Chapter 163

"Stupid, simply unbelievable stupid!" A figure emerged from the black mist.

"How can a mere emperor-class warship kill our great emperor? Don't think that killing a group of trash can fight our world. Yunyun, who is beyond my world, is just a small world. How dare you fight my world?" ?” Another figure rose from the black mist.

"We, the Great Emperor, are nothing but the pioneers of the Supreme Ancestral Realm. What gave you the courage to fight against our Realm?" A figure appeared, and the Daoguo of the Great Emperor reflected the heavens.

On the edge of the two worlds, in a foreign land, a great emperor stood in the black mist, and said indifferently.

Even Ji Wushang, the great emperor of the Ziwei human race, who destroyed many alien creatures with one blow, never made them fluctuate.

It seems that it is not a living being, but a mere existence like cannon fodder, and if it perishes, it will perish, and at worst, there will be another batch.

There are not many other things in the foreign land, except that there are many creatures, infecting the heavens, and merging the heavens and worlds. The vastness of the foreign lands is difficult for even the emperor to walk through, and naturally the creatures are densely populated.

"Oh, barking dog!" Su Ran smiled lightly.

"The great emperor who has been promoted by Rong Dao in a mere way, the power of the emperor can hardly affect this world through the rules. If you dare to come across the world in real body, this emperor will kill you as a quasi-emperor!"

"That's right, but you're just a person with Dao fruit. If you dare to cross the boundary with your real body, this emperor will dare to kill you in the realm of the emperor!" Namo Luo said lightly.

In an instant, all the worried Zhundi, Wushang and other great powers of various clans breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that the thing that I had been worrying about all this time was simply impossible to happen. The foreign emperor could not kill several quasi-emperors across a world like the great emperor Ji Wushang, who was supreme and kingly.

However, what does Rong Dao Great Emperor mean?
Su Ran's words seemed to touch the forbidden area of ​​the emperor, and the figures made of black mist swayed slightly.

After a short period of silence, Mu Yanran, who was following Su Ran, asked softly, "Senior brother, what is the Great Emperor of the Dao Merging Realm, and there are other paths to the Emperor Wu?"

The clans also looked over, and Namo Luo also looked at Su Ran, with a look of searching in his eyes.

Integrating Dao Realm, Namo Luo once saw it in an ancient book of the clan, but it was only mentioned a little bit, and the specific information was artificially erased.

It seems that some people don't want it to appear in the world such a way to become a great emperor.

"Integrated Dao Realm" Su Ran pondered for a moment.

"Integrating the Dao Fruit of the Great Emperor, accepting the Dao of the Great Emperor's rules, even an ordinary person can immediately prove the realm of the Great Emperor!"

"However, what this Tao needs is a Great Emperor's Dao Fruit that fits itself, and the Great Emperor's Dao Fruit can be fused by others, it must be the fall of a great emperor, so that there can be a Dao Fruit that can be fused and proved!"

"Emperor Rong Dao Dao Guoguo proves the Tao, there is no possibility of further progress in this life, and it is unknown how much the power of the great emperor can be inherited"

"Maybe ten to ten, maybe ninety percent, eighty percent, seventy percent, or even lower."

"And if you want to increase the power of the Dao Fruit, you must seek to continuously integrate with the Dao Fruit. The more you merge, the more likely you will be assimilated by the Dao Fruit, like the rebirth of a fallen emperor."

All races are swallowing their saliva, the temptation of Rongdao Fruit is too great.

But the consequences are too big. If you are not careful, you may be completely annihilated, and the fused Dao fruit will reappear as the original emperor
Although the reappearing emperor only has memory, the spiritual soul is still himself, but the consciousness is replaced by the consciousness born from the memory of the emperor, what is the difference from being annihilated?
A quasi-emperor of the wolf tribe swallowed, and asked in a low voice: "Emperor, can this be considered the Great Emperor Realm?"

"It's just a false emperor!" Su Ran said lightly.

"Exotic lands infect the heavens and myriad realms, and merge into their own realms. The emperor of the invaded realms falls, and the Dao fruit is fused with Dao to grow, but it can also show the emperor's prestige."

"Unfortunately, if they go out of the foreign realm, they may fall into the realm of the Great Emperor, or even fall to the realm of the fusion of living beings, so they dare not cross the realm at all, because we can completely kill them kill!"

Before the rule of two realms.
A great emperor of the Rong Dao Realm stands standing in the black mist.

The icy coldness in his eyes seemed to penetrate the rules of the two worlds, and a ray of imperial prestige appeared to kill Su Ran.

It's a pity that they can't compare to Ji Wushang's strength, not to mention attacking across a boundary, even if they step out of the boundary a little, they don't have the courage.

"Rongdao?" A great emperor sneered.

"In the realm of the Great Emperor, the lifespan is infinite. If you are not in the realm of the Great Emperor, you are nothing but ants!"

"When our realm breaks through Yuanchu, it will be time to bury your clans. At that time, we will take your soul and strip your spirit, and place it in the flames of the Nine Serenity to burn for hundreds of millions of years!"

"Heh~" Su Ran smiled faintly.

"Since the birth of this emperor, he has cultivated for only a few hundred years, and the realm of the emperor can only be broken with bare hands!"

"Today, if you dare to cross borders to fight with this emperor, this emperor will still respect you as the great emperor. If you don't dare, how dare a mere barking dog speak harsh words?"

"Come, come, this emperor has already crossed the border, where the rules of the two realms are disordered, you should be able to maintain the realm of the emperor, come and fight with this emperor, and see if you are the invincible emperor of the Dao realm, or the invincible emperor of our martial arts quasi-emperor!" !"

Taking one step forward, Su Ran stands in a place where the rules of the two worlds are intertwined and the rules are extremely chaotic.

Here, not only the power of the primordial universe rules is manifested, but also the rules of foreign lands are displayed, and the rules displayed are colorful and very bright.

The great emperor of the foreign land, with cold eyes, stepped forward as a black shadow, ready to step out of the foreign land and kill Su Ran himself, so that he would know that the power of the great emperor cannot be violated.

Where the rules of the two worlds are disordered, even if his strength is to be suppressed, it is still enough to maintain the Great Emperor level combat power.

Killing a quasi-emperor is not enough, even if there are a few more quasi-divine peaks, it is enough to kill them one by one. It is absolutely impossible for a quasi-divine to survive.

Just as the black shadow walked out, another black shadow stood in front of him and said flatly, "Don't be fooled!"

"This kid is very weird. He dares to stand in an area where the rules are chaotic. I'm afraid he has something to rely on."

"How can you confront the emperor?" The stopped emperor's voice was cold, and he bypassed the shadow of the emperor who blocked him, "I don't believe it, today's humiliation, this emperor must kill him, otherwise I will feel uneasy! "

"Besides, hundreds of years to achieve the realm of quasi-emperor, if we give him hundreds of years, will we still be his opponents?"

A wave of imperial prestige erupted, and the black shadow walked out of the black mist, standing outside the realm where the rules of the two worlds were intertwined and the rules were extremely chaotic
The black mist all over his body slowly dissipated, and the breath of the foreign emperor suddenly began to fall, and he was barely able to maintain the emperor's level of combat power, but the emperor's Dao fruit became illusory.
A great emperor, whose realm barely maintains at the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor, whose combat power has just entered the realm of a great emperor
"Heh~" Su Ran chuckled lightly.

"Today, this Emperor rebelled against the Great Emperor, boosting the morale of all races!"

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(End of this chapter)

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