Chapter 256 Tianjiao Ranking.
"340 one, 340 two, 350 three."

As soon as the knife fell, the huge head flew out, rolling far away on the ground.

Following this, the fallen heads of alien creatures became the trampled city flesh, which was mixed with the soil on the ground and turned into a mixture of blood, water and sludge.

But now no one cares, all the arrogances of all races are constantly wielding swords, guns and halberds, desperately cutting out blood and slaughtering many alien creatures, even if they are just a ray of projection imprinted by Tianlu.

But here, it is so real that if it is killed, it will be eliminated.

No matter how many meritorious deeds you have, you can't revive yourself. If you fight the heavenly path again, only the Tianjiao with the strongest strength and luck can survive.

The bloody fist light flashed, smashing a six-armed exotic octopus monster, Shangguan Xiong was panting
There were too many of them, and they couldn't kill them at all. Even a quasi-warrior as strong as him would find it difficult to face the swarms of alien creatures.

If it wasn't for the help of the two little sisters from the Zhu family, maybe he would have been eliminated long ago.
Luck has never been the strong point of his Shangguan family. Dad forged a lifetime of magical weapons, and he didn't say that he was so lucky that he forged a supreme magical weapon that could carry even a powerful emperor.
Of course, even if it is a great emperor-level magic weapon, only three pieces have been produced in a hundred years.
As far as these three pieces are still relying on materials, there is a material coordination that is half a step away.


A buzzing sound sounded.
Shangguan Xiong punched out again, killing a foreign creature, and almost fell down from exhaustion.

His weapon had perished together with a foreign creature covered in armor an hour ago, otherwise he wouldn't have swung his fist to kill the enemy.

On the contrary, the two little sisters of the Zhu family, with him protecting them, are a bit safer. After all, there are many sons of other teachers around them who are protecting them. The generation of Wuhan University teachers
Tsk tsk tsk, there are just two little girls, even the headmaster likes them so much.

It's okay if they get hurt a little bit, but if they get hurt a little bit, maybe Dad can make their asses bloom completely.

The buzzing sound fell, and the alien creatures that came from the tide dissipated like the ebb tide.
The prides of all races fell to the ground in an instant, and even though the ground was covered with blood and dirt, it was difficult for them to get up.

It was too painful, there was no pain in the whole body, and it felt like it was going to fall apart completely, since I practiced martial arts, I haven't experienced such pain, even in fighting.

Fighting among thousands of armies, if you are not careful, you will be surrounded and killed by many alien creatures.

At the beginning, they lost a lot of careless guys. Fortunately, they gradually found companions from various races and began to join forces to defend against the enemy.

"Heavenly Road Trial, Human Race is such a cruel trial?"

A little doll of the Protoss, probably only eleven or twelve years old, but his strength should not be underestimated, the level of a quasi-warrior was almost polished by him to the point where the water overflows.

The whole body's breath changes, it seems that the next moment, he will break through from the quasi-warrior to the first-level warrior in an instant.

Forging the Nine-Level Body Forging is not a simple matter, and even the Nine-Level Forging body is divided into three, six, and nine grades, which is not as simple as it used to be.

The fairies of the fairy clan with fair muscles and bones, resisted the discomfort in their hearts, stood up reluctantly and said: "Trials on the heavenly road. Cruelty is normal. If you can't persist, you can leave at any time."

"However, if you want to leave, tell me. I'll see you off"

"The fairy clan has a good idea." The demon warrior said with a sneer.

In the trial of the celestial road, it never said that it is not allowed to rob other people's merits, and no rules were even established.

Come to think of it, robbing other people's merit points is also an implicit rule in the human race, but no one does it now, and everyone doesn't want to be the first bird.

And martial arts is all about fighting, there are only so many opportunities, if you don't grab it, then wait for someone to be robbed.
Otherwise, it would be very difficult to exchange for all the innate spiritual objects in the meritorious mansion with just a little meritorious service in hunting exotic creatures.

Everyone's heart trembled slightly.
More than 1 million warriors of various races are slowly guarding against the people of the other ten thousand races
Even though Shangguan Xiong and the others were very strong, they didn't say anything. After all, no matter how strong they were, it would be impossible to fight against a million with one, right?

Pretend to die is not like this, at least see if this pretense can make you die, if not, then do it, if you can, then don't do it, this is the wise saying of the predecessors.

"Meritorious value. 440 seven points" the protoss warrior's face darkened.

"This is too little, and I can't afford to exchange it for anything. Just one Acquired Gold Seed is worth two thousand merit points."

"My requirements are not high. I can't imagine the innate martial arts, but at least let me exchange for an acquired seed to forge the acquired Jinxing martial arts, right?"

"Hmph, I'm going to travel in the water in the day after tomorrow." The demon warrior also had a very dark complexion.

"Innate Seed, Lihuo Seed, one needs [-] Merit Points, and even one Xianxian Pure Yang Seed requires [-] Merit Points, isn't this price too outrageous?" The immortal warriors are in an extraordinary state of mind, and they can't help but despair.

It's too dark and everything is expensive.

You must know that their immortals practice the two ways of yin and yang. If they can enter the way with pure yang or pure yin, they can forge martial bodies.

In the future, maybe they can compete for the position of the fairy son or saint.

If it is pure yang and pure yin forging martial arts together. Tsk tsk tsk, there is definitely hope for detachment, and the lowest is the emperor level. If there are resources, detachment is not a dream.

A burly man with a full beard looked at the merit list, gritted his teeth and walked towards the city wall
I hope there will be more exotic creatures in the future. The lion heart stone he wants to exchange can condense the body of a nine-headed lion. It is also a powerful martial body, which is very suitable for an existence like him who is practicing martial arts with a body of a foreign race.

If it can be cultivated, it will not be worse than the innate seed in the future, and it can even be much stronger.

It's a pity that one lion heart stone needs 1000 and two hundred merit points, and nine lion heart stones are needed to condense the nine-headed lion body, which is [-] merit points. Among them, the auxiliary materials needed to forge the nine-headed lion body are also a merit point.
After careful calculation, it is almost [-] meritorious points.

After this wave, I only earned about [-] points of merit, which is not enough for a Lion Heart Stone, let alone accessories.

It seems that you have to stay in the first city of Tianguan for a while, and continue to fight with alien creatures
In the dungeon
The arrogance of all races stepped into the battlefield of flesh and blood, and a list fell from the sky.

Tianjiao list. Extract the top ten thousand Tianjiao of various clans. Rank the list by meritorious value.
First: Scorpio alien, scorpion venom, 130 [-] seven merit points.
Second: Yanhuang Human Race, Qin Luo, one thousand 110 three points.
Third: Fairy Clan.
(End of this chapter)

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