Chapter 240 Killing

The dark green blood spewed all over the ground, corroding the ground and emitting bursts of smoke.

The Shadow Snake alien race, among the ten thousand races in the heavens, practices the highly poisonous way, ranked 130th among the ten thousand races, one of the absolutely strong races.

There is an ancestor of the Great Emperor who has lived for 10,000+ years in the family. It is rumored that the poison of the Shadow Snake, even in the Supreme Realm, can kill the existence of the Great Emperor Realm, but it has not been confirmed for the time being.

That old Shadow Snake once fought against a great emperor of the Immortal Clan, and he managed to win by a narrow margin.

The highly poisonous avenue caused the Great Emperor of the Immortal Clan to almost fall, but fortunately, he did not dare to offend a powerful race like the Immortal Clan, which ranks in the top ten
The poison was removed, but it caused the immortal emperor to fall to the realm. Although he re-entered the emperor's realm later, he was trapped in the first heaven of the emperor, and his heart was full of demons.

Originally, the immortals also thought about killing the old guy who killed this shadow snake.
It's a pity that it can hide too well, and the immortals searched all over the world, but they couldn't find it.

If it weren't for this, the Shadow Snake alien race would have been wiped out long ago, how could they still exist in the heavens and myriad realms.

After all, the immortals don't want to destroy the Shadow Snake for a strong man of the Great Emperor Realm who is poisonous, but he will always be targeted by a Great Emperor Realm in the future, which is very troublesome.

"That's a lot of courage" came a cold voice
A teacher of the Civil and Military Academy of Wuhan University stepped out of the small world, and the aura of the quasi-emperor's limit gushed out from his body.

In an instant, it landed on a dozen guys who fell to the ground, almost dilapidated, bleeding from their mouths, and their vitality was almost slackened.

Among them, the guy with the most serious injuries is a Supreme Realm powerhouse of the Shadow Snake Alien Race.
In the small world, there is originally a human martial arts expert who is famous for his poisonous way. He is equipped with poisonous martial arts supernatural powers. He can be said to have killed the taboo battlefield.
This person might not die so easily. After all, no one can guarantee that the strong man who is famous for poison will be dragged down.

And the Forbidden Emperor who ambushed was taken away by this Poison Martial Dao Quasi-Emperor together!

All of these, all living beings of all races who want to obtain the inheritance can all see the pictures of this strong man when he fought in the small world, and even the pictures of how he fell are presented one by one.

"Dare to destroy the inheritance of the sages of our clan, the shadow snake alien race, do you want to destroy it?" Che Yao's breath spewed out.

"Hiss, hiss," the Shadow Snake Supreme sneered
"My family inherits the poisonous way. All the poisonous ways of the heavens should be inherited by my family. If it is not given to my family, what is wrong with destroying it?"

"Presumptuous." Che Yao's eyes turned cold, and her red lips parted slightly: "Civil and military supernatural powers, forbidden, punish!"

A huge "Zhu" character broke through the air in an instant.

The Shadow Snake Supreme, who had been shouting unceasingly just now, suddenly felt cold all over, and shouted mournfully, "Do you dare to kill me?"

"My grandfather is the ancestor of our clan, if you dare to kill him"

"Mie!" Another huge golden letter flew out.

As soon as the word "Zhu" fell, the Shadow Snake Supreme trembled all over, his vitality was instantly extinguished, and his spirit and soul dissipated, completely annihilating both body and spirit.

The word Mie that fell immediately turned into its original form, a huge dark green poisonous python thousands of feet long, turned into ashes in an instant, and has since ceased to exist
As soon as the Shadow Snake died, the surrounding creatures who also practiced the way of poison trembled. Under the fear, they directly returned to their original bodies, and they couldn't even maintain their human bodies.
Looking at the toads, centipedes and other creatures of various races with different shapes and shapes all over the place, Che Yao's eyes were slightly cold.

Pale golden energy and blood spurted out, turning into a melting furnace, directly collecting these dozens of poisonous substances into the furnace, and a raging crowd began to ignite at the bottom of the furnace, and within a short while, more than a dozen pale golden poisons flew out of the furnace. great dan.

"Hmph, the bloodline is really weak, that's why the blood pill of the Supreme Realm was refined." Che Yao snorted softly and stepped into the small world again.

At this moment, in almost every place, there are some heavenly and myriad races who have been dazzled by the inheritance, trying to forcefully obtain the inheritance...
It's a pity that they were completely killed one by one by the teachers of the Wuda University of the human race. Even an existence with the limit of quasi-emperor realm was killed by a teacher of Wuda University and turned into a fan.

"The descendant of that old snake, the Shadow Snake." The emperor of the fairy clan frowned slightly.

"Brother Su, that old snake, I'm afraid it will bear a grudge against you. Shadow snakes practice the poisonous way, and the chance of giving birth is extremely difficult. Even the birth situation of the dragon clan is better than them."

"This little snake is probably its only descendant. This old guy is not very strong, but the power of poison is extremely strange, and he is also very good at hiding."

"I'm afraid that if you are not careful, the emperor will be hurt by its poison."


The voice of the emperor of the fairy clan had just fallen, and a snake-like body that resounded through the sky and starry sky quickly spread throughout the star fields of the heavens
A huge shadow snake, at least several million feet long, is rolling and neighing endlessly in an extremely distant star field. A pair of snake eyes the size of a star stares at it coldly
"Human race. You dare to kill the heir of this seat. I want you to pay with blood." The old guy of the Shadow Snake hissed.

"Senior brother, I'll kill it." Mu Yanran walked out through the void.

"It's no big deal, it's just a small snake, and it can be caught and killed at will." Su Ran shook her head slightly, and immediately broke through the void with her big hand to probe.
For a moment, the eyes of the emperors of all clans trembled, as if they couldn't believe it, but they had to believe it.

Immediately, everyone had good eyesight and stared at the place where the old snake was. Although it was very far away, for them, there were many ways to see the situation on that side
Of course, as you can see, you can see that the price you paid is not small, and the possibility of catching this old snake is extremely slim.

The shadow snake old ghost surging in the star field, the huge snake body trembled suddenly, and it turned into a tiny little snake in an instant, breaking through the void quickly to escape.

In just a split second, it actually felt the breath of death. If it continued to stay here, it might be killed.

Although the Shadow Snake thought it was impossible, he followed the warning in his mind and quickly fled here. But just as he was about to cut through the void, he found that the void in the star field here was as hard as the mother gold of the stars.

Even if it is such a great emperor, if he wants to break open, he can't do it without more than a dozen breaths of time.
The sense of crisis in his heart became more and more intense, and the Shadow Snake frantically flicked its tail, bombarding a certain place in the void, a dozen breaths were fleeting, and the void suddenly shattered into a dark hole
Without further ado, the Shadow Snake got in and wanted to escape
In the next moment, all the emperors of the clans saw that the Shadow Snake jumped out of the dark hole dripping with blood, as if it wanted to get rid of something.
"No, it's impossible, I don't believe it!" Hissing resounded through the starry sky
(End of this chapter)

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