Chapter 206 Diqing
"Clean up Tianyuan." Xia Yuanhe shouted excitedly.

"Kill, kill, kill"

One after another silhouettes rushed out of the battle city, and one after another magical powers bombarded out.

Standing above the void, Su Ran's qi and blood golden light fell, wrapping around the body of every soldier and general, steaming out streams of qi and blood power
In an instant, the generals flew out of the sky, and the soldiers rushed out from the ground, and the entire battlefield was emptied in an instant.

Qi and blood are boiling, accompanied by the power of pure yang, the spirit of resentment formed by the condensed energy of each resentment can no longer be revived, and the Zhiyang Great Grinding has not been used. The cores of each piece are be purified.

However, these spirits of resentment without the slightest wisdom at all are not afraid of life and death.

They are still continuously coming out of the abyss of heaven, as if the killing is endless, and it is inexhaustible, which makes people feel a little headache.

But the result of this battle has already exceeded the expectations of Xia Yuanhe and Zu Lingyu. Looking at the soldiers and generals clearing the battlefield like harvesting wheat, the joy of a great victory cannot be concealed.

"What kind of technique is this?" Zu Lingyu sighed.

Originally, they just hoped that Su Ran could delay their opponents a bit. They killed the three thoughts of resentment first, and then killed the unknown red-haired one.

Even if both of them were willing to pay for their own demise, they would let the red hair be buried with them. Unfortunately, before this point was reached, before they could even make a move, Su Ran suppressed and killed his opponent by himself.

That dragon horse was even more frightening, a mouthful of pure Yang flames descended, those three thoughts of resentment should be desperate by now, right?

The two looked at the sky, the red-haired ominousness was still disappearing, and it was estimated that it would be difficult to completely purify the ominousness from their bodies for a while.

The thoughts of resentment burned by the dragon horse's pure yang flame also hissed and screamed, and they, which could not resist the pure yang flame, had already begun to turn into a mist state, and they were about to be completely melted.

Xia Yuanhe was also amazed, and couldn't help but said: "The technique based on the power of qi and blood is designed to restrain the creatures of the abyss of heaven."

"If the human race can also cultivate, I'm afraid it will bring disaster to Tianyuan."

"Shut up, Lao Xia!" Zu Lingyu's complexion changed slightly, and he said in a low voice: "This way may be Brother Su's secret technique, and maybe not everyone can practice it. Such pure yang power of blood, I am afraid it is the power of pure yang." Only the soul can practice"

"Although the human race has a population of billions of trillions, how many souls of pure yang can be found?"

"I'm afraid there are less than a hundred people. For Tian Yuan, such a number is probably a drop in the bucket."

"That's right, the more powerful the secret technique, the more difficult it is to practice, but I'm a little persistent." Xia Yuanhe sighed slightly.

"Roar~" Hongmao roared inexplicably, but there was no sound
Su Ran's qi and blood exploded, and Jinmang's qi and blood surged several times again.

This unknown red-haired creature may have once been a human race, but now, it can no longer be called a human race. It can be regarded as a strange or unknown creature, and it may be that it does not want to be such a creature.
Therefore, at the moment of annihilation, the nature of the human race allowed him to recover, but he was relieved.

After a while, the red-haired ominous creature slowly dissipated in the Pure Yang Jinyan, without even a trace of ashes remaining, completely dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

As for the three thoughts of resentment, after emitting the last burst of exhausting sounds, the body was completely burned away by the scorching pure sun flames, and three shining crystals fell down...
Seeing this, Long Ma's big eyes lit up instantly, and when he rubbed against it, he felt depressed.

Obviously, it also understands that this thing is good, swallowing it will help improve its spiritual wisdom, and it will also speed up its comprehension of the rules of the Dao.

Feeling the soul power continuously emitted by the three crystals to nourish his soul, Longma's big eyes flickered, and he rushed directly into the pieces of resentful spirits, breathing out a mouthful of pure Yang flames.
Countless crystals fell, all of which were sucked into the mouth by it and became accumulation.
It's a pity that the low-level resentment soul crystal has no effect on it, at most it can enjoy the taste, and it will get tired of it after two waves.

The battle lasted for three full days and three nights, Su Ran stood on the top of the battle city, staring at a certain place under the abyss of heaven.
A wave of regular fluctuations passed by, and those useless spirits of resentment no longer gushed out from under the abyss of heaven. The spirits of resentment that had just rushed out were like a tide, and they retreated in an instant.
Xia Yuanhe and Zu Lingyu, who had been watching from the sidelines, were instantly overjoyed, and Zhiyang Damo directly covered the mouth of Tianyuan.
The battle city descended directly from the sky, and was firmly on the mouth of Tianyuan, and it completely fit the entrance of this Tianyuan node in an instant
"Seal a Tianyuan node in the town." Zu Lingyu was very excited.

"In my lifetime. I did it!" Xia Yuanhe felt his soul clear for a while.
Suddenly, it seemed to see an endless river appearing
Immediately, Su Ran and the others noticed the change in Xia Yuanhe, his aura jumped to another level in an instant, as if he was no longer above the Supreme Realm.
But it seems that it has not yet reached the level of the other side, which is quite weird.

On the contrary, Zu Lingyu looked at it and said in surprise: "Okay, Lao Xia actually sensed the existence of the river of time at this time."

"If you can completely draw out the soul of life."

"Old Xia, you will be able to prove the other side."

"The Other Shore Realm" Zu Lingyu felt a little emotional in his heart.

In this life, I don't know if I still have a chance to glimpse the existence of the other side.

Although the Supreme Realm can be regarded as the longevity species, and there is no end to one's life, but on the way of cultivation, it is the end of an ordinary life's life.

Envy is envious of Xia Yuanhe's chance, but Zu Lingyu knows that he still has things to do
After apologizing, he left first to deal with the next matter. A Tianyuan node explosion was suppressed here, but he still needs to report to the ancestor city, so that someone can come and seal it down!
After a while, Xia Yuanhe came to his senses and turned around. In his divine soul, a ray of spirituality of his life soul had already returned, and he stepped into the other shore realm half a step away.

"Thank you Brother Su for this!" Xia Yuanhe bowed and said very sincerely.

"No, this matter is your own chance, Brother Xia, and it has nothing to do with me." Su Ran shook her head slightly.

However, he accepted Xia Yuanhe's half-gift. After all, it was because he was able to cleanse the abyss of heaven, so that Xia Yuanhe's mind was clear, and he sensed the existence of the river of time in one fell swoop, and stepped into the other shore.

But the matter was over, Su Ran also knew that it was time for him to leave. It had been 28 days since he set foot in this era, and there were only two days left before he had to take the time ship to leave.

Although I don't know if I changed the crisis of a human battle city in the last era, whether it really changed.

Or, all of this is just the projection of time. I seem to have participated in the crisis of Yuantian City and changed the destruction of Yuantian City, but in real time, Yuantian City of the previous era is still shattered.

Shattered under the erosion of Tianyuan!

(End of this chapter)

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