Chapter 248
"So cruel." Su Ran whispered.

In the ancestral world, through the gaze of the Dao rule, he sees everything in the original universe.

Whether it was the ancient ancestors of the various races that shattered the original origin of the original universe, or the awakening of those ghost creatures had long been expected, and those ghost creatures impacted the two realms of Yuanchu and foreign realms.

It seemed that everything was within their expectations.

In an instant, a half-step detachment was wiped out, and the record can be said to be sturdy.

To be honest, in the beginning of the universe, thousands of races have fought for hundreds of thousands of years, but they may not have the record of this moment.

Half-step transcendence, the taboo battlefield has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, I am afraid that the taboo emperor killed many people, but half-step transcendence has never fallen.

After all, if you want to face the half-step transcendence, you must have a half-step transcendence to contain it, and there are two other half-step transcendence to forcibly kill, and the three sides can completely kill the opponent.

But even so, it is very likely to be escaped by the half-step detachment of the foreign land.

Therefore, Su Ran is sure that the original ten thousand races have never had a record of killing half-step transcendence.

"Senior brother, I'm afraid that this foreign land will suffer a big loss." Mu Yanran asked softly.

"Not necessarily~" Su Ran sighed slightly.

"If this is the only thing in the foreign land, a transcendent series of existence crossing the border may really suffer in the hands of ghost creatures."

"However, they may not have the means to restrain the ghost creatures. I am afraid that the ancient ancestors of the various races may have some backhands that they have not used."

"Is there a second hand?" Mu Yanran seemed a little surprised.

Originally thought that the primordial universe was weak, and dozens of detached gods were already the most powerful means.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when the primordial universe collapsed, there were more than a dozen ghost creatures that were comparable to transcendence, and there were more than a hundred ghost creatures that were half-step transcendence, and countless ghost creatures below transcendence.
For such a huge number of ghost creatures, it would be extremely difficult for the primordial universe to resist.

But from the perspective of the foreign ancestors, at most they just moved around and trampled to death a few small ants, which was not worth mentioning at all.

The underworld demon bull god Chaotuo stepped down, and a ghost creature with a bull-headed human body that was somewhat similar to him, with a ghostly aura that was comparable to Transcendence, but it was also completely wiped out under its foot.

But in the next moment, another ghostly creature charged up, and his eyes without wisdom were full of longing for a living being.

Rao is the God of the Underworld Demon Bull who is transcendent and powerful, and he can't help but feel a little shocked for a moment, and his vigilance against these dead things has been raised to the limit.

More than a dozen ghost creatures kept fighting around him, but it looked more like wild beasts were attacking and killing, without any rules, it was a gesture of desperately fighting with you, and the god of hell demon bull was also very embarrassed.


The rumbling sound of the sky fell, and the Hell Demon Bull God rolled over and turned into a huge body, with black light on the two horns on the top of the head, and the Nether Crow was pushed open by one corner.
This big guy, the strange ghost flames are really disgusting. Once it is contaminated with a little bit, it is burned to the point that its flesh and blood are split, and its whole body is scorched black, and many places are infected by the ghost breath.
If it continues to infect itself like this, it knows very well that it may also lose its mind
Because this weird ghost flame has the terrifying power to burn the soul of the soul, even if the soul of the detached person has already been bound to himself, the soul cannot be killed without breaking the body
But this ghost flame can actually burn the soul together with the soul at the moment it burns its body.

"Ah, let's die together."

A great emperor-level existence of the God Clan of the Underworld Demon Bull, with blood-red eyes roaring
In an instant, the dark and majestic body suddenly swelled up, and it was about to explode directly, and it was completely ignored and completely lost its mind.

The rest of the dozen or so ghost bull gods around them all backed away in horror, "Poluoge stop!"

"Roar~" Bolugo roared, his eyes seemed to regain a brief clarity
A group of guys thought they had awakened this guy, but who would have expected that Boluoge's eyes flickered, his blood red color appeared, his mind and soul were completely disordered, and he violently attacked the ghostly creatures.
In an instant, he rushed to the side of a group of guys who called him.
Before they react~~~
With a bang, the Great Emperor's existence exploded, completely igniting the star field in this place.
The violent breath was surging, and countless cracks were expanding. The cracks that had already been torn on the boundary wall expanded several times in an instant.
The surging chaotic qi flow began to pour into the primordial universe, and the rich chaotic qi seemed to be ignited by the self-detonation of this demon bull god, and with a chirping sound, the chaotic flame was ignited.
A ghost creature was shattered by the self-explosion, completely wiped out, and a ghost demon bull god was almost severely injured.

Fortunately, there are two half-step detached gods of the underworld demon bull, who blocked many clansmen in an instant, otherwise they were all emperor-level existences.

This time, it must be completely damaged.
"Pfft." The two half-step detached spit out a mouthful of black blood
Half-step detachment is powerful.
But in the end, it's just a great emperor. It can stop a supreme emperor from exploding, but it's absolutely impossible not to be hurt.

"Destroy them?" Projection, the ancient ancestor of the White Tiger Clan, said coldly.

"Don't worry, there are big guys coming." The ancient ancestor of the Xuanwu clan, Yao Ying, said lightly.

In the passage, there is another footsteps slowly coming
A pair of hands that seemed to be made of bones suddenly protruded out of the bronze door, and seemed to tear open the door frame that the door turned into.
There was a creaking sound, and the door frame of the bronze portal seemed to be unable to withstand such a force.
The door frame shattered, and the owner of those hands also stepped out of the door
The two portal frames were held in his hands, and the big guy with cold eyes crushed the bronze door frame, staring at all parts of the original universe, and the breath was like a volcano about to erupt.
"Hehe, did my son fall at the hands of a group of fugitives?"

"Damn it, how dare you escape from the human race?"


The sound of howling and roaring emptied the world in an instant, and countless ghost creatures were completely shattered under this roar.

Even the Nether Crow, which has transcended the series, suddenly lost its shape, but then, driven by instinct, it turned into clusters of Nether flames and wrapped around this big guy.

The Hell Demon Bull God, who was fighting with the ghost creatures, was detached, and his pupils shrank slightly.
Why did this guy cross the border? Didn't the domain masters imprison its form and spirit and not allow it to walk in foreign lands and chaotic seas?

It's coming. What should I do?
For a moment, the God of the Underworld Demon Bull was also terrified, a little terrified.

After all, the guy in front of me, with one against three, killed two Xeons who were beyond the ranks.
Among the foreign lands, there are very few first-class masters of transcendence!

(End of this chapter)

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