Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 168 1 Defeat [Seeking genuine subscription! ! 】

Chapter 168 One Defeat [Seeking genuine subscription! ! 】

In the foreign land, the mist rose, and large figures slowly appeared.

All the figures were extremely terrifying, with qi and blood covering the four poles of the world, and even for a moment, the black mist was dispersed by them.

Breathing sharply, a group of figures standing in the black mist slowly stepped forward
"Under the rules, the quasi-emperor is not allowed to enter." The black mist dissipated, and a figure slowly walked out, "I am the Supreme, and I have only cultivated for ten thousand years. Is there a Supreme in the original universe who dares to fight?"

The black mist filled the air, and the figure stood in it, and the voice carried endless impact.

For a moment, all the races in the original universe shuddered, realizing the horror of this creature.

"I'll fight you!" A figure walked out slowly, with pure golden hair hanging loose, and a big black gold stick on its shoulder.

There are many clans, and the eyes are all flashing. The Golden Hercules, one of the top [-] clans on the list of all clans, also has a great emperor in the clan
And this one is the descendant of the previous generation of Golden Hercules Ape Great Emperor. It has only been more than 10 years since his birth, but [-] years ago, the previous generation of Golden Hercules Ape Clan Great Emperor fell...
This emperor's son was also seriously injured and was in critical condition, and was banned into the ancestral land by the alien race of the golden god ape, hoping that he could recover.

Now that it is reappearing, it seems that this son of the great emperor has also recovered. Seeing that the majestic blood and the rule chain are entangled, the strength may be extremely terrifying.

Su Ran's eyes flashed, and he looked over curiously. If the golden ape's size had shrunk a little, it seemed very familiar.
"Golden Hercules Ape, also known as Chunyang Hercules Ape, is a race inherited from the ancient times. It cultivates the physical body and pays attention to breaking all laws with strength. If it wasn't for the fall of the Ape Emperor 10 years ago, which caused it to be deeply cursed by blood, all races would be There is another ape emperor." Namo Luo said lightly.

After doing the math, not only Mo Luo, Yuan Wudi, and even Emperor Ji Wushang can be regarded as peers.

It's a pity that Ji Wushang became the Great Emperor 10 years ago, but he just broke through to be the quasi-emperor. Yuan Wudi was severely injured and banned by the blood curse. I am afraid that it will be difficult to compare with Ji Wushang in this life.

Apart from Namoro, there were also other ten thousand races who recognized Yuan Wudi, and they all looked a little shocked.

"Ape is invincible, 10 years ago, he fought all the youths of all races, and there are only three or four who can match him one or two."

"If it weren't for the fall of the previous god ape emperor, the Golden Hercules God Ape clan would probably be able to produce three great emperors in two generations. On the list of all races, they could be listed in the top [-], which is extremely powerful!"

"Back then, the god ape emperor fell, and the ape invincible was cursed by the taboo emperor with his blood. It is not rumored that he fell."

"It was supposed to be a fall, but the taboo emperor didn't expect that the younger brother of the god ape emperor, the emperor of enlightenment, was born out of nowhere, cut off the cause and effect of the curse with one blow, and saved his brother's only bloodline."

"But even so, Yuan Wudi's blood was almost exhausted, and he had no choice but to fall into a deep sleep."

extreme limit
Do you seek a breakthrough from death to life?
Su Ran stared at Yuan Wudi, with a ray of divine light in his eyes, as if he had seen through something.

Ape Invincible has indeed been severely injured, the emperor's blood is almost exhausted, and he can no longer give him any help. If he accepts his fate, he may only be able to linger in the supreme limit state for the rest of his life.

Sovereignty, the lifespan will never exceed 29 years, only the Emperor Zhun can survive for a million years relying on Daoguo
It took hundreds of thousands of years to spend, and the heir of the great emperor who was supposed to be able to become the emperor, now can only be trapped in the supreme, and no one can be reconciled to it.

The Golden God Ape Clan didn't stop them, allowing Ape Invincible to straddle the ruled land of the two realms and stand in the forbidden area, his body full of energy and blood, turning into a series of blood-colored divine rings, blessing his own combat power.

The extremely terrifying power shakes the rules of the forbidden area.

"The existence of being almost invincible in the same generation, even pushed the invincible hand of the same generation horizontally back then, the ape is invincible, and the Supreme Realm can definitely win," a quasi-emperor said happily.

Just now, Su Ran killed a great emperor-level existence. Although he succeeded in taking advantage of the opponent's suppression, it also showed the strong posture of the human race.
Now that their foreign race exists, if this battle is won, the morale of the foreign race can also be greatly increased.

In the opposite foreign land, in the area filled with black mist, the creature slowly walked out, left the area covered by the black mist, and stepped into the forbidden area.

The forbidden area, especially the forbidden area with strong rules in the original universe, is extremely powerful in suppressing the emperor-level creatures of foreign lands. Even if the quasi-emperor is not in the suppression range, it can still weaken its combat power by a layer or two.

But this alien creature is the supreme being, and the regular sky eye confronts the exotic sky eye, but he doesn't care
Not being suppressed, it is still as if in their world, the strength of the alien creatures can be fully released.

"Golden Hercules Ape, Ape Invincible, come to fight!" Ape Invincible's black gold stick fell, and his aura was as condensed as black evil, sweeping the rules of heaven and earth.

In this battle, he will demonstrate his unparalleled power among apes, which is enough to shake the world.
The alien creature dissipated the dense black mist from its body, revealing its body.
The hair is also scattered all over the body, but the hair is black all over, exuding a strange and evil atmosphere, but the body is very similar to Ape Invincible, this is a supreme ape from a foreign land
"Golden Hercules God Ape?" The Alien God Ape sneered, and said lightly: "I'm not interested in you at all, say you are Dali, but I want to try it out and see who is Dali."

"10 years ago, the ancestor of our clan slaughtered a guy who was very similar to you. He was not strong, but his name was quite big."

"Roar" Yuan Wudi's pupils suddenly shrank.
"Kill!" The alien god ape made a move, directly blasting and killing Xiang Yuan Wudi Tianling with one blow, as if to kill him completely on the spot with one blow, and wipe out his soul and spirituality.

Yuan Wudi, who was in grief and indignation, was also full of breath, and his blood burst through his body, and his body was boiling with divine power.

The collision of the two powerful men was earth-shattering.

With such a cultivation base, it can be regarded as having reached an extreme level. The destructive power that can be caused is enough to destroy the star field and annihilate a small thousand world.

From time to time, there will be a punch that blows away the rules, and the big star formed by the rules in the forbidden area is annihilated.

After more than a hundred moves, Yuan Wudi suddenly fell to the ground, with a muffled groan, blood sprayed from his mouth, and a huge fist mark was branded on his chest.

He lost a punch, and when he was facing each other, his strength was a bit weaker, and he was almost completely smashed into the body of the supreme being, and fell down.
Fortunately, his strength has never improved in 10,000+ years, Yuan Wudi had no choice but to focus on tempering his body, but he was able to withstand a few punches, but he was severely injured after one punch.

"Oh, Dali, that's all~" The alien god ape rushed forward and continued to kill.

"Extreme strength." Ape Wudi roared, rose from the ground to charge, and immediately began to fight desperately, life and death.

As for the weapon, the black gold stick was blown away to nowhere, one gold and one black two god apes, entangled tightly, golden blood, black blood fell on the ground.

After 150 moves, Yuan Wudi retreated violently again, his two big hands were torn off, but he also tore off the big hand of the black god ape opposite him.

Reborn with a broken arm, they fought together again. In just about twenty moves, the black-haired god ape punched through Ape Wudi's chest, and with a big hand, he completely crushed the golden heart in his chest.

For a moment, Yuan Wudi's body softened, his whole body's qi and blood were ruined, and his breath was completely wiped out.

"Emperor." The quasi-emperor of the Golden Hercules Ape Clan, with tears of blood streaming from his eyes.
All the clans were shocked, Yuan Wudi, who was able to enter the top five 10 years ago, was directly defeated.

Throwing away Yuan Wudi's body casually, the black-haired god ape sneered, and looked coldly at Wu Shang of the various tribes, as if he was eager to try and challenge again, but he had just enjoyed it.

It never occurred to him that a supreme being who came out of the original universe would be able to fight him on par.
That is to say, the background is a little weaker, otherwise, the battle just now might not be able to decide the winner so quickly, even if the winner was decided, he might not be able to win.

Just about to challenge one or two more times, but the black-haired ape's expression changed slightly, and he turned around and walked back.
"Who are you, and what kind of race are you in this foreign land?" the quasi-emperor of the ape clan, the golden Hercules, shouted angrily.
"Me?" The black-haired god ape paused, and continued to walk forward, "My family, the fallen King Kong ape family, my world ranks below a thousand!"

"Strength. Hehe, you are too weak!"

"The most powerful row in my world, but it hasn't crossed the border yet, if they come here."

"You will be helpless"

 How about a ticket? ?
(End of this chapter)

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