled with royal aura shone, bombarding Su Ran's protruding hand, as if to cut it off directly.

It's a pity, but it didn't work at all. Sword Emperor Zhun Ling and Sword Spirit Zhun Emperor looked at each other instantly, and two illusory Dao fruits were reflected in the soul, and Zhun Emperor Dao Fruit instantly reflected the stars in the sky
"Heavenly Sword!"

"Heavenly Sword!"

"The sword and the sword are one!"

The two illusory Quasi-Emperor Dao Fruits merged together suddenly, turning into a seemingly virtual Dao Fruit, which carried their swords and directly slashed out.

The big hand froze slightly, and the fused sword dao fruit resisted it, and froze in the endless deep void space. Layers of space continued to be broken, but it did not affect the real starry sky and land at all.

The emperors of all races looked slightly stagnant, watching in disbelief.

With just one hand, let Sword Spirit Zhundi and Sword Spirit Zhundi use the fusion of Dao and fruit to fight to the death, how should they resist it?
"Hmph, little Doyle!" Su Ran snorted coldly.

"A mere sword spirit, the sword spirit becomes the way, dare to compete with me, the five elements rotate, suppress!"

After watching the play carefully, it turned out that these two guys dared to sneak attack on him. They didn't know what to say. Su Ran was very angry.

Obviously seeing that the system task is about to be completed, he is in a very happy mood, but as soon as he comes, two emperors come, ready to give him a blow, and he looks so easy to bully?

Okay, isn't it just a sword, a sword and a quasi-emperor who became Taoist?

I will take it for you, return it to the furnace and reforge it, and refine it into two swords and swords to protect the clan.
A turning wheel appeared in the big hand that covered the sky, and the power of the five elements on it circulated endlessly, and the sword and sword were suppressed in an instant.

Even the peak of the venerable is almost unable to maintain, and the soul is so illusory that it begins to shatter.

"Impossible, how could you be so powerful?" Emperor Dao Ling let out angrily.

"I'm defeated." Emperor Jianling Zhun calmed down, and said in a cold voice: "Let us go, and we will not fight against the Yanhuang people from now on!"

"The emperors of all races are here, they can't let you kill two emperors, and the emperor will not allow it, let go of my body." Emperor Dao Ling Zhun's face was ugly, Yinjiu's face was full of unconcealed murder meaning.


"Five elements cycle, practice!" Su Ran's voice was cold.

"You can come whenever you want, and leave whenever you want. Is it reasonable to sneak attack?"

"I don't care about the great emperor or not. I only know that you can't leave today. It's a great joy for my clan to have two more sword puppets and sword puppets!"

"Don't you dare, the emperor ordered Yu, the quasi-emperors of all clans are not allowed to kill anyone at will." The soul of the sword spirit quasi-emperor was about to explode.

"Do you dare to disobey the emperor's order?" Zhundi Dao Ling was even more annoyed.

"They're already the swords and knives of the prisoner, don't make any noise, just add the noise~" Su Ran smiled faintly.

With a light wave of his hand, the souls of Sword Emperor Zhundi and Sword Spirit Zhundi disappeared in an instant, leaving a melting furnace with five elements rotating, a knife and a sword hanging in the furnace, and the two spirits roared endlessly.

Soon, the spirits of the two quasi-emperors dispersed and turned into the nutrients of the sword body, breeding new quasi-emperor spirits.

When Emperor Zhun fell, the heavens and the earth felt it instantly, and the rules turned into a pouring rain of blood.
The emperors of all clans were stunned.

"What about this?"

 Big chapter plus more! ! !
  Ask the big guys for a reward! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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